Alexander Logan
Interaction Designer(408) 393-1385
473 Mill River Lane, San Jose, CA
Career Goal
Contribute to a development team as an interactiondesigner and user experience specialist.
Primary Qualifications:
- 10 years interface design and development experience within diverse project teams
- Master’s Degree - Human Factors & Ergonomics, San Jose State University
- Examples of work available at
TiVo, Inc.
Senior User Interface Designer
1/06– Present
Senior UI Designer for several TiVo project areas including, mobile devices, and internal applications. Providing user experience leadership throughout the development process within diverse development teams. Lead designer for the Shop, Products, My TiVo, and Find TV Shows sections of and for TiVo mobile device applications. Creating interface designs, information architecture documents, interactive prototypes, and detailed specification documents with HTML, Fireworks, Photoshop, PowerPoint and MS Word.
NASA Ames Research Center – SJSU Foundation
Web Designer
2/03 – 8/05
Through the San Jose State Human Factors Dept., designed and developed NASA web sites. Programmed PHP, Flash, DHTML, JavaScript and CSS. Designed software interface for a Java-based color design tool. Performed user-centered design methods during a web site redesign. Performed heuristic analysis of air traffic management software.
Independent Web Design and Usability Contractor
2/01 – 2/03
Design and construction of web sites, performance of usability analyses and testing for clients. Clients include:
- San Jose State University Human Factors Department
Designed and developed the SJSU Human Factors and Ergonomics web site. - Triggerit Technologies
Created architecture, interface design and ASP coding for several web-based applications including customer databases, product databases, and web-content management system. - Interface Analysis Associates
Performed a full-scale comparative heuristic analysis of the TiVo and Replay TV DVR interfaces. - OccuCom Inc.
Designed and developed their corporate web site.
MySimon/CNET Networks
User Interface/Information Designer
9/00 – 2/01
Created user interaction models, information architecture, and interface design for the product. Created, analyzed and implemented usability studies. Created HTML/DHMTL in a JSP environment. Worked within multi-disciplinary teams in a fast-paced, corporate environment.
Netscape Communications
Web Technologist
3/00 – 9/00
Produced interface and graphic design for internally used software and web sites. Worked with a dynamic team of engineers, producers, and writers. Performed DHTML/HTML production work and QA. Corporation
Web Designer
2/99 – 1/00
Served as HTML Specialist for the Design Department. Promoted to Design Programmer for the Commerce design group. Created design and/or production for more than 50 different projects. Maintained company HTML guidelines and the design intranet.
Master’s Degree Program Human Factors & Ergonomics -
Human-Computer Interaction Emphasis
San Jose State University
Coursework included: Human Computer Interaction, Cognitive Psychology, Perceptual Psychology, Usability Testing, Human Performance, and Design for Ergonomics.
Bachelor’s Degree Political Science and History double major
UC Santa Barbara
Graduated 6/88
Completed Honors coursework and senior thesis.
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