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TWS Series 2750 Curtain Wall Specifications Section 08900



A.All applicable provisions of the BIDDING REQUIREMENTS, CONTRACT FORMS, CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT AND DIVISION I - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS shall govern the work under this section.


A.Provide all labor, materials, necessary equipment, services and included but not limited to all related work to complete the Curtain Wall / Window Wall work, as indicated on the drawings, as specified herein or both, except as for items specifically indicated as not included.

B.Including but not necessarily limited to the following:

1.The complete wall systems, as indicated, detailed, specified and shown on the architectural drawings.

2.All systems shall have a gutter at the head detail to provide a secondary back-up for the caulking.

3.Glass and glazing for each of above systems including structural silicone glazing. See Glass and Glazing Section 08800 for requirements.

4.Internal sealants, or caulking, joint fillers and gaskets in conjunction with above components.

5.Anchorage of above components, including but not limited to pre-set embeds in concrete, bracing, kickers, reinforcing as required. (Other trades to install pre-set embeds.)

6.All insulation, safing, and related support systems required on the above items.

C. These specifications are intended to provide a performance type specification for the design, fabrication and installation of the glass/ aluminum wall systems. The Contractor is responsible for the engineering and design of all components and materials as well as the fabrication, installation and performance of the wall systems.

D.Drawings are diagrammatic. The details shown are intended as a guide for the aesthetic and interfacing requirements of the window and curtain wall systems with other work. The drawings are not to be construed as engineering design, or adequate to meet the engineering design requirements.


A.Engage a single firm to assume undivided responsibility for fabrication and installation and total coordination of all components of the exterior curtain wall and window wall systems. This firm must demonstrate not less than five years successful experience in fabrication and installation of work similar to the work of this project.

B.The work of this section shall be performed by a Contractor, who is regularly engaged in the engineering, fabrication, finishing and installation, of systems similar to those specified. Contractor shall have successfully completed at least five comparable projects over the previous five years.

C.The Curtain Wall Sub-Contractor is responsible for coordination, compatibility and design integrity to secure a weather seal with all surfaces and related materials.

D.The work of this section shall comply with the latest edition of the following standards. When conflicts arise between standards, the more stringent shall apply.

1.AAMA "Metal Curtain - Wall Specifications Manual".

2.AAMA "Aluminum Curtain - Wall Design Guide Manual".

3.Aluminum Association "Specifications for Aluminum Structures".

4."Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings", including commentary of the AISC Specifications, AISC.

5."Specifications for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members", AISI.

6."Structural Welding Code", AWS D1.1.

7."General Requirements for Delivery of Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes, Sheet Piling and Bars for Structural Use", ASTM A-6.

8."Handbook on Bolt, Nut and Rivet Standards", Industrial Fasteners Institute.

9."Glazing Manual" Flat Glass Marketing Association.

10.American Society for Testing and Materials, various specifications.

11.American National Standards Institute, various standards.

12.Comply with IGCC (Class CBA), ASTM E773, ASTM E546, and ASTM E774 (Class C.)


A.Provide the following submittals for information only, not for acceptance. Promptly provide any additional information and clarifications that may be requested by the architect for each submittal.

1.Prior to submitting any documents required for approval, provide an itemized list of specification requirements and architectural drawing requirements which are not embodied in the contract, or intended contract, for work of this section. Identify the specification page and paragraph, or the architectural drawing sheet, elevation, plan, section or detail for each item. Deviations not specifically identified in this manner shall not be deemed valid in submittal review, and shall be cause for disapproval at the architect's discretion. In the event that there are no deviations, provide a written statement of full compliance with architectural drawings and specifications. Failure to provide an itemized list of deviations in the required form or a statement of full compliance shall, at the architect's discretion, be cause for return of any and all submittals for approval without review, with the contractor bearing full responsibility for any resultant delay.

