Supplemental Material

Environmental PCBs in Guánica Bay, Puerto Rico

Naresh Kumar, Daisy Ramirez, Helena M. Solo-Gabriele,Joseph B. Treaster, Olveen Carrasquillo, Michal Toborek, Sapna Deo, Leonidas G. Bachas, David Whitall, Sylvia Daunert

Table of Contents Page

Method of PCB Analysis2-3

Table S1. Sample sites: their coordinates, date of sampling and concentration of detected Aroclors. 4

Table S2. Composition and degree of chlorination of commercial mixtures

of PCB Aroclors5

Table S3a: Concentration of the individual congeners of PCBs (ng/g) in at sample

site 21, 22 and 24, March 2014.6-7

Table S3b: Concentration of the individual congeners of PCBs (ng/g) in a field

blank sample8-10

Table S3c: Concentraion of PCB in the duplicate analysis of sample – 3.11-13

Table S4: Concentration of PCBs in two fish samples.14-16

Figure S1.Samples from different locations in Guánica Bay17

Figure S2. Dominant congeners in Aroclor 126018

Figure S3. Spatial distribution of di- to deca-chlorobiphenyls19

Figure S4. Two fish samples analyzed for PCB congeners. 20-21

Figure S5. Community members catching fish in Guánica Bay.22


Methodology to analyze PCB samples:Sediment samples were analyzed by Florida Spectrum Environmental Services, Fort Lauderdale, FL for the concentration of Aroclors. A subset of three samples (collected in March 2014) were shipped to TDI-BI/B&B Labs, College Station, TX for analyzing them for the concentration of PCB Congeners.Samples were extracted and processed according to standard protocols (U.S. EPA 3550B (for Aroclors) or 3545A (EPA 2007, 2013a) (for PCB congeners)). For the PCB congeners the method was based upon an elevated temperature and pressure extraction procedure. Sediments were homogenized and freeze dried. A 15 g dry aliquot was placed into the stainless steel vessel of a commercial extractor (Dionex, ASE200 Accelerated Solvent Extractor) which then heated the sample to 100 °C, adding pressure to 1500 psi, holding the pressurized sample for 2 min, and flushing the sample with 40% flush of dichloromethane accompanied by an nitrogen purge. The extracts were collected and subjected to a series of cleanup steps including alumina cleanup (Method 3610B), silica gel cleanup (Method 3630C), and sulfur cleanup (Method 3660B). Once the extracts were cleaned they were subjected to gas chromatography (Hewlett Packard 5890) fitted with a primary column: J&W DB-5 (30 m long by 0.25 mm ID and 0.25 µm film thickness) and confirmation column: J&W DB-17HT (30 m long by 0.25 mm ID and 0.15 µm film thickness) and dual electron capture detector (Method 8082A).

All samples collected in April 2013, December 2013 and March 2014 quantified the PCBs as Aroclors, specifically for Aroclor 1016, 1221, 1232, 1242, 1248, 1254 and 1260. Samples collected in March 2014 were analyzed for all the above Aroclors and 80 PCB congeners. The Aroclor analyses were used as a preliminary screening tool and to assess the consistency of PCB concentration. Upon confirming sites with extreme elevated levels of PCB based upon Aroclor measures, a subset of samples from eastern parts of the bay were subsequently analyzed for PCB congeners to assess total concentration of PCBs and congener specific estimates.

