Learner Equality & Diversity



Overview / 1
2Further Information
4Review / 2
Key Information / 3
1.1Introduction and Purpose
2Policy Implements
3 Legal Requirements
4Positive About Disabled People
5Mindful Employer
6Compliance with Legal Requirements
7Equal opportunities for All
8Harassment/Bullying of Learners Attending College
10The Six Dimensions to Equality of Opportunity
11Areas of Action / 3
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Februay 2011 / Ref:POL0075

Learner Equality & Diversity




The Learner Equality and Diversity policy hasbeen fully revised in line with new legislation which came intoeffect with the introduction of the Equality Act on 1 October 2010. All strategies in relation to Equality and Diversityare now dedicated in all aspects to meeting the identified equality strands within this legislation.

2Further Information

The following staff are available to give further advice and guidance regarding this policy.

  • Janice KeilthyDeputy Principal
  • Kit Sargent Director of Quality & Learner Services
  • Wayne Dewick Associate Director Learner Services
  • Jilly Fenwick Associate Director QA (FE) & Staff Development
  • Bob DickinsonAdvanced Practitioner – Equality & Diversity
  • Caroline Douglass Disability Advisor


This revised policy has been circulated to members of the Equality & Diversity Group, other groups and committees and was available for consultation. It was approved by the Senior Management Team on 2 November 2010 and the Corporation Board on 31 January 2011.


A review will be lead bi-annually by the Director of Quality & Learner Services involving consultation with external organisations as appropriate as well as staff and learners.

This policy should be read in conjunction with other related policies such as:

  • Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults
  • Staff Equality & Diversity Policy
  • Strategic Plan 2010-2013
  • Anti-Bullying Strategy

February 2011 / Page - 1 - / Ref:POL0075

Learner Equality & Diversity

PolicyKey Information


1.1Introduction and Purpose

To ensure:

  • That the College safeguards and protects all learners from all forms of discrimination, harassment and victimisation.
  • That all learners are aware of their rights and responsibilities in relation to equality and diversity.
  • That the College is responsive to the needs of all learners regardless of race, religious belief, gender, sexuality, gender reassignment, pregnancy/maternity, age and disability.


The College is committed to providing an environment that reflects and respects the diversity of individuals and ensures equality of opportunity for all. Specifically:

  • To create an ethos and learning environment which reflects the diverse community at large, and which both values and respects the individual contributions of all.
  • To ensure that all learners are treated with respect and dignity and provided with a learning environment free from unlawful discrimination (direct, indirect and combined), harassment or victimisation.
  • To ensure that no individual should be disadvantaged or treated less favourably on grounds of race, religious belief, gender, sexuality, gender reassignment, pregnancy/maternity, age and disability.
  • To make reasonable adjustments to its arrangements and premises with a view to avoiding any disadvantages to individuals and provide support for learners as and when required.
  • To ensure that all learners are treated with equality and fairness at all stages of learning and that their treatment isbased solely on objective, learning related, criteria. This will be through the implementation of practices whichensure that equality, and its promotion, is embedded in all aspects of the learning process, and other relatedpolicies and procedures.
  • To work in partnership with relevant organisations, learners and staff in the development and implementation of this policy.

1.3 Scope

  • Prospective learners (in relation to admission arrangements).
  • Learners at the College (including those absent or temporarily excluded).
  • Former learners (if continuing relationship).
  • Disabled people who are not learners at the College but who hold or have applied for qualifications conferred by the institution. 

February 2011 / Page - 1 - / Ref:POL0075

Learner Equality & Diversity

PolicyKey Information

2Policy Implementation

The Director of Quality and Learner Services has overall responsibility for the implementation of the policy.

The Associate Director QA (FE), Associate Director Learner Services alongside the Advanced Practitioner (Equality and Diversity) and the Disability Advisor have responsibility for staff training and dissemination of the policy information, monitoring systems and procedures and development and implementation of the action plan in relation to Equality and Diversity.