2.Prior to building construction, provide glass manufacturers' wind and thermal stress analysis, showing that specified maximum probabilities of breakage are not exceeded.

3.Prior to building construction, provide sealant manufacturer's test reports confirming adhesion of silicone sealant to all relevant substrates. Provide samples of production materials to sealant manufacturer for adhesion tests. Adhesion shall be evaluated, and is required to be acceptable, after initial cure and after water immersion for seven days. Evaluate adhesion of immersed samples immediately after removal from water.

4.Prior to building construction provide glass manufacturer's written statement that any insulated, reflective, spandrel or laminated glass, which is supported by structural silicone, is suitable for such application.

5.Prior to building construction, provide certified test reports to Architect for structural silicone assembly tests, showing compliance with specified requirements.

B.Provide the following submittals for acceptance. First submittals and re-submittals shall be complete and in the required form. Re-submittals shall include requested corrections and shall respond to previous comments. Each sheet that is revised shall bear a revision date and number. Revisions shall be flagged with a conspicuous revision symbol and number. Failure of a submittal to be complete, in the proper form, responsive to comments or identify revisions shall, at the architect's discretion, be cause for disapproval and return of documents without review, with the contractor bearing full responsibility for any resultant delay. Failure to review comments to note a noncompliance with plans and specifications shall not relieve the contractor from his obligation to comply. Failure to review comments to note a noncompliance on a given submittal shall not preclude a directive to comply on future submittals. Allow sufficient time for preparation and procession of submittals and re-submittals to avoid conflicts with schedules.

1.Provide complete shop drawings of all systems for the architect's approval. Drawings shall include elevations, floor plans, sections and full size details. Details shall be fully drawn (not outlined) and shall be full size. Drawings shall include the following information:

a.Joinery and internal weather seals

b Glass and metal thicknesses

c.Metal alloy, temper and finish

d.Glass strength, tint, coating, opacifier, frit and safety backing

e.Fastener alloy, plating, diameter, length and spacing

f.Glazing materials identification

g.Relative layout of walls, beams, columns and slabs with dimensions noted

h.Field connections, weld sizes, anchorages, and fasteners

i.Dimensioned position of glass edge relative to metal daylight

j.Glazing and re-glazing procedures

k.Dimension limits of movements for all moving joints.

l.Spotting plans for preset inserts

m.All calculations and shop drawings shall have the seal and signature of professional engineer

2.Provide structural calculations sealed by a professional engineer prepared in compliance with referenced documents and these specifications. Where specifications and code differ, the more severe requirements shall govern. Test reports are not an acceptable substitute for calculations. Calculations shall include the following information:

a.Analysis for all applicable loads on framing members

b.Analysis for all applicable loads on anchors, including anchors embedded in concrete

c.Section property computations for framing members

d.Seal and signature of professional engineer currently registered in the State of ______

C.Samples: Submit samples of each type and color of aluminum and stainless steel finish on 12" long sections of extrusions or formed shapes and on six inch square of sheet/plate. Include two or more samples in each set, showing near-limits of variations (if any) in color and texture of finish.

D.Architect reserves right to require submittal of fabrication samples, showing prime members, joinery, anchorage, expansion provisions, glazing and similar details, profiles and intersections.

E.Submit manufacturer's product data and specifications for materials, and fabrication of the fixed window and curtain wall work. Include instruction/recommendations for installation and maintenance. Include certified test reports showing compliance with requirements where a test method is indicated.

F.Glass samples, 12" square, of all types specified.

G.Technical data on all proposed sealants, along with color chart, and cured samples.

H.12" x 12" samples of insulation with technical data.

I.One inch length of fire safing with technical data.

J.Glass setting blocks, side spacers, gaskets and shims.

K.Samples of fire knock-out decals or markings.

L.Mock-up test report accompanied by as built mock-up drawings. (If mock-up test is required)

M.Gasket test reports, sealant test reports, and technical data on all glazing accessories.

N.Window washing tie-in samples, technical data and test reports.