Sample extracts for Aroclor analyses were processed according to standard methods (EPA Method 8082). An aliquot of the sediment samples were spiked with decachlorobiphenyl, 2,4,5,6 tetrachloro-m-xylene, and PCB1248. Average recoveries were 102%, 84%, and 63% for decachlorobiphenyl, PCB1248, and 2,4,5,6 tetrachloro-m-xylene, respectively. All blanks consistently read below detection limits (see Table S3b).Samples for congener analyses (samples collected March 2014) were processed with surrogate compounds that included 4,4’-dibromooctofluorobiphenyl (DBOFB); 2,2’4,5’,6-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB 103) and 2,2’,3,3’,4,5,5’,6-octochlorobiphenyl (PCB 198). Percent recoveries of these compounds were consistently between 80% and 120% with the exception of PCB103 which on occasion exceeded the recovery level. Calibration solutions were prepared at six concentrations ranging from 5 to 500 pg/µl by diluting a commercially available solution containing the analytes of interest. These analytes included 22 PCB congeners ranging from PCB8 to PCB209. The calibration of analytes not contained in the calibration solution was based upon the closest calibration analyte, by congener number. For example, PCB8 was used to calibrate PCB1, PCB7/9, and PCB15 observed in the samples; PCB18 in the calibrator set was used to calibrate PCB16 through PCB33 observed in the samples. Detection limits were on the order of 0.04 - 0.10 ng/dry g. One of the three sample was selected for duplicate analysis, and difference in the duplicated analysis was within 20% of acceptable limit (see Table S3c). The sample reference material (sediment, SRM 1941b) included 29 congeners ranging from PCB8 to PCB209. Runs utilizing this standard reference material were consistently within 30% of the certified concentration for all 29 reference congeners.Sample blanks were consistently below detection limits.

Analysis of fish sample:Two fish species,Eucinostomus gula (Silver jenny)9 and Lutjanus analis (Mutton snapper)9, were also collected within the bay during September 2014. Sediment and fish tissue were extracted using standard techniques (EPA Methods 3545A and 8082A) with fish tissue samples undergoing an additional gel permeation extraction step. Extracts were then analyzed for the concentration of Aroclors and PCB congenersusing standard Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) methods10.

Table S1. Sample sites: their coordinates, date of sampling and concentration of detected Aroclors.

ID / Sampling Date / Latitude
(˚) / Longitude
(˚) / Aroclors (or mixture of PCBs) (ng/g)
1016 / 1232a / 1260b / Totalc
1 / 4/4/2013 / 17.9689 / -66.9258 / NDd / ND / 243 / 243
2 / 4/4/2013 / 17.9689 / -66.9255 / ND / ND / 137 / 137
3 / 4/4/2013 / 17.9678 / -66.9243 / ND / ND / 51.8 / 51.8
4 / 4/4/2013 / 17.9662 / -66.9223 / ND / ND / 81.4 / 81.4
5 / 4/4/2013 / 17.9652 / -66.921 / ND / ND / 102 / 102
6 / 4/4/2013 / 17.9634 / -66.9187 / ND / ND / 116 / 116
7 / 4/4/2013 / 17.9617 / -66.9165 / 112 / ND / 289 / 401
8 / 4/4/2013 / 17.96 / -66.9147 / 81.2 / ND / 167 / 248.2
9 / 4/4/2013 / 17.9578 / -66.9125 / 185 / ND / 309 / 494
10 / 4/4/2013 / 17.9531 / -66.9084 / 29.8 / ND / 116 / 145.8
11 / 4/4/2013 / 17.9581 / -66.9074 / 195 / ND / 336 / 531
12 / 4/4/2013 / 17.9635 / -66.9069 / 370 / ND / 912 / 1,282
21 / 12/6/2013 / 17.96413 / -66.9059 / ND / 6,890 / 7,190 / 14,080
22 / 12/6/2013 / 17.9637 / -66.9061 / ND / 1,600 / 2,550 / 4,150
23 / 12/6/2013 / 17.96152 / -66.9077 / ND / 221 / 283 / 504
24 / 12/6/2013 / 17.9591 / -66.9078 / ND / 73.3 / 200 / 273.3
25 / 12/6/2013 / 17.95612 / -66.9079 / ND / ND / ND / 0
26 / 12/6/2013 / 17.96375 / -66.9155 / ND / ND / 102 / 102
27 / 12/6/2013 / 17.9646 / -66.9224 / ND / 25.1 / 36 / 61.1
28 / 12/6/2013 / 17.96307 / -66.9299 / ND / ND / 508 / 508
101 / 3/7/2014 / 17.9643 / -66.9059 / 1760 / ND / 2,980 / 4,740
102 / 3/7/2014 / 17.96398 / -66.9061 / 911 / ND / 1,600 / 2,511
103 / 3/7/2014 / 17.96982 / -66.9239 / ND / ND / ND / ND
Total / 423 / 1,761 / 865 / 1,388

aIn Aroclor 1232, mono-, di- and tri-chlorobiphenyl congeners account for 26, 29 and 24% of the total PCB mass, respectively. bIn Aroclor 1260 hexa- and hepta-chlorobiphenyl congeners account for 38 and 41 of the total PCB mass, respectively. cSum of all individual Aroclors may over-estimate the total concentration of PCBs, i.e. total sum of individual congener of PCBs. d ND = not detected.

