Australian Mutual Holdings Limited

Australian Mutual Holdings Limited

Australian Mutual Holdings Limited ACN 115 182 137
Unit pricing policy
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Australian Mutual Holdings Limited


1. Date 1

2. What this Policy relates to 1

3. Background 1

4. Purpose and scope 2

5. Interpretation 2

6. Good practice principles 2

7. Pricing method—Issue Price 3

7.1 General 3

7.2 Unit pricing formula 3

8. Pricing method—Redemption Price 3

8.1 General 3

8.2 Redemption Price 4

9. Specific Discretions 4

9.1 Calculation of Issue Price 4

9.2 Calculation of Redemption Price 4

10. Policies for exercise of Discretions 5

10.1 Determining Net Asset Value 5

10.2 Determining the Liabilities 8

10.3 Transaction Costs—Issues of Units 8

10.4 Transaction Costs—Withdrawals 8

10.5 Timing for pricing of Units—General 9

10.6 When the Responsible Entity calculates the Issue Price 9

10.7 When the Responsible Entity calculates the Redemption Price 10

10.8 Redemption Gate 11

10.9 Issue Price applied for reinvestment of distributions 11

10.10 Rounding 11

11. Exercise of Discretions 12

12. Exercise of Discretions by a nominee 12

13. Departures from this Policy 12

14. Record keeping 13

15. Review 13

16. Contact 13

Schedule 1—Dictionary 14

Schedule 2—Departure report 16

© McMahon Clarke Legal / Unit pricing policy — Australian Mutual Holdings Limited
tmdocs1-#315870-v7-unit_pricing_policy_(final)___24_february_2011___unit_pricing_policy___australian_mutual_holdin.doc / Page(ii)

Australian Mutual Holdings Limited

1.  Date

This Policy was first adopted by the Responsible Entity on February 2011.

This version of the Policy is current as at February 2011.

2.  What this Policy relates to

This Policy applies to the pricing of Units in the Trident Global Growth Fund ARSN 120 329 026.

3.  Background

Section 601GA of the Act requires the constitution of a registered managed investment scheme to—

(a)  make adequate provision for the consideration that is to be paid to acquire an interest in the scheme, and

(b)  where members have a right to withdraw from the scheme, set out adequate procedures for making and dealing with withdrawal requests.

ASIC considers “adequate provision” has been made if it is possible to objectively test the determination of the issue price and withdrawal price from the terms of the scheme’s constitution. ASIC considers if a provision of a scheme’s constitution allows the responsible entity to influence any aspect of the issue price or the withdrawal price, then the constitution may not comply with section 601GA of the Act.

However, ASIC has issued class order relief (class order 05/1236, which amended an existing class order, class order 05/26), allowing a formula or method in the constitution for a scheme to permit the responsible entity to exercise a discretion which influences an aspect of the issue price or withdrawal price. This relief is conditional on, amongst other things, the responsible entity exercising its discretion in accordance with a documented policy.

4.  Purpose and scope

(a)  The purpose of this Policy is to set out how the Responsible Entity will exercise the relevant discretions given to it under the Constitution, in a manner which ensures Issue Prices and Redemption Prices are calculated and applied consistently and equitably.

(b)  Under class order 05/26—

(i)  a policy for the exercise of a Discretion set out in this document, must not involve the creation of another Discretion, and
(ii)  a policy for the exercise of a Discretion, set out in this document, must be the only policy applicable to the exercise of the Discretion at any one time.

(c)  This Policy must be reviewed at appropriate periods, but at least annually.

5.  Interpretation

Unless otherwise defined in Schedule 1 of this Policy, capitalised terms used in this Policy have the meanings given to them in the Constitution.

6.  Good practice principles

In the joint ASIC and APRA guide Unit pricing—Guide to good practice (August 2008), the following good practice principles for unit pricing were identified and have been adopted by the Responsible Entity in respect of the Trust:

(a)  In relation to a managed investment scheme, the responsible entity's unit pricing policies and practice must be consistent with the scheme's constitution, compliance plan and disclosure document (e.g., PDS).

(b)  The pricing policies must be implemented consistently and kept up-to-date.

(c)  Adjustments to unit prices and withdrawal prices, if based on sound policy, are not errors.

(d)  Where appropriate, the responsible entity may exercise its own judgement to develop estimates of values, where actual values are not available.

