Biology 2015-16

Instructor: Mr. Dunn

Text: Biology: Prentice Hall. (Miller & Levine)

Materials: (all materials need to be with students when they are in class)

  1. Three ring binder exclusively for biology with dividers



-Graded material (homework, quizzes, tests, and labs)

  1. Pens, Pencils and Coloring Utensils
  2. Textbook

Course Objective: Covers the foundations of biology. This includes biological chemistry, cell biology, metabolism, genetics, and life processes. An understanding of this material will prepare each student for course work in college level courses.

How to succeed: The following are techniques used to prepare and stay on task.

  1. Come to class daily!!!!
  2. Read your textbook. The information found in the reading will be a great tool to help pass tests
  3. Prepare before lecture, go over the chapter, rewrite notes, note highlighted words in bold, look words up in glossary.
  4. Always bring your book and workbook to class.
  5. If you do not understand something always ask questions.
  6. Take good notes
  7. After class, read chapter in depth so you have a further understanding of material covered in class. It is best to read chapter within 24 hours of the lecture.
  8. If you need help ask instructor for help either before or after school.
  9. Make sure homework, labs, and projects are handed in on time.

(No late work will be accepted)

  1. Behave appropriately during lab activities.
  2. Keep all assignments that have been graded and handed back.
  3. Turn in work that is legible (not work that has drawings, crossed out words, white out, unrecognizable penmanship, etc) *If I cannot read your work I will not accept it*

Study groups are a good tool for learning material and grasping a better understanding of


*Students grades can be located on aeries

Grading system:

Tests: 25%

Tests will be given at the end of each chapter or chapters studied. Tests will range from 50-100 points depending on the size of the chapter. Tests will be graded according to the grade scale of BMHS.

Quizzes: 15%

Quizzes will be given periodically throughout the chapter. They will range from 5-25 points.

Labs: 20%

Several labs will be given with certain chapters to aid students with content understanding. All labs will be handed in directly after the lab activity is complete.

Homework: 20%

Homework will be assigned three to four times a week and will be graded. Homework is given to aid the student in familiarization with concepts taught in class.

Final: 15%

The final will contain all the information covered in the semester (1st Semester Fall & 2nd Semester Spring).

Participation: 5%

Participation points will be given to students who engage, interact, and show willingness to prepare for future assessment.

Late Work: If an assignment is not turned in exactly when it is due it is late (50% credit). If the assignment is not turned in by the beginning of class the following day it will no longer be accepted at all.

Absence: Assignments due on the day of the absence (or tests scheduled that day) will be made up on the first day of students return. Students will be given one extra day to make-up assignments assigned while they are absent.

Course Unit

*1st Semester Chapters and Topics

1The Science of Biology

2The Chemistry of Life

3The Biosphere

4Ecosystems and Communities

7Cell Structure & Function


9Cellular Respiration

10Cell Growth and Division

*2nd Semester

11Introduction to Genetics


14The Human Genome

18 Classification

35-40The Human Body Systems

Expectation for Lab Reports

Each lab group member must submit a lab report of the work done in each experiment and hand it in at the beginning of class on the date it is due. All work should be included in the student's lab report and should be original. All lab reports will be graded with a grading rubric and returned as soon as possible. The report should include, in the following order:

  1. Introduction and Guiding Question
  2. Method: collecting data
  3. Analyze Data:- Includes answers to questions presented in the method section of the lab setup. Answers should be original and in complete sentences.
  4. Argument:
  5. Mechanics: Investigation report ( 5 paragraph)

There will be no-makeup of tests and quizzes and no late homework will be accepted unless: Student has an excused absence.

Grading Scale

*According to BMHS student handbook page 4.


  1. Arrive on time and be in your seat ready to begin by the time the bell rings. Do not pack up and get out of your seat until the bell rings.
  2. When I am talking you should not be if you have a question raise your hand a wait for me call on you.
  3. Be prepared have all of your required materials.
  4. Eat before you get here no food in the classroom. You may bring bottled water.
  5. No cell phones!!!! If your phone rings in class or if you decide to text you will receive a referral. To help you with this rule keep backpacks off of your desk at all times.
  6. Use kind language even when you think I’m not listening.
  7. Do not cheat for any reason! This includes copying homework, tests, lab answers, and plagiarizing. Always properly cite information that is not your original work.
  8. Stay in your seat at all times unless you have permission to do otherwise.

If you violate rules you will be given a violation. Further action will be taken if the problem persists.

Student Signature:______.

Parent Signature:______.