A. Provision for Thermal Movements

1.Thermal component of joint movement shall be based upon a minimum material temperature increase of 60 degrees Fahrenheit and decrease of 60 degrees Fahrenheit relative to time of installation. Design for these assumed temperature changes at all surface areas exposed to the exterior. Assume the interior material to have 50% of exterior temperature variance. For thermal design other than joint movement, the design winter surface temperature shall be the +19 degree design dry bulb winter temperature from the ASHRAE handbook; the design summer surface temperature shall be at least 140 degrees Fahrenheit. All components including adhesives and sealants shall be capable of withstanding without failure design winter temperature to design summer temperature with simultaneous specified loads.

B.Structural Properties

1.The wall shall be designed to meet all applicable local building codes.

2.Performance criteria at design pressures and loads for metal members supporting glass and panels shall be as follows:

a.Perpendicular to the plane of the wall, net deflection of framing members shall be in accordance with AAMA T1R-A11-1996: Spans to 13’-6” (limit to L/175); Spans 13’-6”-40’-0” (limit to L/240 + ¼”). Span is defined as the distance between anchor centerlines; for cantilever, span is defined as two times the distance between anchor centerline and end of cantilever. Where a sealant joint occurs between a framing member and a relatively stiff building element, framing member deflection shall not exceed 1/2 of the nominal joint width, or less if required by sealant manufacturer. Where a framing member runs continuously past a deflecting support, the support deflection shall be added to the member deflections.

b.In the plane of the wall, deflection of framing members shall not exceed 0.125 inch. This includes horizontal rail sag due to dead load. Corner mullion in-plane deflection due to wind pressure shall be limited to 1/4" maximum within a lite of glass at any time. Reduce deflection further if required for assembly and fit of component.

c. Stresses shall not exceed allowable values established by the specifications listed in code standards. In no case shall allowable values exceed the yield stress. Where permitted by code, a 1/3 increase in allowable stress for wind or seismic load is generally acceptable, but not in combination with any reduction applied to combined loads.

d.Thermal breaks shall be assumed to have no ability to transfer shear stress for composite action of flexural members. Elements joined by a thermal break shall be assumed to act separately.

e.Where a framing member reaction is resisted by a continuous element, the maximum assumed effective length of the resisting element shall be four times the bearing length, but not more than one foot.

3.Performance criteria at 1.5 times design pressure and loads for metal members supporting glass and panels shall be as follows:

a.Net permanent deflection of framing members shall not exceed 1/1000 times span.

b.There shall be no failure or gross permanent distortion of framing members, anchors or connections.

c. At connection points of framing members to anchors, combined movement of anchor relative to building structure, and framing member relative to anchor, shall not exceed 1/8 inch in any direction nor 1/16 inch set after load is removed.

4.Not permitted: Vibration harmonics; wind whistles; noises caused by thermal movement; thermal movement transmitted to other building elements; loosening, weakening or fracturing of attachments or components of system.

C. Live Load Movements

1.The curtain wall design must accommodate 1/4" differential vertical movements of the floors, and 3/8" differential story drift at each level. The fixed window design must accommodate these same movements if the movement is transferred through the precast units.

D. Anchorage Performance

1.Headed concrete studs welded to steel elements and cast-in-place with structural concrete shall have a minimum safety factor of 2.0 against ultimate failure. Unistrut type or ferrule type concrete inserts shall have minimum safety factor of 3.0 against ultimate failure. All drilled expansion or wedge type anchors shall have a minimum safety factor of 4.0 against ultimate failure.

E.Structural Silicone

1.Wind pressure shall be supported in tension only. At design pressures, tensile stress shall not exceed 20 p.s.i.; design for the smallest possible silicone stress within dimension limits of the details. A 1/3 allowable stress increase for wind loading is not permitted for silicone calculations.

