Unit 1- Georgia S Location, Native American Cultures, and European Impact (Part 1)

Unit 1- Georgia S Location, Native American Cultures, and European Impact (Part 1)

Unit 1- Georgia’s Location, Native American Cultures, and European Impact (Part 1)

Student Name: ______Group: ____

NOTE: You will conference with the teacher after you have completed your Pretest Analysis form and begin working on your choice board.

Graduation Competencies:

*Graduation Standard #1 – HISTORY:Evaluate a variety of sources to apply knowledge of major eras, enduring themes, turning points and historic influences to analyze the forces of continuity and change in the community, the state, the United States and the world.

*Graduation Standard #2 – GEOGRAPHY:Analyze the physical, human and environmental geography of Georgia, the United States and various regions of the world to evaluate the interdependent relationships and challenges facing human systems in the past, present and future.

Pre-Test Analysis results (please ATTACH your analysis sheet): ______

DOK Level to begin on for Performance Indicator: ______Teacher Initials: ______

Performance Indicators that may be skipped entirely: ______Teacher Initials: ______

Academic Goal: ______

Career Goal:

Graduation Standard #2 -- GEOGRAPHY
Performance Indicators:
a. Compare the major regions of the Earth and their major physical features and political boundaries using a variety of geographic tools.
b. Compare the major regions of the Earth and their major physical features and political boundaries using a variety of geographic tools.
SS8G1a / DOK 1
Learning Target: I can…
K(1): Locate and name Georgia’s region, nation, continent, and hemispheres.
Online Content
-Active Classroom - Atlas of World History: Reviewing Basic Map Skills
Classroom Content
-Where is Georgia? Flip Book: Students will research Georgia’s location in relation to its region, nation, and continent and make a flipbook. / DOK 2
Learning Target: I can…
R(1): Compare Georgia’s relative location to other regions of the world.
Classroom Content
- Where am I? Pirate Map: Students will write directions to places using relative locations of places in how they relate to Georgia.
- Bingo: Students will work to create clues for a bingo game. All clues will describe relative locations of places to Georgia. / DOK 3
Learning Target: I can…
R(2): Develop a logical argument for the settlement of Georgia based on its similarities to Asia.
Online Content
-Merchants of the Great Exchange Journal: Students will work through the trade route simulation and make decision based on their background knowledge. Students will journal about how their decisions affect their success. Students will then write a conclusion supporting the settlement of Georgia and how it will benefit them as merchants. / DOK 4
Team PBL
Option #1 -National History Day “Taking a Stand in History”
Option #2 – Science Fair
-Choose a competition.
-Choose a topic to research.

Unit 1- Georgia’s Location, Native American Cultures, and European Impact (Part 2)

Student Name: ______Group: ____

Graduation Competencies:

*Graduation Standard #1 – HISTORY: Evaluate a variety of sources to apply knowledge of major eras, enduring themes, turning points and historic influences to analyze the forces of continuity and change in the community, the state, the United States and the world.

*Graduation Standard #2 – GEOGRAPHY: Analyze the physical, human and environmental geography of Georgia, the United States and various regions of the world to evaluate the interdependent relationships and challenges facing human systems in the past, present and future.

Pre-Test Analysis results (please ATTACH your analysis sheet): ______

DOK Level to begin on for Performance Indicator: ______Teacher Initials: ______

Performance Indicators that may be skipped entirely: ______Teacher Initials: ______

