KaneCounty Fair, 4-H Show
Member Certification Statement
Animal Projects
(beef, sheep, swine, dairy, goats, horse & pony, rabbits and poultry)
I hereby certify that this project has been cared for and maintained by me and my immediate family during the required tenure of ownership and this project has not been cared for by a professional fitter or maintained at a professional fitter’s facilities*.
*In the case of horse and pony projects, the above standard shall not apply. The standard shall be: no one other than the project member, family members, project leaders or another project member should fit or train the animals on the show grounds. Physical assistance with the animal, tack, equipment, and appointments during the show by immediate family members or project leaders is acceptable.
I agree to abide by all provisions of the Illinois Humane Care for Animals Act. As determined by fair officials, superintendents, veterinarians, any practice or deviation from normal humane husbandry practices, including, but not limited to artificial manipulation, physical abuse, medical treatment or mechanical application of any substance other than on the prescription of a licensed veterinarian, will constitute a violation of show rules and is subject to the provisions listed below.
If I show a market animal (barrow, steer, or wether) at the Kane County Fair, 4-H Show, he will meet all the Quality Assurance Requirements regarding the drug withdrawal and eligibility for slaughter. If any therapeutic drugs are used just prior to or during the fair, they must not have more than a 24-hour withdrawal period.
I agree to abide by all the requirements for exhibiting at the Kane County Fair, 4-H Show and for the species in which I will exhibit.
I understand and agree if I am found to be in violation of the above requirements I will be banned from exhibiting in from one to all classes I have entered and will forfeit all premiums in the Kane County Fair, 4-H Show.
4-H Member SignatureParent/Adult Guardian Signature
4-H Club
Species Exhibiting (circle all that apply):
BeefSheepSwineDairyGoatsHorse & Pony
Adapted from the Quality Assurance and Ethics Clinic website
Kane County Fairbook, rule #15 – livestock section