2.Structural silicone shall demonstrate by test an ultimate stress of at least three times the stress caused by design conditions. The force per linear inch corresponding to three times design shall be transmitted without failure by metal finish, glass coatings, insulated glass edge and all other components in the line of stress. Provide special glazing samples and perform tests to satisfy this requirement. This is separate from mock-up tests. For insulated glass, the tests shall simulate 50% of outward design pressure (times three) being supported solely by the outdoor glass.

F.Glass Breakage

1.Glass probability of breakage at design pressure shall not exceed 8 lites per 1000.


1.Glazing details shall permit glass replacement after initial construction, shall permit reuse of original gaskets, shall permit replacement glass of the same nominal size as original glass. Vision glass in conventional frames shall be replaceable from the interior. Spandrel glass shall be replaceable from exterior. Silicone supported vision glass shall be replaceable from the exterior and/or interior.

H.Thermal Insulation

1.The wall shall be designed to provide an overall U value.

I.Air and Water Infiltration

1.Air Infiltration: Test for air infiltration shall not exceed 0.06 cubic feet per minute per square foot of wall area when tested at 6.24 p.s.f. in accordance with ASTM E 283.

2.Water Infiltration: Test for water penetration shall be at not less than 20% of positive design load or a minimum of 15.0 lbs./sq. ft. (whichever is greater) when tested in accordance with ASTM E 331.

J.Window Washing

1.Reinforce curtain wall and window wall systems as required, to accept window washing tiebacks. Anchors shall be sufficiently rigid to resist lateral, parallel, and loads normal to wall face caused by stage platform without damage to wall system.

2.The intermittent window washing stabilization system including its anchorage shall have a safety factor of 4.0 against ultimate failure and shall be designed per the loads as stated in mock-up testing paragraphs.

K.Secondary Gutter System

1.All joints in exterior walls shall be backed up by a gutter and weep system. Water leakage is not permitted at a differential static pressure of 10 p.s.f. when tested in accordance with ASTM E 331.


A.Curtain wall and window wall shall receive a minimum of two water hose tests for each system in the field during construction. Area and time of tests shall be per Architect. Tests to be conducted per AAMA 501.2-83. Water penetration is as defined previously herein. Provide powered scaffold, hose, water supply, communication system and manpower to perform tests.

B.Depending upon the prevalence or absence of leakage in initial water penetration test, and upon measures adopted by Contractor to eliminate source of leakage, Architect will determine necessity for, and scope of additional test. Remedial measures shall maintain standards of quality and durability and are subject to approval.

C.However, in no case, will total of tested area amount to less than 1.0% nor more than 10.0% of curtain wall area or fixed window area, except as subsequently authorized by the Owner.

D.All cost of additional tests due to failure of the initial tests shall be paid by the Curtain Wall Contractor.


A.Provide written warranty to repair or replace defective materials and workmanship of curtain wall and window wall systems for failure to meet specified requirements. Warranty period shall be two years from date of substantial completion. "Defective" is defined to include abnormal deterioration/aging/weathering, glass breakage, failure of operational parts to function normally, deterioration or discoloration of finishes, and failure of system to meet performance requirements as specified; sealant (including structural silicone) loss of cohesion, loss of adhesion, cracking or discoloration; gasket disengagement; spontaneous breakage of tempered glass, failure of insulated glass edge seal as evidenced by frost, condensation, water, dust, corrosion or reflective coating damage within sealed air space; insulated glass spacer migration; cracking, peeling, discoloration or staining of spandrel glass backing; collapse of thermal insulation or safing insulation. Repairs or replacements required because of acts of God exceeding performance requirements, vandalism, inadequate maintenance, alterations, failure of structure supporting curtain wall or window wall systems, as judged by Architect, shall be completed by this sub-contractor and paid for by the Owner at reasonable prevailing rates mutually agreed upon at time of such repair/replacement work. Warranty/Guarantee and enforcement shall not deprive Owner of other available actions, rights or remedies.