(e)  Information for unitholders must be accessible, timely and useful.

7.  Pricing method—Issue Price

7.1  General

(a)  The Issue Price for the issue of a Unit is calculated in accordance with the Constitution. The Responsible Entity will not issue a Unit, except at a price calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution. The method for calculating the Issue Price for the issue of a Unit is described in clause 7.2.

(b)  The only circumstances in which the Responsible Entity is permitted to calculate the Issue Price other than in accordance with the method described in clause 7.2 are those, subject to the Constitution, which are set out in ASIC class order 05/26. These circumstances include unit pricing—

(i)  for a rights issue
(ii)  upon distribution reinvestment, and
(iii)  for wholesale clients.

7.2  Unit pricing formula

Clause 5.7 of the Constitution sets out the following formula for determining the Issue Price for a Unit:

"Net Asset Value + Transaction Costs
Units in Issue"

8.  Pricing method—Redemption Price

8.1  General

(a)  As at the date of this Policy, the Responsible Entity considers the Trust to be "Liquid". Therefore, Members can request the withdrawal of their Units at any time. The Responsible Entity’s current policy on withdrawals is to process them at the end of the calendar quarter.

(b)  In the future, if the Trust is not Liquid, then Members will only be able to withdraw from the Trust if the Responsible Entity decides to make a withdrawal offer. However, because of the nature of the Trust's investments, the Responsible Entity does not expect the Trust to be illiquid.

(c)  The Redemption Price for a Unit is calculated in accordance with the Constitution. The Responsible Entity will not redeem a Unit, except at a price calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.

8.2  Redemption Price

Under clause 6.7 of the Constitution, the Redemption Price for a Unit (while the Trust is Liquid) is calculated in accordance with the following formula:

"Net Asset Value – Transaction Costs
Units in Issue"

9.  Specific Discretions

9.1  Calculation of Issue Price

(a)  Calculation of the Issue Price for Units involves the exercise of certain Discretions by the Responsible Entity, because the Responsible Entity can decide matters which affect the values of variables which make up the Issue Price formula, under the Constitution.

(b)  The matters in relation to which the Responsible Entity may exercise a Discretion when calculating the current Issue Price are as follows:

(i)  Calculation of the Net Asset Value, which in turn involves the Responsible Entity exercising Discretions in relation to—
A.  when Assets are to be valued
B.  when the Net Asset Value is to be determined
C.  the valuation methods and practices to be applied for different types of Assets, and
D.  the provisions which should be taken into account in determining the Liabilities.
(ii)  Calculation of the allowance to be applied for Transaction Costs.
(iii)  The time at which the Issue Price should be determined, in relation to a particular application to invest in the Trust.

9.2  Calculation of Redemption Price

(a)  Calculation of the Redemption Price for Units involves the exercise of certain Discretions by the Responsible Entity, because, as with the determination of the Issue Price, the Responsible Entity can decide matters which affect the values of variables making up the Redemption Price formula, under the Constitution.

(b)  The matters in relation to which the Responsible Entity may exercise a Discretion when calculating the current Redemption Price are as follows:

(i)  Calculation of the Net Asset Value, which in turn involves the Responsible Entity exercising Discretions in relation to—
A.  when Assets are to be valued
B.  when the Net Asset Value is to be determined
C.  the valuation methods and practices to be applied for different types of Assets, and
D.  the provisions which should be taken into account in determining the Liabilities.
(ii)  Calculation of the allowance to be applied for Transaction Costs.
(iii)  The time at which the Redemption Price should be determined, in relation to a particular request by a Member to withdraw part or all of their investment.
(iv)  The ability to reduce redemption requests pro rata at its discretion, if Members request redemptions of more than 25 percent of the Net Asset Value of the Trust in aggregate.