Table S2. Composition and degree of chlorination of commercial mixtures of PCB Aroclors.(Fieldler 1997)

PCB Product / Percent
Chlorine / Percentage of Congeners with Indicated Number of Chlorine Atoms
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
Aroclor 1232 / 32 / 26 / 29 / 24 / 14
Aroclor 1016 / 41 / 2 / 19 / 57 / 22
Aroclor 1242 / 42 / 3 / 13 / 28 / 30 / 22 / 4
Aroclor 1248 / 48 / 2 / 18 / 40 / 36 / 4
Aroclor 1254 / 54 / 11 / 49 / 34 / 6
Aroclor 1260 / 60 / 12 / 38 / 41 / 8 / 1

Table S3a: Concentration of the individual congeners of PCBs (ng/g) in at sample site 21, 22 and 24, March 2014.

Congener / Sample ID / PCB Group
(-chloro biphenyl)
21 / 22 / 24
PCB1 / 92.32 / 55.14 / 4.13 / mono-
PCB7/9 / 112.32 / 93.19 / 4.83 / di-
PCB8/5 / 2039.64 / 931.69 / 83.47 / di-
PCB15 / 600.19 / 748.07 / 63.40 / di-
PCB16/32 / 14973.99 / 6804.63 / 564.84 / tri-
PCB18 / 2673.46 / 889.00 / 54.12 / tri-
PCB22/51 / 174.23 / 81.77 / 8.87 / tri-
PCB24/27 / 1036.48 / 533.60 / 35.60 / tri-
PCB25 / 521.23 / 332.66 / 21.81 / tri-
PCB26 / 508.98 / 479.56 / 25.05 / tri-
PCB28 / 3471.80 / 1435.09 / 84.59 / tri-
PCB29 / 595.66 / 286.85 / 34.56 / tri-
PCB31 / 10804.24 / 4561.69 / 190.34 / tri-
PCB33/53/20 / 118.06 / 153.19 / 7.44 / tri-
PCB40 / 14.80 / 22.75 / 0.90 / tetra-
PCB41/64 / 142.00 / 156.98 / 6.93 / tetra-
PCB42/59/37 / 185.83 / 173.69 / 7.79 / tetra-
PCB43 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 / tetra-
PCB44 / 80.41 / 133.62 / 5.77 / tetra-
PCB45 / 12.08 / 15.64 / 0.67 / tetra-
PCB46 / 24.29 / 15.89 / 1.53 / tetra-
PCB47/48/75 / 9389.08 / 3175.39 / 390.98 / tetra-
PCB49 / 11878.49 / 3109.71 / 346.88 / tetra-
PCB52 / 13177.10 / 5865.69 / 280.73 / tetra-
PCB56/60 / 223.99 / 202.20 / 10.98 / tetra-
PCB66 / 580.79 / 417.49 / 24.77 / tetra-
PCB70 / 329.20 / 410.72 / 18.39 / tetra-
PCB74/61 / 474.37 / 234.39 / 12.03 / tetra-
PCB81 / 102.08 / 31.93 / 2.51 / tetra-
PCB82 / 18.25 / 32.64 / 3.87 / penta-
PCB83 / 14.13 / 13.27 / 0.74 / penta-
PCB84 / 43.37 / 54.48 / 0.93 / penta-
PCB85 / 131.25 / 82.76 / 5.10 / penta-
PCB86 / 17.87 / 6.02 / 0.56 / penta-
PCB87/115 / 169.14 / 83.79 / 8.38 / penta-
