Minutes of the fifth meeting of the 2013/14 session held on Monday 7th July at 10.00am in Room 309/310, Mary Seacole Building, Avery Hill Campus.
Present:Prof. Pam Maras (HSC/Psychology & Counselling)
John Wallace (Secretary)
Lucy Fincham (University Data protection Officer)
Prof. Chris Bellamy (Director GMI)
Prof. Jon Davison (University of Birmingham)
Mahkameh Ghanei (FBU)
Prof. Jill Jameson (FEH)
Dr Ana Marr (FBU)
Dr Simon Richardson (FES)
Dr Pia Sweet (King’s NHS Trust)
Prof. Keith Tomlins (FES)
Prof. Liz West (FEH)
Norma Powell (Minute Secretary)
Edward Phillips (FACH)
In attendance:
13.127 / Apologies for absence were noted.
13.128 / Prof Chris Bellamy declared his interest as a supervisor in application ref The East African Community “Flag State”: The possible solution to the East African Community Maritime Waters
13.129 / The minutes of the meeting held on 2nd May 2014 and summary of decisions made were agreed as an accurate record.
13.130 / None
13.131 / The committee noted that the following applications which required amendment had been satisfactorily completed and approved by Chair’s action:
a) cf: min. 10/ (Faculty of Engineering and Science)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: Developing an Endurance fitness test for football players
b) cf: min. (Faculty of Business)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: An analysis and critique of culture-oriented urban development policy
c) cf: min. (Faculty of Architecture, Computing
and Humanities)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: Ticket Crime: Deconstructing ambiguity in ticket sales
d) cf: min. (Faculty of Education and Health)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: Pilot Study on the Effects of Age on Driver Hazard Perception: Testing the Potential for Novel Methods
e) cf: min. (Faculty of Education and Health)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: Children’s peer relationships in primary classrooms: friendship quality; participant roles in bullying situations; and links to feelings of self-worth and school belonging
f) cf: min. (Faculty of Education and Health)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: “Listening to The Patient” (Medical Humanities HEIF)
g) cf: min. (Faculty of Education and Health)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: Skills for Independent Learning (S4IL): Iterative research on the impact of a Level 3 skills course and the potential of an interstice for practical radical pedagogy – Pradagogy?
h) cf: min. (Faculty of Architecture, Computing Humanities)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: Perpetually Renewable Leases – A Reappraisal
i) cf: min. (Faculty of Engineering & Science)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: Monitoring of Critical Power throughout the competitive season
j) cf: min. (Faculty of Architecture, Computing Humanities)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: Evaluation of Maths Arcade provision for BSc Mathematics Students
k) cf: min. (Faculty of Business)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: Changes in Internet Governance and the African City
l) cf: min. (Faculty of Education and Health)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: What are the range of collaborative practices engaged in by Further Education (FE) Basic Skills and vocational teachers in supporting students’ learning?
m) cf: min. (Faculty of Education & Health)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: Social networking and early detection of psychosis and depression in young people
n) cf: min. (Faculty of Education and Health)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: Examining Adult Basic Skills students’ perceptions of success in mathematics
o) cf: min. (Faculty of Education and Health)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: Youth Social Action Journey Fund Evaluation
title / Application Ref: / RESEARCH PROPOSALS
13.132 / / (Faculty of Education and Health)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: Understanding Vulnerability: An exploration of ways in which practitioners identify and interpret vulnerability in children and young people at risk of neglect.
The application was approved.
13.133 / / (Faculty of Education and Health )
TITLE OF RESEARCH: Evaluation of the use of the iPhone pain assessment application for use in clinical practice
Subject to minor amendments, the application was approved for submission to the Chair for approval by Chair’s action.
13.134 / / (Faculty of Education and Health)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: In what ways can 3D, immersive, virtual worlds be used to develop the skills needed by leaders to operate virtually?
Subject to minor amendments, the application was approved for submission to the Chair for approval by Chair’s Action.
13.135 / / (Faculty of Education and Health)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: To what extent is the education of Ghanaian students, who continue their secondary school education in the UK, affected by the change in their schooling?
Subject to minor amendments, the application was approved for submission to the Chair for approval by Chair’s Action.
13.136 / / (Faculty of Education and Health)
TITLE OF RESEARCH To what extent does the ITT curriculum support Pedagogies of Transformational Learning, Critical Incident Learning and Reflection?
Subject to minor amendments, the application was approved for submission to the Chair for approval by Chair’s Action.
13.137 / / (Faculty of Education and Health)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: ”Decriminalisation helps all of us and criminalisation harms all of us”. The subjective viewpoints of sex workers on the current proposals to reform prostitution laws in the UK.
It was agreed that the application should be resubmitted to a future meeting of the Committee.
13.138 / / (Faculty of Architecture, Computing and Humanities)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: Emergency Preparedness Survey
Subject to minor amendments, the application was approved for submission to the Chair for approval by Chair’s Action.
13.139 / / (Faculty of Architecture, Computing and Humanities)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: Understanding the drivers and barriers to housing energy efficiency retrofit.