Associate Directors and Managers have a responsibility for ensuring that staff and learners understand the policy and that the policy is implemented within the College.

All staff have responsibility for ensuring that both they and the learners they work with understand and implement the policy.

All learners have personal responsibility for the implementation of the policy and must show respect and consideration for others within the College community.

3Legal Requirements

The College is committed to achieving equality of opportunity for all learners within the College and recognises its obligations under the Equality Act 2010, together with associated Codes of Practice.

4Positive About Disabled People

The College is an authorised user of the Positive About Disabled People logo.

5Mindful Employer

The College is an authorised user of the Mindful Employer logo. This is a charter for employers who are positive about mental health.

6Compliance with Legal Requirements

Specific legal requirements under the Equality Act 2010 apply to educational establishments. All staff are legally obliged to observe the College code of conduct and to act in all their professional exchanges with other staff and learners in such a way that: (i) promotes the College Equality and Diversity Policy and related procedures; (ii) acknowledges their legal obligations under the Equality Act 2010.

7Equal Opportunities for All

The College is committed to reducing and eliminating all forms of disadvantage and discrimination by legislation and positive action. 

February 2011 / Page - 1 - / Ref:POL0075

Learner Equality & Diversity

PolicyKey Information

The progression towards equality will ensure that no group receives less favourable treatment, thereby enabling all learners, regardless of race, religious belief, gender, sexuality, gender reassignment, pregnancy/maternity, age and disability to have equal access to the provision of goods, services, education, training, facilities and premises.

The College will develop relevant procedures to eliminate all forms of direct, indirect and combined discrimination relating to the following equality strands (the ‘protected characteristics’ as defined within the tenets of the Equality Act 2010). These can be summarised as follows:

Gender Discrimination

Unequal treatment of an individual or group on account of their gender or marital status.

Pregnancy/Maternity Discrimination

Unequal treatment of an individual or group on account of pregnancy/maternity.

Discrimination on Grounds of Sexuality

Unequal treatment of an individual or group on account of their sexual orientation.

Discrimination on Grounds of Gender Reassignment

Unequal treatment of an individual or group on account of an individual of transgender status.

Discrimination on Grounds of Disability

Unequal treatment of an individual or group on account of an individual having a disability.

Discrimination on Grounds of Age

Unequal treatment of an individual or group on account of their age.

Discrimination on Grounds of Race

Unequal treatment of an individual or group on account of their race.

Discrimination on Grounds of Religion

Unequal treatment of an individual or group on account of their religion or belief.

1Harassment/Bullying of Learners Attending College

Likewise the College will ensure that no learner is harassed or bullied on the grounds of their gender, sexuality, gender reassignment, disability, pregnancy/maternity, age, race and religion. The College will implement the procedures stated in the Anti-Bullying Strategy to prevent and respond to all forms of bullying in a pro-active manner. The categories of bullying as defined in this strategy include:

  • Racist and religious bullying;
  • Sexual, sexist and transphobic bullying;
  • Homophobic bullying;
  • Disablist bullying. 

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Learner Equality & Diversity

PolicyKey Information


The College is also committed to preventing the victimisation of the following categories of individuals in compliance with its obligations under the Equality Act 2010:

  • prospective learners
  • learners at the institution
  • in some limited circumstances former learners
  • disabled people (non-learners) who hold or who have applied for a qualification conferred by the institution.

Victimisation is defined in the Act as:

Treating someone badly because they have done a ‘protected act’ (or because the institution believes that a person has or is going to do a protected act).

A ‘protected act’ is:

  • Making a claim or complaint of discrimination (under the Equality Act).
  • Helping someone else to make a claim by giving evidence or information.
  • Making an allegation that the further or higher education institution or someone else has breached the Act.
  • Doing anything else in connection with the Act.

10The Six Dimensions to Equality of Opportunity

The College acknowledges six dimensions relating to equality of opportunity for all and will strive to be pro-active in the development and implementation of practical measures relating to the realisation of these six dimensions, namely:


Eliminating all forms of discrimination in accordance with college policy and current legislation.


