University of Kentucky
Martin School of Public Policy and Administration
Graduate Student Self-Assessment
This form is to be submitted via email to the DGS yearly. It is due this year on February 1. The purpose of this form is to provide information to evaluate your progress as a graduate student.
The DGS will do one of two things with this form based on where you are in the program:
1. For those who have an advisory committee:
The DGS will send this form to your advisory committee for its use in assessing your progress. Your chair will forward comments to the DGS for use in funding and retention decisions.
2. For those who do not have a dissertation committee:
The DGS will take this form and add any comments s/he feels might help inform funding and retention decisions.
The DGS, Ph.D. Committee, and Director will use this information to make decisions about funding and retention.
University of Kentucky
Martin School of Public Policy and Administration
Graduate Student Review Report
I. Personal Data:
Year you entered the Ph.D. program:
Dissertation Committee (please mark the chair/co-chairs with an *):
II. Research and Other Scholarly Accomplishments
II.A. Identify any publications, papers accepted for publication, papers undr review, and conference presentations. Provide full citations.
II.B. Work in preparation for publication
Identify any work in progress and the stage of progress
II.C. Research statement
Please provide a brief narrative (around 300-500 words) explaining what you have done and where you are heading with your research. Depending on the student, this could include qualifying papers, dissertation proposal, or your dissertation, what papers you think could be turned into publications someday or special training (e.g., QIPSR, ICPSR) that you have taken or intend to take. In short, give us a brief run-down of where you are at and where you intend to head with your research.
III. Teaching
III.A. Courses taught
Please list any teaching experience over the last calendar year. Indicate approximately how many students were in each class. Indicate your role (e.g., primary instructor, TA, grader). Briefly describe this role. If you were not the primary instructor, please indicate which professor was the primary instructor.
III.B. Assessment of contribution and areas needing improvement.
Please describe your accomplishments in a teaching role and discuss areas I which you think you could improve. If you were the primary instructor in a course and student evaluations are available, please provide a summary of the evaluation results.
III.C. Training
Explain anything you have done to prepare for or improve your teaching. This might include courses you have taken, seminars you have attended, or efforts to gain knowledge from professors and/or other students.
III.D. Teaching Plans
Please identify plans to obtain teaching experience, if you have not already taught.
IV. Course Work
IV.A. Course List
In the spaces below, please mark any coursework that you have taken or are currently taking. Fill in the blank with the term (e.g., Fall 2011) in which you took or are taking the course. If the course has been completed, write the grade you received under “Grade.” If the reported grade is an “I”, provide an explanation of how you intend on removing the “I” below the table. Also indicate the semesters in which you plan to take courses you have not yet taken.
Term / Grade (if completed)PA 731
PA 742
PA 750
PA 751
PA 752
Major Specialization
Course / Term / Grade (if completed)Theory
Required 1
Required 2
Required 3
Required 4
Required 5
Research Methods
Course / Term / Grade (if completed)PA 692
Required 2
Required 3
Course / Term / Grade (if completed)Course 1
Course 2
Course 3
Course 4
Course 5
Course 6
V. Strengths and Weaknesses
Please identify what you believe to be your strengths and weaknesses. Do you have specific plans to build on strengths or improve on weaknesses?
VI. B. Other
Please provide any information that you think might be relevant beyond what is listed above.
Student Self-assessment; form date February 9, 2015 | Page 1