It was agreed that the application should be resubmitted to a future meeting of the Committee following approval by the Faculty Research Ethics Committee.
13.140 / / (Faculty of Business)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: Review of Department of Health whistleblowing
Subject to minor amendments, the application was approved for submission to the Chair for approval by Chair’s Action.
13.141 / / (Faculty of Architecture, Computing and Humanities)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: Women's Energy Organisations Oral History Study
(part of AHRC project 'Material Cultures of Energy: Transitions, Disruption, and Everyday Life in the Twentieth Century')
Subject to minor amendments, the application was approved for submission to the Chair for approval by Chair’s Action.
13.142 / / (Faculty of Engineering and Science)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: Analysis of Kinetic, Perceptual and Muscular activity responses using different percentage of 1 RM in several resistance training exercises
Subject to minor amendments, the application was approved for submission to the Chair for approval by Chair’s Action.
13.143 / / (Faculty of Business)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: The stewardship role of fund managers
Subject to minor amendments, the application was approved for submission to the Chair for approval by Chair’s Action.
13.144 / / (Faculty of Business)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: The influence of motivation on risk behaviours
Subject to minor amendments, the application was approved for submission to the Chair for approval by Chair’s Action.
13.145 / / (Faculty of Architecture, Computing and Humanities)
TITLE OF RESEARCH: The East African Community “Flag State”: The possible solution to the East African Community Maritime Waters.
Subject to minor amendments, the application was approved for submission to the Chair for approval by Chair’s Action.
13.146 / The Committee ratified the decision of the Chair to approve the following applications by Chair’s Action: (School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences): Towards and Comprehensive Understanding of Human Behaviour in Dwelling Fires
13.147 / The Committee ratified the decision of the Chair to approve the following amendments to previously approved applications:
a) Cf. (Faculty of Education and Health):
TITLE OF RESEARCH: Ecotec 21 Building Evaluation including Environmental Attitudes & Values
· Extension of the participant base to include members of the public attending a congreen event at Rochester castle in May 2014
· email links to questionnaires to be sent to organisations involved in the Ecotec project, and to those who attended the Rochester event but were unable to complete the questionnaire at the time.
· Hard copies of the questionnaires will also be distributed to members of the community living within the Medway area via local libraries.
b) Cf. (Faculty of Education and Health):
TITLE OF RESEARCH: Pilot Study on the Effects of Age on Driver Hazard Perception
· Reinstate use of the Mini Mental State Exam
· Extend the end of testing date to 31st October 2014
13.148 / 13.4.7.i
13.4.7.ii / (Faculty of Education and Health)
Research Title: Specialist Social Work Communication Skills for Discussing Beliefs, Needs, Lifestyle and Practices with Service Users who are Christian (Pilot Study & Main Study)
The Committee noted that consent has been given to this project being conducted with the participation of University of Greenwich students on the basis of the ethical approval given by King’s College London’s Social Sciences, Humanities and Law Research Ethics Subcommittee under reference no. SSHL/11/12-1.
(Faculty of Education and Health)
Research Title: BSc Nursing Students’ Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills and Experiences related to Professional Boundaries
The Committee noted that consent has been given to this project being conducted in
collaboration with Kingston University and St George’s, University of London. The
research has been approved by the Faculty Research Ethics Committee of
Kingston University and St George’s.
13.149 / 13.5.8 / ANY OTHER BUSINESS
13.5.8.ii / Research Ethics Training
The Terms of Reference of the Committee provide:
“To provide local training and advice on research ethics matters to staff and students of the Faculty.”
The Committee discussed how the training would be delivered and it was decided that there would be liaison with the Chairs of FRDCs and that Faculty representatives, with the support of UREC members, would take the lead in providing the training to both supervisors and to PhD students. This would take place early in the term at Faculty level and could take the form of a seminar series with a guide to the ‘pitfalls’ and answers to some frequently asked questions.
PM/JW/LF agreed to draft a skeleton plan and circulate to members for comments.
The representative from the Faculty of Engineering and Science asked if it was possible for research students to begin their research before the next meeting of the Committee scheduled for October 2014. The Chair agreed to deal with any early applications on a case by case basis and that if there were very few they would be able to be considered by the Committee via the portal.
13.150 / (N.B. all meetings start at 10 a.m.)
Friday 10th October 2014 (papers required by 26th September)
Mary Seacole 309/310, Avery Hill Campus
Tuesday 2nd December 2014 (papers required by 18th November)
Queen Anne 063, Greenwich Campus
Wednesday 4th March 2015 (papers required by 18th February)
Blake 028, Medway Campus
Friday 1st May 2015 (papers required by 17th April)
Queen Anne 075, Greenwich Campus
Friday 3rd July 2015 (papers required by 19th June)
Queen Anne 075, Greenwich Campus
Papers would be required at least two weeks before the meeting to be included in the agenda.
The meeting ended at 13.00
UREC 13 M-5 7th June 2014 1