PCB88 / 264.18 / 104.30 / 14.85 / penta-
PCB92 / 416.69 / 218.95 / 18.00 / penta-
PCB95 / 1191.84 / 348.40 / 57.84 / penta-
PCB97 / 101.23 / 94.74 / 5.79 / penta-
PCB99 / 2941.99 / 775.53 / 108.51 / penta-
PCB101/90 / 3237.39 / 867.75 / 127.16 / penta-
PCB105 / 174.07 / 111.72 / 6.31 / penta-
PCB107 / 879.70 / 213.49 / 40.97 / penta-
PCB110/77 / 719.69 / 381.00 / 35.16 / penta- to -tetra
PCB114/131/122 / 9.90 / 11.28 / 0.73 / penta-
PCB118 / 1031.49 / 534.40 / 44.64 / penta-
PCB128 / 188.76 / 51.81 / 6.76 / hexa-
PCB129/126 / 47.62 / 15.82 / 2.10 / hexa-
PCB136 / 418.09 / 124.08 / 22.55 / hexa-
PCB138/160 / 3873.72 / 845.54 / 147.51 / hexa-
PCB141/179 / 1771.79 / 357.40 / 63.38 / hexa-
PCB146 / 724.27 / 186.49 / 32.16 / hexa-
PCB149/123 / 2412.95 / 574.55 / 111.58 / hexa-
PCB151 / 1151.08 / 283.68 / 49.89 / hexa-
PCB153/132 / 14088.95 / 2030.51 / 340.88 / hexa-
PCB156/171/202 / 595.23 / 155.57 / 20.08 / hexa-
PCB158 / 410.72 / 85.57 / 14.49 / hexa-
PCB166 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 9.15 / hexa-
PCB167 / 199.71 / 68.36 / 8.92 / hexa-
PCB169 / 4.15 / 0.00 / 0.00 / hexa-
PCB170/190 / 2092.58 / 445.91 / 69.45 / hepta-
PCB172 / 322.83 / 63.16 / 11.40 / hepta-
PCB174 / 1351.98 / 320.34 / 52.47 / hepta-
PCB176/137 / 24.10 / 12.35 / 0.79 / hepta-
PCB177 / 757.27 / 180.47 / 31.64 / hepta-
PCB178 / 398.83 / 108.05 / 14.87 / hepta-
PCB180 / 4319.56 / 884.30 / 151.25 / hepta-
PCB183 / 866.71 / 197.29 / 33.53 / hepta-
PCB185 / 274.22 / 57.50 / 8.68 / hepta-
PCB187 / 2995.07 / 744.20 / 98.73 / hepta-
PCB189 / 101.47 / 22.69 / 3.71 / hepta-
PCB191 / 93.10 / 18.87 / 3.35 / hepta-
PCB194 / 1110.91 / 284.06 / 36.79 / octa-
PCB195/208 / 452.10 / 100.19 / 12.82 / octa-
PCB196/203 / 1071.96 / 251.27 / 31.90 / octa-
PCB199 / 875.85 / 214.27 / 30.91 / octa-
PCB200 / 111.36 / 22.73 / 3.22 / octa-
PCB201/157/173 / 122.81 / 32.95 / 4.67 / octa-
PCB205 / 59.33 / 18.09 / 2.66 / octa-
PCB206 / 285.68 / 99.23 / 7.49 / nona-
PCB209 / 9.42 / 5.90 / 0.00 / deca-
Total / 129,283 / 44,149 / 4,213 / Total

Table S3b: Concentration of the individual congeners of PCBs (ng/g) in a field blank sample.

