Process for submitting Digital Projects:
1)Library Staff, in consultation with Collection Manager, identify a collection or group of materials as a good candidate for a digital project. Considering the following factors:
- Uniqueness of materials
- Copyright concerns
- Interest, potential use, and audience of digitized materials
- Ability to translate effectively into a digital project
2)Library staff and collection manager schedule consultation withMetadata Librarian Lisa Koch and Digital Project Manager Tom Moon to examine the materials and briefly assess project feasibility. Other experts may also need to be consulted, depending on the nature of the project (on such issues as copyright, preservation, programming or server concerns).
3)Library staff member completes the Criteria for Digital Projects form and returns it to the Metadata Librarian, Lisa Koch. Each member of the Digitization Project Management Team (consisting of Digitization Project Manger, Metadata Librarian, Web Programmer, and Systems staff) will complete a brief analysis of the project (taking into consideration the feasibility of the project). These evaluations will be submitted to the Digitizing Advisory Committee (DAC) along with the completed Criteria for Digital Projects form.
4)DAC will regularly review completed applications and evaluate projects based on the University of California Selection Criteria for Digitization ( to prioritize digital projects for production.
5)Once a project has been selected for digitization, the Digital Projects Management Team will work with the collection manager to design the project and begin digitizing the materials.
UCSB Libraries Criteria for Digitization Projects
Please complete and submit to the Metadata Librarian.
Project Title:
Project Overview:
Briefly answer the following:
- WHAT is it?
- What is the goal of digitizing these materials?
- and WHEN should it happen (note any specific time-sensitivities to digitization)?
1. Description of Materials/ Collection
- How many titles/objects/pages (as appropriate) are in the project. Please estimate.
- What is the date range of these materials?
- Brief list of the types of materials in the collection to be digitized (i.e. photographs, scrapbook, sound recordings)
- Note any features which might be important to consider when digitizing collection (i.e. majority of items are poster-sized prints; items would best display from multiple dimensions or by video, etc.):
- What work/processing (if any) would need to be done to the materials/collection prior to digitization?
2. Uniqueness
- Is/are the item/s unique (at least to the UC Libraries)?
- Do similar digital collections already exist (or has the material already been digitized—if so indicate reasons for duplication of effort)?
3. Metadata
- How are the items currently described or cataloged? (example: MARC catalog record for each item, folder level EAD guide, word document containing list of item titles and dates, imbedded DublinCore…. etc)
- Please list the fields of information you feel would be necessary to properly describe the materials (examples: title, subject matter, genres….)
4. Rights
- Is the collection or item in the public domain? Or if protected under copyright, are the rights for electronic reproduction and distribution easy to obtain for low or no cost (if there is a fee, please state the amount)
- Do additional donor or licensing restrictions apply?
5. Use
- Do the materials currently have high use, or realistic potential for increased use?
- Who is/are the audience(s) for these materials?
- Are other surrogates (digital or otherwise) available?
- How will the project support institutional research and teaching needs?
- Are there advocates for digitization within the institutional community?
- When considering the web interface that will be made for this collection, are there special features you feel would enhance the functionality or access to these materials?
6. Collaboration
- Does the project lend itself to collaboration among the UC Libraries or other departments or institutions?
7. Funding
- Is funding available (or secured) via grant(s) or donor(s)? If so, please state amount.
- Is there any potential demand for reproductions, or opportunity for cost recovery through e-commerce?
8. Special Considerations
- Please note any other special considerations (such as preservation concerns, or language or subject expertise needed to digitize and describe the collection, etc.).
Proposal Submitter SignatureDate
Head of Department which materials originateDate
Assessment of Project by Digitization Project Management Team
Digitization Evaluation:
Metadata Evaluation:
Web Programming Evaluation:
Systems Evaluation: