7th Grade CRCT Study Guide

Southern and Eastern Asia

Unit 9: People & Places of Southern & Eastern Asia

1.  Locate (label) these countries: China, India, Indonesia, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Vietnam

2.  Locate (label) these physical features: Ganges river, Huang He River, Indus River, Mekong River, Yangtze River, Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean, Sea of Japan, South China Sea, Yellow Sea, Gobi Desert, Taklimakan Desert, Himalayan Mountains, Korean Peninsula

3.  Buddhism---Siddharta Guatama founded, 4 noble truths, eightfold path, stop suffering, Karma, reincarnation

4.  Hinduism—polytheistic (many gods), no founder, mainly India, reincarnation, karma, Ganges River

5.  Islam—Indonesia, see Unit 1 for more details

6.  Shintoism—mostly Japan, spirits called kami live in nature, sumo wrestling, no founder, purity

7.  Confucianism—not a religion but a philosophy because of no afterlife and no god, 5 key relationships, moral behavior

8.  Monsoons—seasonal winds that cause a dry season and a rainy season; affect India, China, and Southeast Asia

Unit 10: Conflict & Revolution in Southern & Eastern Asia

9.  China

o  Mao Zedong

o  Communism

o  Great Leap Forward was meant to industrialize, but failed

o  Cultural Revolution was to get rid of old ideas, and persecuted intellectuals, artists, and the wealthy

o  Tiananmen Square was supposed to change political restrictions, but ended up killing many people

10.  India

o  Mohandas Gandhi—helped the citizens of India gain their independence

o  Led non-violent protest against the British

o  India gained its independence from the British in 1947

11.  Vietnam

o  Used to be a French colony

o  Set free from them and they became communist

o  Communism was threatening to spread, so US and others got involved to contain it

o  Divided on the 17th parallel

o  eventually all of Vietnam became communist again after a losing battle

12.  Korea

o  Northern part became communist and invaded south (democratic)

o  Domino Theory—the US was afraid if one country in a region became communist others around it would too

o  UN forces came and pushed back in the north

o  War of push and pull happened

o  Eventually stopped because of threat of nuclear weapons

o  Still divided on 38th parallel

o  North still communist, south democratic republic

13.  Japan

o  Had atomic bombs used on them in WWII (Hiroshima and Nagasaki)

o  Afterward, western nations, including the US, helped rebuild Japan

o  Because of technology, advice, and giving of natural resources, Japan was able to create an economic miracle.

Everything else…

14.  India

o  Republic

o  Federal democracy

o  Place on the ruler—around an 8 because people are able to vote and rights are equalizing

15.  China

o  Communist state

o  Unitary autocracy

o  Place on the ruler—around a 3 because it is extremely restrictive, you are either for the communist party or you are against it, control of media

16.  Japan

o  Constitutional monarchy

o  Unitary democracy

o  Place on the ruler—around a 8 because people vote, there is a constitution that protects citizens, emperor has a ceremonial role

17.  Economic systems of…

o  China—command

o  North Korea—command

o  Japan---more market than command

o  India—more market than command