Your Child’s Day
We know when asked, “What did you do all day?”, most children will reply, “Nothing!”. To help you learn more about what your child will REALLY be doing all day, here is our daily schedule.
7:50-8:15 - Arrival – Morning greeting, unpack, prepare for the day, assigned morning activity. This could be reading a book of choice or completing unfinished work or a review assignment. I am usually greeting children, checking binders for notes, taking attendance and assisting children with the morning routine during this time. Morning announcements begin following the tardy bell.
*On Day 2 of our rotation schedule, students will report to the gym rather than the classroom.
8:15-9:50– Literacy Block- This will include shared reading, read aloud, reading workshop, guided reading, and words of the week practice.
Reading Workshop: I will model a skill or strategy using a familiar text during a brief mini lesson. Students will read their ‘just right’ books (on their independent reading level) independently and/or read meaningful text at their level on technology while I confer with individual students and hold guided reading groups to enhance reading skills on individual levels. Students will also have an opportunity to read and share their thinking with their partner during this block. (During our day 2 rotations, students will complete reader’s workshop from 9:10-10:30)
Shared Reading:We will work together to practice reading skills using a book or a poem. I hope to create a poetry notebook with their poems we use throughout the year.
Read Aloud- I will be reading aloud a book and modeling reading strategies. Students will have opportunities to stop and discuss what is being modeled as well as sharing their thinking.
Words of the Week- Students will be assigned 4 high frequency words per week to practice reading and spelling. Students will be introduced to these words at the beginning of the week and will practice spelling them with playdough, stamps, writing the words in sentences and writing the words in interesting ways such as bubble letters and rainbow letters.
9:50-10:30 Writer’s Workshop- Students will become authors as they create stories about real experiences in their lives as well as creating realistic fiction and non-fiction text later in the year. We will have a brief mini-lesson on a skill followed by independent writing time while I conference with individual students. These stories will be ongoing so you won’t see writing coming home each day. At the end of a unit, each student will choose one piece to edit and publish and the rest will be sent home at that time. Feel free to stop by anytime to view your child’s writing folder. We will also start our writing time with a daily fix-it to work on grammar and mechanics. (On day 2 students will complete writing during their normal specials time.)
10:30-11:00 Recess- We will be going outside unless it rains. Be sure your child is dressed appropriately and has any necessary jackets.
11:10-11:35 Lunch- Please feel free to join us. If you do, you will need to sign in at the office and meet us in the cafeteria. You and your child will be able to sit together at one of the back tables until the end of our lunchtime when they will return to class with us.
11:45-12:15 ROAR Students will participate in flexible grouping among the first grade team to differentiate instruction in reading/math.
12:20-1:10 Specials- This year we are on a 6 day rotation for specials. Day 1- Media (week A) / Technology (week B), Day 2- Guidance, Day 3- Musical Theater, Day 4- PE, Day 5- Art, Day 6- Music
1:15-2:30 Math Workshop- Students will use math talk to discuss different ways to solve problems, work in guided math groups and/or task partnerships to support learning of skills and concepts at their level, and often complete independent work before wrapping up with sharing/discussion.
2:30-2:55 Word Study- Students will work on developing spelling strategies through word sorts. Students will sort their word cards by spelling patterns at their level of learning.
*Science and SS will be integrated into our day.
2:55-3:00 Pack up, complete behavior reports, prepare for dismissal.
**Times are subject to change.
Parent Expectations
There is no harder job on the planet than being a parent. Your child is counting on you to help him / her to succeed. Here are some things you can do to help your child get the most out of first grade:
-Take the time to talk with your child every day about what he / she did at school. Try asking more specific questions to get more detailed answers. Share something about your day too.
-Encourage your child. Compliment your child for accomplishments, both big and small.
-Go through your child’s bookbag every day. Look at Monkey Business Binder and complete any necessary papers.
-Read the copy of Monkey Business; my weekly newsletter which is updated every Monday and can be found on my website and is sent via email. Highlight important information and write dates on your calendar.Please check my website every week as I do keep it updated.
-Read EVERY day with your child. Research shows that children that are read to learn to read easier and faster. Your child will have a reading log to keep track of daily reading and will be checked at the end of the week.
-Complete the daily reading log and other homework assignments on a timely basis. Be sure that all homework is turned in on Friday.
-Talk positively about school in front of your child. If you have a concern about anything, please discuss it with me.
-Be involved. I know not every parent can volunteer on a weekly basis or come for lunch once a month, but find ways to let your child know you care. Come to PTO meetings and special events.
-Keep all information current. If your cell phone number changes or an emergency contact changes, we need to know. If there were ever an emergency, we need to be able to contact someone!
-If something is going on which may be affecting your child, it is helpful for me to know so that I can work with your child with an understanding eye.
-If your child needs to take medication at school, there needs to be a form completed by the doctor. Please see the nurse if you have any questions.
-Have your child to school on time every day and keep early check outs to a minimum. When your child is late or leaves early, he/ she misses work, social time, and the time to prepare for the day. If your child is absent, I must have a written excuse upon return.
-If there is to be a change in how your child is getting home or who is picking up your child, we need to know about it IN WRITING that morning. I am with your children all day and do not get to check my phone messages. If there is an emergency last minute change, you must speak to an administrator to make the change.
No parties are permitted at school in celebration of your child’s birthday. Your child is welcome to bring in a small treat (store bought in the packaging) to share with the class during lunch. NO PARTY INVITATIONS ARE PERMITTED TO BE PASSED OUT AT SCHOOL. This is a county rule.
Lunch for adults is paid a la carte. If your child buys lunch daily, it is best to put money on his / her account rather than sending it in each day. It is also possible for you to put money on your child’s account online by going to the CCS website. Extras such as chips and juice are available, but consider that we have such a short time to eat and want your child to eat the nutritious lunch. You can opt to flag your child’s account so that he / she cannot purchase these extras. Please be sure your child can open items in his/her lunch independently. We cannot heat anything up. Please monitor your child’s lunch account so that there is no deficit. If your child owes more than $5.00, he/she will be served a sun butter sandwich rather than a regular lunch.
Field Trips
We will take two field trips this year. Look for more information to come. If you are interested in coming on any of our field trips, you will need to complete a background check and handout prior to the trip as well as a Volunteer Code of Conduct Form. These often take time to come back so it is best to do those as soon as possible. (These background checks also are required if you want to volunteer at school.)
Dress Code
I know how children at this age like to pick out their own clothes. However, you will need to review the dress code and make sure that what your child is wearing is appropriate. NO FLIP FLOPS!!!!
Classroom Website
Our class has a webpage, which I use constantly throughout the year to update you on important information, share links to helpful sites, post newsletters and upcoming dates, and even share children’s work. You can get to my page through the school’s website under the first grade section.
Your child is expected to read every night and record the reading in your child’s reading log. Please be sure to update it daily so that we know that your child is doing the work. I will check these on Fridays. Students are expected to practice their words of the week at home nightly (although nothing will be collected) and suggested activities will be included on a card in your child’s binder. Your child will also receive a math sheet every week for homework. There is a short activity to complete each day as reinforcement for what we are working on in class. All homework will be collected on Fridays. Due to time constraints, no late homework will be accepted unless your child is absent. Your child will also begin working on reading comprehension homework later in the year.
School Hours
Student hours are 8:15-3:05. It is important that your child be here for the entire day. First graders will report to the gym upon arrival on day 2 until 8:15 while we are in planning meetings. Students will then go with their special teachers to their special class for the day.
-Cars: drop off between 7:50 and 8:15 in the designated area. First graders come in through the front door. Your child may NOT be dropped off prior to 7:50 as there is no supervision. If you need to bring your child to school prior to 7:50, please sign your child up for Kid’s Plus.If your child is not in the classroom by 8:15 when the tardy bell rings, the MUST be signed in at the office and will be marked tardy. If a student arrives in class after the bell without a tardy pass or breakfast pass, he/she will be sent to the office to get a pass.
-Bus- See Mrs.Holmes to get bus information. If your child is not assigned a bus, he/she may not ride a bus. Transportation changes must be in a written note to me and put in your child’s binder that morning.
-Connect Ed. will call parents if there is no school or if there is a delay.
-Please check the school handbook for policies on tardies. This includes early checkouts. A tardy/early checkout will only be counted as excused if you have a note from the doctor/dentist. You can have them fax it to the school or you can bring it or send it with your child the next school day.
-Due to allergies, I ask that parents not spray perfumes or use heavily scented lotions on your child.
