Minutes of a meeting of Crowland Parish Council held on

Monday 5th September 2016 at 7.30pm in the Parish Rooms, Hall Street, Crowland,

Present - Mr R Boot, Miss C Elphee, Mr P Haselgrove, Mrs J Head, Mr D Kempton

Mr J Parnell & Mr G Quince

Also Present - Diana Beeken, Coun A Harrison & Kelly Lang of Crowland Skate Park Group

In the Chair - Mr D Ringham

Clerk - Mrs D Halliwell

227.Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Coun B Alcock, Mr D Ancill, Mr M Atkinson, Mr P Bird,

Mrs T Croxford & Coun J Astill.

228.Crowland Skate Park - Application for a site

Mr Ringham welcomed the members of the Skate Park Committee

Mr Haselgrove explained that he remains keen that the old South View School site be considered as a possible site and the LCC should be approached to see if they can obtain it under community use.

The group explained that this site was much larger than what is required.

Mrs Head was also keen that the current South View School field also is considered.

The Skate Park Group would prefer the option of a site near the adventure playground on the Snowden Fields.

The group are keen that any park covers all age groups.

Coun Astill is still collating usage numbers.

The group consider using concrete construction will extend the lifespan and reduce maintenance.

Ownership will depend on the agreed site, but the group would maintain the equipment.

The group fully understand the requirement for insurance.

They will have more idea of cost when they know the exact size of a site.

The Parish Council want to fully support this project but aren’t able to lead it.

It was concluded that this would be looked at in more detail and that Mr Boot will show the group and Parish Council members the proposed areas on the Snowden. Action - Mr Boot

Mr Haselgrove requested that the group still contact LCC regarding the old school site too.

229.Police Matters

There were no police officers present and a report had not been made available.

There had not been a response to the offensive graffiti that had appeared in Postland Road bus shelter.

The clerks to ask our workers to paint out this graffiti in both Postland Road and West Street bus shelters. Action - Clerks

Clerks to advise police that an ice cream van is parking on the footway outside of the school at leaving times each day. Action - Clerks

230.Declaration of Interests as per the LGA 2000

Mr P Haselgrove - Allotments

Mr R Boot & Miss C Elphee - Royal British Legion

Mrs J Head - Wildlife group

Mr D Ringham - Crowland Cares


231.To Agree as a correct Record the Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Item 213 - 3rd paragraph - should read “the report confirmed that the “reported” underground stream was “in fact” on the line of an old waterway “and was now filled in”.

Item 217 last paragraph - situation with pavilion shutters resolved.

Following these amendments, the minutes were proposed as a true and accurate record of the meeting by Mr Haselgrove and seconded by Mr Parnell. All agreed except Mrs Head and Mr Quince who were not at the meeting.

232.Reports on matters outstanding of the previous meeting not on this agenda

Mr Boot is still persuing the yellow rattle planting.

233.Assets working party

The AWP continue to make progress.

They had a meeting on 8th August 2016.

They had met with 3 representatives of the allotment holders and this meeting had gone very well.

The allotment association has finished its report and it has been forwarded to the Secretary of State.

Mr Kempton noted that the report refers to the A1073 which is no longer an A road and is now declassified.

234. Report from the Finance Committee

There has not been a meeting of this committee.

235.Report from the Farms & Gardens Committee

Nothing to report.

There is a meeting of this committee on 26th September.

The machinery is all in good order.

Our Ground Workers are on top of their work load.

There has been some fly tipping on the half Acres Road that Mr Boot will look at.

Action - Mr Boot

236.Report from the Planning Committee

Members have all had the minutes of the latest meeting.

The planning committee would like to see retirement bungalows on the old South View School site in Reform Street.

Clerks to enquire which dog bin wants moving at the lakeside and to where. Action - Clerks

Clerks to advise LCC Highways of the overgrown state of the footpath to the rear of South View School on Postland Road and exiting on to Kemp Street. Action - Clerks

237.Report from the Amenities Committee

There is to be a meeting of this committee on 28th September.

All repairs have been carried out to the slide and the swings in the children’s play area.

The large swing on the adventure playground has been taken out of use as it is unsafe.

All our playground equipment is now very old and we should look at replacing items at a rate of perhaps 1 or 2 pieces a year.

Members had noticed that many playgrounds had returned to grassed surfaces rather than wet pour or similar.

There had been a problem with the Youth Club door being very difficult to open. We have had builders do a temporary fix but the building is actually dropping so further repairs will be required.


238.Report from the Health & Safety Committee

There had been an incident where a grandmother had sat on the Adventure Playground swing with a grandchild on her knee and the swing had broken causing the grandmother some bruising on her arm. The swing was immediately removed and our insurers informed of the incident.

239.A16/Highways Matters

There has been no further information regarding the meeting members held with LCC regarding the A16.

Clerk to report pot holes in the roadway at the entrance to Trinity Close. Action - Clerks

Roadway surface broken up for the full width of the road in North Street outside of Hollywood hairdressers. Action - Clerks

Mr Ringham will chase the interactive road signs that we ordered. Action - Mr Ringham

Clerks to write to the Maize contractors regarding them not leaving mud on the road.

Action - Clerks

240.Vacancies on Crowland Parish Council

There have been 6 applications for the 2 posts.

All are to be interviewed by the Chairman and the Chairs of Committees.

Mr Ringham will get this organised. Action - Mr Ringham

241.Standing Orders

Mr Quince has made a start on this and the project is ongoing.


