Unit 9 Vietnam and Social Upheaval Jeopardy

Hodge-podge- Cold War and Movements

100-During the 1950s, Vietnam was split between the North and the South. Which one was C, D? North was C and South was D

200 -It wasn’t the theory of Containment, but this _____theory of how Communism would spread throughout S.E. Asia. Domino theory

300- The largest and most influential feminist organization from the 60s into the 80s was called this NOW

400-There were fears that this would create a major disruption of traditional social patterns, especially for women. It was led by Phyllis Schlafley. Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)

500-Students at _____university were shot in killed as they protested about this ______incident Kent State/Invasion/bombing of Cambodia


100-This played a major role in the Vietnam War towards lowering morale/support for the war. Media

200-What is Tet? A Lunar/Public/Vietnam Holiday

300- Rachel Carson wrote this book in response to the chemical pesticide DDT being sprayed on crops. Silent Spring

400-This was the important leak in 1971to the NY Times. It exposed the Executive Office as liars. Pentagon Papers

500- As per the Nixon Administration, he promised the American people that he would get us out of Vietnam, but first we needed to bomb the crap out of this country. Cambodia


100-As per the Nixon Administration, he promised the American people that he would get us out of Vietnam regarding this policy. Vietnamization

200- I’ll accept either one of these one-word answers-How did we, the U.S. End of the war? Withdrew/ceasefire

300-Which country owned rights to Vietnam during colonialization period up until the Dien Bien Phu incident. France

400-This incident in 1964 led us into the Vietnam War. Gulf of Tonkin

500-Who was the leader of the Vietminh? HO CHI MINH


100-The Bracero Program was about which minority? Mexican Americans

200-The United Farm Workers used this form of protest to raise awareness and ….Consumer Boycotts

300-Radical 1960s feminists were most concerned about this…jobs, work equality, pay, etc.

400-This Riot set of the first ever Gay Pride Parade in major U.S. Cities…Stonewall Riots

500-Which right did Roe v Wade largely rest on protecting? Right to Privacy

600-Betty Friedan wrote this book which centered in on “The problem without a name” Feminine Mystique

700-Caesar Chavez and this woman were instrumental figureheads for the UFW Dolores Huerta

Final Jeopardy

Question 1- Congress passed this after President Nixon bombed Cambodia. War Powers Resolution Act

Question 2- This movement had some of its members occupying Alcatraz and Wounded Knee (AIM)