-When paying for anything by check, you MUST include a phone number on the check.
-Please put any written communication/notes/money in the front of your child’s binder. If it is in his/her bookbag, I may not see it. I do not check bookbags.
Nobody is perfect. Making mistakes is part of learning and growing. I treat all children fairly and handle each incident on an individual basis. I am a firm believer in logical consequences; if you break it, you fix it or replace it. My goal is to build a loving and positive classroom community. Children are expected to be respectful, responsible and safe. Our school is implementing PBIS this year which is a model for behavior. Your child will be learning about the expected behaviors on the behavior matrix which can also be found in your child’s binder.. Each quarter students will start off with a white card which will be kept in their lanyard. When I or another staff member catches your child doing something positive, the adult will sign one of the boxes on the card. Once cards are filled, students will receive a small reward and move to the next color card (grey and then blue). Your child will be responsible for his/her card. If it gets lost, your child will start over on the white cards. We will start over at the beginning of each quarter. We will also be working towards collecting class paws for being caught doing the right thing as a class. Paws can be given out by any staff member and even parents! Students will earn class rewards for completing class behavior cards and a quarterly incentive will also be in place.
Our first grade team will be expecting students to follow expectations throughout the day, no matter where they are. After a warning and redirection, and teacher chosen consequence, students will have to complete a Think Sheet. If this occurs, you will be notified. The next step would be an office referral.
Each student will have a behavior log in his/her binder. Students will color their monkey at the end of the day if they were able to model appropriate behavior. If your child had a difficult time throughout the day, he/she will have a note rather than a colored monkey. Please keep in mind, we all make mistakes. I don’t expect your child to be perfect. My goal is to teach the children appropriate behavior so we will discuss his/her choices and problem-solve how to make better choices. If your child had a rough day, talk about what happened and how he/she is going to change the behavior to do better. If we start seeing a pattern of behaviors, that is when we should be concerned. If I need to use another behavior plan with your child, I will let you know. My goal is to keep things simple and positive with the students since we are so busy throughout the day. If you have any further questions about discipline, please feel free to let me know.
Contact Information
Shannon Bledsoe
704-788-3430 room 305
I don’t get to check messages or email most times during the school day as I am busy with your children, but I will get back to you as soon as possible. The best way to reach me for a non-emergency is by email.
A Little About Me
I grew up in New York and moved down here back in 1997 for college at UNCC and I never went back. I guess that since I have spent more than half my life in NC that makes me a southerner now!;) This is my 20th year teaching. I have been at PSRES since it opened and before that spent 7 years at Beverly Hills Elementary and 1 year in CMS. I spent the first 15 years teaching kindergarten and looped with my class fouryears ago to first grade and that’s where I have been since. (Or as some say, I finally graduated kindergarten.) I received my National Board Certification in 2002 and renewed my certification in 2011. When I am not teaching your children, I am at home with my own. I have two daughters by birth ages 16 and 13 and when I remarried in 2011, I was lucky enough to become a step-mother to 4 more children ages 11, 10, 8, and 7. As you can imagine, that doesn’t leave much free time, but when I do have a moment, I love reading, running and exercising, and being outdoors doing anything. I am a chocohaulicand you can often catch me sneaking a ‘pick me up’ during the day. I love funny jokes and laughing so if you know of any good ones, feel free to brighten my day now and then. ;) Most of all, I love my family and that includes your children while they are with me. I am looking forward to getting to know the newest members of my monkey family in the coming days and weeks!
Dear Families,
This year, we are beyond fortunate to have an amazing student teacher working with our class. Mrs. Tonya Devore is a teacher assistant at our school and will be working in that capacity with our students during independent reading, ROAR and part of math during the first semester. She will begin her full time student teaching the second semester where she will slowly take over my responsibilities under my guidance.
I have known Mrs. Devore for several years as she has worked at PSRES in Kids Plus and as an interventionist/teacher assistant. She is our PSRES Teacher Assistant of the Year for 2015-2016. (In fact, many of the students probably already know her or have seen her around.) She has also completed her 2 year internship with me in the past and I can tell you from my experiences with her in all of these roles, your children (and I) are SO lucky to have her as a part of our class!!!!
If you haven’t gotten the opportunity to meet Mrs. Devore yet, you will soon and I know you will love her as much as we do!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you.
Shannon Bledsoe