Data File Name / ECD2F050008.D
Sample Name / ENV3258A
Client Name / Method Blank
Matrix / Sediment
Species / NA
Collection Date / NA
Received Date / NA
Extraction Date / 03/24/14
Extraction Batch / ENV3258
Date Acquired / 29-Mar-2014, 03:45
Method / ECDDUAL_A.M
Sample Dry Weight (g) / 15.07
Sample Wet Weight (g) / NA
% Dry / NA
% Moisture / NA
% Lipid (dry) / NA
% Lipid (wet) / NA
Dilution / 1X
Target Compounds / Su Corrected / Q / Q / 3X / Actual MDL
Conc. (ng/dry g) / MDL
PCB1 / 0.00 / U / 0.24 / 0.08
PCB7/9 / 0.00 / U / 0.24 / 0.08
PCB8/5 / 0.00 / U / 0.24 / 0.08
PCB15 / 0.03 / J / 0.24 / 0.08
PCB16/32 / 0.02 / J / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB18 / 0.01 / J / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB22/51 / 0.00 / U / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB24/27 / 0.00 / U / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB25 / 0.00 / U / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB26 / 0.00 / U / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB28 / 0.00 / U / 0.18 / 0.06
PCB29 / 0.00 / U / 0.19 / 0.06
PCB31 / 0.00 / U / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB33/53/20 / 0.00 / U / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB40 / 0.00 / U / 0.21 / 0.07
PCB41/64 / 0.00 / U / 0.21 / 0.07
PCB42/59/37 / 0.00 / U / 0.21 / 0.07
PCB43 / 0.00 / U / 0.21 / 0.07
PCB44 / 0.01 / J / 0.21 / 0.07
PCB45 / 0.00 / U / 0.21 / 0.07
PCB46 / 0.00 / U / 0.21 / 0.07
PCB47/48/75 / 0.00 / U / 0.21 / 0.07
PCB49 / 0.01 / J / 0.21 / 0.07
PCB52 / 0.03 / J / 0.21 / 0.07
PCB56/60 / 0.00 / U / 0.21 / 0.07
PCB66 / 0.00 / U / 0.17 / 0.06
PCB70 / 0.00 / U / 0.21 / 0.07
PCB74/61 / 0.00 / U / 0.21 / 0.07
PCB77 / 0.00 / U / 0.21 / 0.07
PCB81 / 0.00 / U / 0.21 / 0.07
PCB82 / 0.00 / U / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB83 / 0.00 / U / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB84 / 0.01 / J / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB85 / 0.00 / U / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB86 / 0.00 / U / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB87/115 / 0.00 / U / 0.16 / 0.05
PCB88 / 0.00 / U / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB92 / 0.00 / U / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB95 / 0.02 / J / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB97 / 0.01 / J / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB99 / 0.00 / U / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB101/90 / 0.02 / J / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB105 / 0.00 / U / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB107 / 0.01 / J / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB110/77 / 0.01 / J / 0.15 / 0.05
PCB114/131/122 / 0.00 / U / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB118 / 0.00 / U / 0.16 / 0.05
PCB126 / 0.00 / U / 0.13 / 0.04
PCB128 / 0.00 / U / 0.20 / 0.07
PCB129/126 / 0.00 / U / 0.29 / 0.10
PCB136 / 0.00 / U / 0.29 / 0.10
PCB138/160 / 0.01 / J / 0.29 / 0.10
PCB141/179 / 0.00 / U / 0.29 / 0.10
PCB146 / 0.00 / U / 0.29 / 0.10
PCB149/123 / 0.01 / J / 0.29 / 0.10
PCB151 / 0.01 / J / 0.29 / 0.10
PCB153/132 / 0.00 / U / 0.11 / 0.04
PCB156/171/202 / 0.00 / U / 0.29 / 0.10
PCB158 / 0.00 / U / 0.29 / 0.10
PCB166 / 0.00 / U / 0.29 / 0.10
PCB167 / 0.00 / U / 0.29 / 0.10
PCB169 / 0.00 / U / 0.29 / 0.10
PCB170/190 / 0.02 / J / 0.28 / 0.09
PCB172 / 0.00 / U / 0.14 / 0.05
PCB174 / 0.00 / U / 0.14 / 0.05
PCB176/137 / 0.00 / U / 0.14 / 0.05
PCB177 / 0.00 / U / 0.14 / 0.05
PCB178 / 0.00 / U / 0.14 / 0.05
PCB180 / 0.01 / J / 0.14 / 0.05
PCB183 / 0.00 / U / 0.14 / 0.05
PCB185 / 0.01 / J / 0.14 / 0.05
PCB187 / 0.00 / U / 0.15 / 0.05
PCB189 / 0.00 / U / 0.14 / 0.05
PCB191 / 0.00 / U / 0.14 / 0.05
PCB194 / 0.00 / U / 0.12 / 0.04
PCB195/208 / 0.00 / U / 0.12 / 0.04
PCB196/203 / 0.00 / U / 0.12 / 0.04
PCB199 / 0.00 / U / 0.24 / 0.08
PCB200 / 0.00 / U / 0.12 / 0.04
PCB201/157/173 / 0.00 / U / 0.12 / 0.04
PCB205 / 0.00 / U / 0.12 / 0.04
PCB206 / 0.01 / J / 0.15 / 0.05
PCB209 / 0.00 / U / 0.16 / 0.05
Total PCB / 0.28 / J / 3.76 / 1.25
Surrogate (Su) / Su Recovery (%)
DBOFB / 91
Epsilon-HCH / 88
PCB 103 / 94
PCB 198 / 101

