Ms. Casey Fahey ()

2017-18 School Year

Syllabus and Procedures

Welcome to English II

We will explore what we know and believe, expand our knowledge (and possibly our beliefs), and consider what others know and believe as we read, write, listen, speak, and think our way through this school year. Our work will be focused on helping us meet all the required standards for the Florida State Assessments for Writing and Reading, scheduled in the spring of this school year.

Collections is the name of our textbook, and all materials are available online at


One pack each of pencils, pens, and a box of tissues: these will be for the classroom community.

All other necessary classroom materials will be provided for your responsible use.


Make-Up Work for absences (excused or unexcused) will be posted to Portal. I am available during daily ELP and after school on Mondays to provide additional support to students. Please see additional notes in Grading regarding custom grades and make-up grades.

Homework is due every two weeks: due dates are listed in the classroom and posted in Portal. Late homework is not accepted for any reason.

Sacred Writing Time will begin each class period. You are expected to be in your seat with your folder, Interactive Notebook and a pen/pencil ready to write when the bell rings.

Independent Reading will end each class period. The entire class will read the same novel at the beginning of the year, Stuck in Neutral.

Restroom Passes are limited at 4 per quarter. Restroom passes are the responsibility of the student and cannot be replaced if lost or stolen. Procedural directions for their use will be outlined in the opening day Power Point.


Ms. Casey Fahey ()

2017-18 School Year

Syllabus and Procedures

Sacred Writing Time: 10%

Classwork: 45%*

Assessments: 35%

Homework: 10%

Ms. Casey Fahey ()

2017-18 School Year

Syllabus and Procedures

*Summer Reading Assignment will account for 10% of your grade for Quarter 1

Custom Grades in PORTAL

M missing work can still be submitted for credit

\ turned in turned in but not yet graded

0zero can no longer be submitted for credit

Accommodations and Religious Observations

As soon as possible, please let me know in writing (or by email) if you have a religious or cultural concern that may affect your ability to be successful in this class.


Respectful of others, of materials and of the environment

Responsible for our actions, for our words, for our work and for our grades

Reliable in regards to our attendance, our words and our work

Interventions are utilized for academic and behavior concerns

- Breathing Time- Progress reports - Calls home- Lunch meetings

- Tutoring & ReTeach - Student Service Referral - Disciplinary Referral

Multi-Media Statement

Occasionally, we will supplement written material with films, clips, and radio shows which may have the rating PG or PG-13


Academic Dishonesty = Theft of Intellectual Property = F grade and Disciplinary Action

Required for submission of all written assignments
Class ID 15789659
Key fahey

Plagiarism is handled seriously and swiftly. Do not copy and do not allow others to copy.

In an effort to deter plagiarism we will be using TURNITIN.COM for all written assignments


After reading the syllabus, please sign, complete, detach, and return the following page.