Ensuring that all learners can go about their business in an atmosphere free of threat or abuse.

Widening Participation

Encouraging the maximum access to the full range of courses and other College services for all regardless of race, religious belief, gender, sexuality, gender reassignment, pregnancy/maternity, age and disability.

Inclusive Learning

Providing support to enable individual leamers of different abilities and needs to progress through the curriculum towards successful achievement. 

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Learner Equality & Diversity

PolicyKey Information

Celebrating Diversity

Recognising and reflecting the positive contributions of all regardless of race, religious belief, gender, sexuality, gender reassignment, pregnancy/maternity, age and disability.

Increasing Awareness

Developing awareness of the many different aspects of the equality strands amongst both staff and learners, ensuring progression towards a college environment and curriculum which acknowledges and embeds these strands.

11Areas for Action

The College will seek to further implement the above six dimensions in a range of clearly identified areas for action which may impact upon the daily life of the College community of learners and staff. These areas include:

Awareness Raising

All learners will be given information on equality and diversity as part of the induction process and tutorial programme. In this way learners will be encouraged to consider the issue of discrimination and the significance of the various equality strands in a responsible manner and develop an understanding of the College's stance on these and related issues.

Ethos and Atmosphere

In accordance with expressed policy the ethos and atmosphere of the College should show respect for the diversity of the learner body.

Entry and Recruitment Procedures

Information on equal opportunities issues be included on enrolment forms and the opportunity made to discuss these with a member of staff in private.

Course Publicity

Course publicity and marketing materials will be monitored to ensure that all minority groups have equal access to information and opportunities.

Marketing materials reflecting a diverse College community will be encouraged alongside positive images of minority groups.

Facilities, Resources and Timetables

Learning resources will be made available which support equality and diversity in education .

The individual needs of learners will be met by the provision of appropriate support and facilities with adjustments made to timetables as necessary.

Curriculum Delivery

Teaching styles will be developed which ensure that minority groups are given equal attention in diverse teaching situations.

Curriculum materials/presentations will be critically reviewed by course teams and Disability Advisory Team/Equality & Diversity Group monitoring of samples, on a regular basis to ensure that they are free from any form of bias or discriminatory assumptions and images. 

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Learner Equality & Diversity


Key Information

Staff will be encouraged to propose ways in which the curriculum can be adapted, where necessary, to take account of the diversity of needs, interests and experiences of learners.

All areas of the curriculum will be encouraged to progress towards the embedding of different aspects of the equality strands in terms of both meeting individual learner needs and also raising awareness of these strands.

Childcare Responsibilities: Learners

The College recognises that, as a result of the inequality in childcare and other domestic duties parents/guardians suffer, it will need to undertake special measures to ensure genuine equality of access for learners with care responsibilities.

The College will endeavour to provide childcare at the institution or elsewhere, for learners, whenever they are required to be on the premises. Flexibility built into timetabling will be encouraged to assist those with family responsibilities.

Dietary Requirements

The College catering facilities will seek to ensure that all dietary requirements are catered for in the campus eating areas.

Learner Access

The College will apply the principle and practice of fair selection to the recruitment and selection of learners, recognising that many groups in society covered by this policy are under-represented among learners or are possibly deterred by discrimination or stereotypes from attempting particular courses.

The College will ensure that applicants for courses are not subject to any form of discrimination or victimisation on any of the following grounds:

  • in the arrangements made for deciding who is offered admission,
  • in relation to the terms on which an offer to admit a person as a learner is made,
  • by not admitting a person

Annual learner surveys and reports will provide a profile according to equal opportunities issues. The equality and diversity group will use these to set targets for improving the position of groups found to be under-represented and will consider strategies for implementing improvements and review progress annually.

Community Engagement

The College will develop positive dialogue with local employers, community organisations, places of worship, trade unions, job centres and voluntary organisations to ascertain needs and aspirations, and to use the information constructively when preparing its curriculum, publicity material and campus developments.

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