Table S3c: Concentraion of PCB in the duplicate analysis of sample – 3.

Data File Name / ECD2F050018.D / ECD2F050014.D
Sample Name / UMP0003 / ENV3258E
Client Name / 13L0241-04A / Duplicate
Matrix / Sediment / Sediment
Species / NA / NA
Collection Date / 12/06/13 / 12/06/13
Received Date / 03/14/14 / 03/14/14
Extraction Date / 03/24/14 / 03/24/14
Extraction Batch / ENV3258 / ENV3258
Date Acquired / 29-Mar-2014, 22:28 / 29-Mar-2014, 14:59
Sample Dry Weight (g) / 15.02 / 15.00
Sample Wet Weight (g) / 35.77 / 35.73
% Dry / 42 / 42
% Moisture / 58 / 58
% Lipid (dry) / NA / NA
% Lipid (wet) / NA / NA
Dilution / 50X / 50X
Target Compounds / Conc. (ng/dry g) / Q / Conc. (ng/dry g) / Q / RPD / Q
PCB1 / 4.13 / D / 3.52 / D / 16
PCB7/9 / 4.83 / D / 4.10 / D / 16
PCB8/5 / 83.47 / D / 78.48 / D / 6
PCB15 / 63.40 / D / 51.99 / D / 20
PCB16/32 / 564.84 / D / 449.93 / D / 23
PCB18 / 54.12 / D / 43.56 / D / 22
PCB22/51 / 8.87 / D / 7.13 / D / 22
PCB24/27 / 35.60 / D / 28.76 / D / 21
PCB25 / 21.81 / D / 18.88 / D / 14
PCB26 / 25.05 / D / 21.34 / D / 16
PCB28 / 84.59 / D / 70.02 / D / 19
PCB29 / 34.56 / D / 28.58 / D / 19
PCB31 / 190.34 / D / 167.09 / D / 13
PCB33/53/20 / 7.44 / D / 7.33 / D / 1
PCB40 / 0.90 / D / 0.99 / D / 10
PCB41/64 / 6.93 / D / 7.32 / D / 5
PCB42/59/37 / 7.79 / D / 7.91 / D / 2
PCB43 / 0.00 / U / 0.00 / U
PCB44 / 5.77 / D / 6.48 / D / 12
PCB45 / 0.67 / D / 0.59 / D / 13
PCB46 / 1.53 / D / 1.29 / D / 17
PCB47/48/75 / 390.98 / D / 318.29 / D / 20
PCB49 / 346.88 / D / 278.54 / D / 22
PCB52 / 280.73 / D / 228.15 / D / 21
PCB56/60 / 10.98 / D / 12.54 / D / 13
PCB66 / 24.77 / D / 19.47 / D / 24
PCB70 / 18.39 / D / 16.12 / D / 13
PCB74/61 / 12.03 / D / 11.60 / D / 4
PCB81 / 2.51 / D / 2.01 / D / 22
PCB82 / 3.87 / D / 3.41 / D / 13
PCB83 / 0.74 / D / 0.62 / D / 18
PCB84 / 0.93 / D / 0.88 / D / 6
PCB85 / 5.10 / D / 5.17 / D / 1
PCB86 / 0.56 / D / 0.69 / D / 21
PCB87/115 / 8.38 / D / 9.16 / D / 9