1.  Coun N Pepper - Email from Coun Pepper advising of the final recommendations for the LCC boundaries. In brief the Crowland Division will include Deeping St Nicholas, Hop Hole,

Stowgate, Cowbit, Dowsdale, Moulton Chapel, Nene Terrace, Whaplode Drove, Holbeach Drove, Gedney Hill, Shepeau Stow, Throckenholt and Sutton St Edmund. Although this is a large area it marked far more sense than that originally proposed by the Boundary Commission. Details also received from the Boundary Commission - Local Government Boundary Commission - Letter containing a summary of the final recommendations. The full report and map may be viewed on line at www.consultation.lgbce.org.uk. They also invite us to participate in an opinion survey on www.lgbce.org.uk/about-us/lgbce-opinion-survey Noted

2.  SHDC - Email from Karen Johnson with details of a meeting of the Trustees Forum b on Tuesday 13 September 2016 at Hills Department store at 7.30pm. New fundraising guideline will be discussed. RSVP by Thursday 8th September. Noted

3.  Brian Lever – Further details of the BMFA Mini Goodyear National Championships on the Snowden Field Sunday 9th October 2016 from 10.000 to 17.00. They require 3 circles, two with a radius of 17.5 metres and one with a radius of 22 metres. With our permission they would like to fly on the far side of the field adjacent to the road as they believe they can access this area with cars to unload the models from the track running by the Scout Hut. Copy of their insurance of £25,000,000 public liability (as they usually fly at MOD Airfields). “The policy covers any public authority whose facilities are being used by members, indemnity to principals is automatically provided and the interest of the Secretary of State for Defence is also noted in the policy”. DR will respond Action - Mr Ringham


4.  CPRE Lincolnshire - E-Mail advising how they are planning to celebrate this year’s Best Kept Village Competition awards winners. CPRE will prepare a press statement for release to the winners and they will be issued with either a brass plaque or a County Council Road Sign. If a local celebration is to be held then members of the CPRE will be pleased to attend and make an official presentation. CPRE President, Lady Willoughby, will be holding a reception at her home, Grimsthorpe Castle, on the evening of 30th September for Civic Leaders. MP’s and some of those involved in the competition. 5 invitations to the reception will be offered to each class winner. Judging is well under way and they hope to announce the winners in early September. Noted

5.  Anglian Water - It has been identified that 0.15km of 225dia HPPE Water Pipe requires laying from the Crowland Water Tower underneath the River Welland to Gravel Causeway to enable a new housing development to go ahead in Crowland. Initial section of work will start w/c 22 or 29 August 2016 and last 4 weeks. Works will be carried out between 23.00 & 6.00 hrs Noted

6.  David Grundy - Email asking if the Parish Council is aware of the neglected state of the heritage trail along Corporation Bank and if any action is in hand to refurbish the signs. He understands that the original project was grant funded and involved St Guthlacs school students. He wonders if South View might like to have some some input. He goes on to say that there are a number of clubs and organisations that could be approached to make a contribution towards any cost. He asks for a response on what specific actions are planned/ inhand/ to restore/maintain the trail. DR will respond, we believe this is the responsibility of the environment Agency Action - Mr Ringham

7.  Linda Barton - Email asking if something could be done about the increasing growth of weeds on the footpath at the back of the six acres’ fields, next to the fence protecting the A16 road. The walking group frequently uses this path and the weed growth is becoming an obstacle for many walkers. She asks that if the Parish Council is responsible for the condition of the footpath could we please clear it or pass the request to whoever is responsible. Clerks to as our workers to have a look. DR Will speak to Linda. Action Clerks & Mr Ringham

8.  Diesel Quotes - Quotes obtained on 3rd August 2016 for red diesel were:- Rix (Spalding) @ 39.99pence, Q8 (Spalding) @ 38.05 pence and Crown oil @ 45 pence. These prices fluctuate daily and it takes time to prepare an account. Our last fuel bill we paid 50.88 pence. Ensure we have 3 quotes before next diesel order

9.  Danny Jackson - Email from Danny thanking Mr Lawson & Mr Flowers for their help in moving the football pitch. Thank Mr Lawson & Mr Flowers

10.  SHDC - Email from Karen Johnson regarding Lincolnshire Community Safety Partnership Survey. The partnership is made up of Local and District Councils, Police, fire & rescue, probation services and Clinical Commissioning Groups. Every year the partnership reviews



what it should focus on and would like to hear what we consider priorities. Respond stating policing, Roads & ASB Action - Clerks

12.  Amjad Sheikh - E-Mail explaining that he is acting on behalf of N H S Property services. He informs us that the health centre wish to install a gas connection to the property and that the pipe would pass under our land. He attaches a plan to show the likely route. It is also likely that any contractor would need to keep a skip in a compound area on the car park and attaches another plan to show the location. Noted

13.  Community Lincs - E-mail advising that Community Lincs AGM will be held on 21st September 2016 at 7.30pm at Washingborough Community Centre LN4 1AB. They attach Agenda and previous minutes. Anyone intending to attend should register on https://clagm2016.evenbrite.co.uk Noted

14.  Kate Howden Jones - E-mail explaining that she and her husband are singer songwriters based in the North West of the country, and travel the country playing at local venues. They have a 90 minute family friendly show of original songs, stories and tunes. They are interested in hiring a venue as part of their 2016-17 tour. Tickets are £8 and aim for 40 tickets to be sold. And pay for the hire of the venue. They provide all the publicity material. If we are interested or have any further questions they can be contacted on 07983 442700. Mr Ringham will ring the lady Action - Mr Ringham

15.  LALC – Training Day on Safeguarding in the Community on 3rd November at Sleaford 9.30-3.30pm. This event covers best practices and policies and Safeguarding responsibilities when hiring out venues. Noted

16.  Peterborough City Council & Coun Pepper – Letter advising that the B1040 weight limit came into force today – 5th September 2016Clerks to Advise Highways that signage needs updating to send lorries to Newborough Roundabout to join the A16. Action - Clerks