10.  Policies for exercise of Discretions

10.1  Determining Net Asset Value

(a)  General

(i)  In calculating the Issue Price or Redemption Price for Units, the Responsible Entity must determine the "Net Asset Value". The Net Asset Value is defined as the "Market Value of the Assets, less the Liabilities". The definition of "Liabilities" allows the Responsible Entity to include any provisions the Responsible Entity decides should be taken into account in determining those liabilities.
(ii)  Under the Constitution, the Responsible Entity may—
A.  decide when to value any Asset[1]
B.  in certain circumstances, decide matters impacting upon the valuation methods for Assets[2]
C.  convert the value of an overseas Asset in accordance with conversion methods and policies it adopts from time to time[3], and
D.  calculate the Net Asset Value at any time, in its discretion[4].
(iii)  Therefore, in calculating the Net Asset Value at any point in time, the Responsible Entity is entitled to exercise Discretions, in relation to—
A.  when Assets are to be valued
B.  when the Net Asset Value is to be determined
C.  in certain circumstances, matters impacting upon the valuation methods for Assets
D.  for overseas Assets, matters impacting the currency conversion of the Asset
E.  the provisions which should be taken into account in determining the Liabilities.

(b)  Valuation methods and procedures—current policies

Under the Constitution[5], the Responsible Entity may determine the valuation methods and policies for each category of Assets. The Responsible Entity's current policies, the valuation methods used and the source of information for pricing the major security classes of the Assets are as follows:

Security classes / Valuation methodology /
Australian equities / Exchange settlement price at close of relevant market
International equities / Exchange settlement price at close of relevant market
Fixed interest / Exchange settlement price at close of relevant market
Future contracts / Exchange settlement price at close of relevant market
Exchange traded options / Exchange settlement price at close of relevant market
Spot foreign exchange contracts / Reuters spot price
OTC derivatives / Price provided by Market Maker
Contracts for difference / Price provided by Market Maker
Unlisted shares / Last available independent valuation
Cash / Principal amount, plus any accrued interest

The Responsible Entity considers the above approach reasonable as it reflects industry standards and aims to ensure an appropriate market value is reflected in the Unit price.

(c)  Inaccurate reflection of value

Under the Constitution, AMH generally values the Assets at market value. However, AMH can exercise its discretion to use another value. For example, AMH may use another value where there is no market value available, or where AMH reasonably believes the value obtained is not the fair market value of the Asset. If AMH exercises its discretion by choosing an alternative method of valuation then it will use one or more of the alternative methods or sources listed below:

Security type / Alternative pricing method/source /
Australian equities / Underlying asset valuation e.g., as per annual accounts, or respective OTC market
International equities / Underlying asset valuation e.g., as per annual accounts, or respective OTC market
Fixed interest / Underlying asset valuation or respective OTC market
Future contracts / Underlying asset valuation or respective OTC market
Exchange traded options / Underlying asset valuation or respective OTC market
Spot foreign exchange contracts / Bloomberg spot rate
OTC derivatives / Alternate OTC Market Makers
Contracts for difference / Underlying asset valuation or respective OTC market
Unlisted shares / Directors' valuation

10.2  Determining the Liabilities

(a)  In determining the Liabilities, the Constitution provides that the Responsible Entity may allow for any provisions it considers should be taken into account.[6]

(b)  The provisions the Responsible Entity takes into account in determining the Liabilities are calculated in accordance with AIFRS.

10.3  Transaction Costs—Issues of Units

(a)  In determining the Issue Price, the Responsible Entity may add an allowance for Transaction Costs, to cover the costs associated with acquiring new Assets for the Trust.

(b)  As at the date of this Policy, the Transaction Costs allowance which is applied by the Responsible Entity when calculating the Issue Price is equal to 0.3 percent of the gross value of the Assets.

10.4  Transaction Costs—Withdrawals

(a)  In determining the Redemption Price, the Responsible Entity may subtract an allowance for Transaction Costs, to cover the costs associated with selling Assets of the Trust.

(b)  As at the date of this Policy, the Transaction Costs allowance which is applied by the Responsible Entity when calculating the Redemption Price is equal to 0.3 percent of the gross value of the Assets.

10.5  Timing for pricing of Units—General

(a)  As noted earlier in this Policy, under the Constitution, the Responsible Entity may decide when to determine either the Issue Price or Redemption Price, in relation to an application to invest in the Trust or request to withdraw from the Trust.

(b)  Whenever the Issue Price or Redemption Price is to be calculated, under the Constitution, the Responsible Entity determines (and then applies) the current Net Asset Value. However, this does not necessarily mean that the Net Asset Value applied will be higher or lower than the Net Asset Value last calculated by the Responsible Entity—the value of the Trust’s Assets (and the Liabilities) may not have actually changed since the last occasion on which the Responsible Entity calculated the Issue Price or Redemption Price.