PCB88 / 14.85 / D / 13.59 / D / 9
PCB92 / 18.00 / D / 17.18 / D / 5
PCB95 / 57.84 / D / 62.84 / D / 8
PCB97 / 5.79 / D / 5.84 / D / 1
PCB99 / 108.51 / D / 91.44 / D / 17
PCB101/90 / 127.16 / D / 104.30 / D / 20
PCB105 / 6.31 / D / 8.09 / D / 25
PCB107 / 40.97 / D / 33.37 / D / 20
PCB110/77 / 35.16 / D / 28.97 / D / 19
PCB114/131/122 / 0.73 / D / 0.61 / D / 18
PCB118 / 44.64 / D / 35.47 / D / 23
PCB128 / 6.76 / D / 5.54 / D / 20
PCB129/126 / 2.10 / D / 1.96 / D / 7
PCB136 / 22.55 / D / 22.59 / D / 0
PCB138/160 / 147.51 / D / 118.21 / D / 22
PCB141/179 / 63.38 / D / 50.39 / D / 23
PCB146 / 32.16 / D / 26.32 / D / 20
PCB149/123 / 111.58 / D / 88.32 / D / 23
PCB151 / 49.89 / D / 40.05 / D / 22
PCB153/132 / 340.88 / D / 283.95 / D / 18
PCB156/171/202 / 20.08 / D / 16.80 / D / 18
PCB158 / 14.49 / D / 12.68 / D / 13
PCB166 / 9.15 / D / 9.15 / D / 0
PCB167 / 8.92 / D / 7.29 / D / 20
PCB169 / 0.00 / U / 0.00 / U
PCB170/190 / 69.45 / D / 54.67 / D / 24
PCB172 / 11.40 / D / 8.98 / D / 24
PCB174 / 52.47 / D / 41.05 / D / 24
PCB176/137 / 0.79 / D / 0.83 / D / 5
PCB177 / 31.64 / D / 25.19 / D / 23
PCB178 / 14.87 / D / 12.27 / D / 19
PCB180 / 151.25 / D / 120.42 / D / 23
PCB183 / 33.53 / D / 26.41 / D / 24
PCB185 / 8.68 / D / 7.11 / D / 20
PCB187 / 98.73 / D / 77.82 / D / 24
PCB189 / 3.71 / D / 2.96 / D / 22
PCB191 / 3.35 / D / 2.82 / D / 17
PCB194 / 36.79 / D / 28.66 / D / 25
PCB195/208 / 12.82 / D / 10.20 / D / 23
PCB196/203 / 31.90 / D / 25.17 / D / 24
PCB199 / 30.91 / D / 24.18 / D / 24
PCB200 / 3.22 / D / 2.58 / D / 22
PCB201/157/173 / 4.67 / D / 3.67 / D / 24
PCB205 / 2.66 / D / 2.22 / D / 18
PCB206 / 7.49 / D / 6.13 / D / 20
PCB209 / 0.00 / U / 0.00 / U
Total PCB / 4213.23 / D / 3480.23 / D / 19
Surrogate (Su) / Su Recovery (%) / Su Recovery (%)
DBOFB / 99 / 97
Epsilon-HCH / 96 / 96
PCB 103 / 105 / 109
PCB 198 / 95 / 98

Table S4. PCB Congeners in fish from Guanica Bay.

