BTAS Paper Specifications
Paper Title (16 pt font-all caps)
Authors(16 PT FONT, ALL CAPS)
(Affiliation or town-16 pt font)
Abstract (all headings size 14 pt font)
Introduction (14 Pt Fonts-Small Caps)
Your first paragraph begins here with introductory information. Use 12-point Times New Roman font and double line spacing. Use left margin alignments and do not use tabs or spaces to indent. All paragraphs must be flush with left margins. Do not use hard carriage returns at the end of lines; use one hard carriage return to separate a new paragraph, new heading, or subheading. (12 pt fonts).
Background (14 Pt Fonts-Small Caps)
1st Subheading (All subheadings size 12 font)
2nd Subheading
Methods (14 Pt Fonts-Small Caps)
Paragraph begins here (12 pt font; no tabs or spaces at beginning)
Results (14 Pt Fonts-Small Caps)
Paragraph begins here (12 pt font; no tabs or spaces at beginning)
Acknowledgements (14 Pt Fonts-Small Caps)
Paragraph begins here (12 pt font; no tabs or spaces at beginning)
References Cited
*Please follow SAA style formatting for all in-text citations. Clickhereto see the SAA Style Guide (embed this link: p. 21, Section 3.4 for in-text reference citations & p. 31-40, Section 3.10 for References Cited). Common citation examples as compiled by the SAA Editorial Policy (2017) may be reviewed below:
Book, single author:
Holliday, Vance T.
1997 Paleoindian Geoarchaeology of the Southern High Plains. University of Texas Press,
Book, Multiple Authors:
Hampton, David R., Charles E. Summer, and Ross A. Weber
1978 Organizational Behavior and the Practice of Management. 3rd ed. Scott Foresman,
Glenview, Illinois.
Edited or compiled book (editor or compiler as “author”):
Dibble, Charles E. (editor)
1980 [sixteenth century] Codice Xolotl. Universidad Autónoma de México, México, D.F.
Book or other item, no author:
SCS Engineers
1986 A survey of Household Hazardous Waste and Related Collection Programs. SCS
Engineers, Reston, Virginia.
Multivolume Set:
Biggar, Henry P. (editor)
1929 The Works of Samuel de Champlain, Vol. III. Champlain Society, Toronto.
Article in a Journal:
Ashmore, Wendy
1991 Site-Planning Principles and Concepts of Directionality among the Ancient Maya.
Latin American Antiquity 2:199-226.
Article, group author:
Royal Society Conference of Editors
1968 Metrification in Scientific Journals. American Scientist 56:159-164.
Chapter in edited book or monograph:
Manzanilla, Linda
1999 The Emergence of Complex Urban Societies in Central Mexico: The Case of
Teotihuacan. In Archaeology in Latin America, edited by Gustavo G. Politis and
Benjamin Alberti, pp. 93-129. Routledge, London.
Chapter in edited volume in a series:
Heidenreich, Conrad E.
1978 Huron. In Northeast, edited by Bruce G. Trigger, pp. 368-388. Handbook of North
American Indians, Vol. 15, William C. Strutevant, general editor, Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, DC.
Paper presented at a meeting:
Adams, Jenny
2000 The Technology of Ritual Behavior. Paper presented at the 67th Annual Meeting of the
Society for American Archaeology, Denver, Colorado.
Dissertation or thesis:
Note: Use the designation “Master’s thesis” to replace “PhD dissertation” if necessary.
Year Title, PhD dissertation, Name of the Department (e.g., Department of Anthropology),
Name of University, Location of University.
In-press manuscript (article in book):
Vehik, Susan C.
2002 Conflict, Trade, and Political Development on the Southern Plains. American Antiquity,
in press.
Unpublished Manuscript:
Kent, Susan
1992 The Organization of Storage Areas: A Cross-Cultural Perspective. Manuscript on file,
Anthropology Program, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia.
Tables and Figures
Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively in the exact order they are referenced in the text. On a separate page, please provide a list of figure captions and separately, a list of table captions. All tables and figures should be provided as separate files. All figures and tables should follow SAA style formatting. Follow this link: for further information (see p. 26, Section 3.6 in SAA Editorial Manual).
Figure Captions
Figure 1. (12 pt fonts) --figures should be separate files, see submission instructions—
Figure 2. (12 pt fonts)
Table Captions
Table 1. (12 pt fonts)
Table 2. (12 pt fonts)