Graduation Standard #1 – HISTORY
Performance Indicators:
a. Evaluate effectiveness and impact of historical events and developments as examples of change and/or continuity.
b. Use questions generated about individuals and groups to analyze why they, and the developments they shaped, are seen as historically significant.
c. Analyze multiple factors that influenced the perspectives of people during different historical eras.
d. Describe how people's perspectives shaped the historical sources they created.
e. Investigate possible limitations in the historical record based on evidence collected from different kinds of historical sources.
SS8H1a / DOK 1
Learning Target: I can…
K(1): Name the four prehistoric Indian Cultures in chronological order.
K(2): Identify the food, weapons, housing, and tools of each time period.
Activities: Classroom Content
-Graphic Organizer: Four Native American Cultures---Students will research the four cultures and complete a chart identifying the food, weapons, housing, and tools of each period. / DOK 2
Learning Target: I can…
R(1): Explain how each culture is unique.
R(2): Explain how each culture under goes changes and evolves into the next.
R(3): Summarize the general evolution of the four Native American Cultures.
Activities: Classroom Content
Option # 1 - Native American Cultures Comic Strip: Students will draw a day in life of each culture highlighting the characteristics of the culture including food, weapons, housing, and tools.
Option # 2 – Native American Culture Short Story: Students will write a short story/script for each of the four cultures highlighting the characteristics of the culture including food, weapons, housing, and tools. / DOK 3
Learning Target: I can…
R(4):Draw conclusions about how each culture’s technology has impacted our lives today.
R(5): Investigate and make a case about how we know and understand prehistoric cultures.
R(6): Question the possible limitations of historical findings.
Activities: Classroom Content
Prehistory to Today: Students will create a presentation or display comparing a piece of technology from each of these time periods to something we use today. Use supporting evidence for your ideas. / DOK 4
Team PBL
Option #1 - National History Day “Taking a Stand in History”
Option #2 – Science Fair
-Choose a competition.
-Choose a topic to research.
Graduation Standard #1 -- HISTORY
Performance Indicators:
a. Evaluate effectiveness and impact of historical events and developments as examples of change and/or continuity.
b. Use questions generated about individuals and groups to analyze why they, and the developments they shaped, are seen as historically significant.
c. Analyze multiple factors that influenced the perspectives of people during different historical eras.
d. Describe how people's perspectives shaped the historical sources they created.
SS8H1bc / DOK 1
Learning Target: I can…
K(1): List the ways Spanish mission impacted the Native American Cultures.
K(2): List the impacts of DeSoto on Native American Cultures.
K(3): List the main countries that explored America’s southeastern area.
K(4): List the reasons for European exploration and settlement.
Activities: Classroom Content
-Graphic Organizer: Countries that Colonized America --- Students will create graphic organizer highlighting the economic and religious reasons for settlement of the new world.
-DeSoto Play --- Students will participate in acting out the voyage of DeSoto then they will write a short description of the important events and reasons for DeSoto’s exploration.
Online Content
-Active Classroom: Atlas of U.S. History: Early Claims, Early Conflicts ---Students will work through the online assignment and draw conclusions from the information provided. / DOK 2
Learning Target: I can…
R(1): Explain the impact of Spanish missions and how they affect Native American Cultures.
R(2): Explain the impact of Hernando DeSoto and how he affected Native American Cultures.
R(3): Explain the reasons for European exploration and settlement of the new world.
R(4): Analyze positive and negative outcomes of European exploration.
Activities: Classroom Content
-Pocahontas Analysis ---Students will watch the movie Pocahontas and analysis the interactions between the Indians and the Explorers. Students will complete a set of questions asking them to analyze the themes in the movie. Students will draw conclusion about the impact the explorers had on the natives.
- DeSoto Tableau ---Students will work as teams to read and fill out a graphic organizer about Hernando DeSoto’s expedition to the New World. Then they will work as a team to create a tableau to illustrate their understanding of the events during the expedition. / DOK 3
Learning Target: I can…
R(5): Elaborate on the cause and effects of European Exploration and the decline of the Native American Cultures.
R(6): Apply my knowledge of reasons for exploration and settlement to make connections to world economics and power.
Activities: Classroom Content
-Lobby for “Your” Country --- Students will pick one of the three major countries that settled the New World. They will support their claim to the land with compelling reasons they find in their research including economic, religious and political. Students will create a product to display their stance. / DOK 4
Team PBL
Option #1 - National History Day “Taking a Stand in History”
Option #2 – Science Fair
-Choose a competition.
-Choose a topic to research.

***Rubrics and expectations for assignments will be provided as needed.