PCB Congener / Fish Species
Lutjanus analis / Eucinostomus gula
PCB Congener Concentrations (ng/g)
PCB8/5 / 1.84 / 6.15
PCB15 / 0.39 / 2.60
PCB16/32 / 3.71 / 58.26
PCB18 / 2.81 / 19.10
PCB24/27 / 0.32 / 2.36
PCB25 / 0.62 / 2.50
PCB26 / 1.89 / 8.68
PCB28 / 10.57 / 34.11
PCB31 / 10.48 / 83.67
PCB41/64 / 0.00 / 1.22
PCB44 / 0.42 / 1.49
PCB45 / 0.00 / 0.25
PCB47/48/75 / 128.32 / 316.83
PCB49 / 55.61 / 325.36
PCB52 / 94.69 / 623.96
PCB66 / 3.20 / 7.15
PCB70 / 0.25 / 3.52
PCB74/61 / 2.94 / 7.36
PCB81 / 4.27 / 6.59
PCB83 / 0.00 / 1.01
PCB84 / 0.46 / 2.53
PCB85 / 0.00 / 4.59
PCB86 / 0.27 / 0.46
PCB87/115 / 0.82 / 2.26
PCB88 / 1.46 / 10.35
PCB92 / 5.87 / 31.26
PCB95 / 3.13 / 19.83
PCB97 / 0.46 / 2.53
PCB99 / 81.69 / 137.13
PCB101/90 / 30.11 / 135.25
PCB105 / 4.48 / 6.22
PCB110/77 / 0.73 / 6.85
PCB114/131/122 / 0.12 / 0.00
PCB118 / 14.34 / 25.51
PCB128 / 2.74 / 3.83
PCB129/126 / 0.12 / 0.59
PCB136 / 1.27 / 8.64
PCB138/160 / 73.54 / 114.52
PCB141/179 / 4.88 / 36.86
PCB146 / 51.88 / 72.38
PCB149/123 / 14.52 / 82.91
PCB151 / 8.08 / 44.21
PCB153/132 / 469.66 / 660.83
PCB156/171/202 / 17.85 / 34.43
PCB158 / 5.27 / 7.49
PCB166 / 0.08 / 0.00
PCB167 / 4.98 / 6.08
PCB170/190 / 43.48 / 60.39
PCB172 / 9.03 / 14.82
PCB174 / 2.38 / 28.80
PCB176/137 / 1.25 / 0.66
PCB177 / 8.59 / 29.96
PCB178 / 13.89 / 33.08
PCB180 / 122.96 / 161.80
PCB183 / 36.18 / 49.44
PCB185 / 1.33 / 5.63
PCB187 / 163.11 / 232.84
PCB189 / 1.36 / 2.10
PCB191 / 2.52 / 3.62
PCB194 / 32.91 / 52.83
PCB195/208 / 8.60 / 14.29
PCB196/203 / 28.60 / 46.43
PCB199 / 16.30 / 42.72
PCB200 / 0.00 / 1.82
PCB201/157/173 / 3.26 / 5.93
PCB205 / 1.38 / 2.64
PCB206 / 4.20 / 8.15
PCB209 / 0.10 / 0.21
Total PCB / 1623 / 3768
  1. Samples from central (location 7) and southern (Location 5) part of Guanica Bay

b. Samples from the eastern part of Guanica Bay

Figure S1. Samples from different locations in Guanica Bay. Color sediments from eastern parts of the bay was darker than the samples from southern and central parts of the Bay.

Figure S2. Dominant congeners in Aroclor 1260.(EPA 2013b)

Figure S3. Spatial distribution of di- to deca-chlorobiphenyls; these data were extracted using the NOAA’s data, and aggregated by number of chlorine atoms.(NCCOS 2014)

Figure S4a.Lutjanus analis

Figure S4b.Eucinostomus gula

Figure S5. Local residents fishing in Guánica Bay. Based on our focus group and rapid survey assessment, it was evident that seafood consumption is one of the sources of community exposure to PCBs.



EPA (2007): Method - 8082A: Polychlorinated Biphenyls by Gas Chromatography. Environmental Protection Agency

EPA (2013a): Wastes - Hazardous Waste - Test Methods (SW-846 On-line). Environmental Protection Agency

EPA (2013b): Aroclor and Other PCB Mixtures. Environmental Protection Agency

Fieldler H (1997): Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs): Uses and Environmental Releases, Proceedings of the Subregional Awareness Raising Workshop on Persistent Organic Pollutants. UNEP, Bangkok

NCCOS (2014): National Status and Trends Data Portal. National Centers for Ocean and Coastal Science