Troop 189 Committee Meeting Minutes

Annual Planning

21 Jul 2016

Position / Member / Present
Chairman / Andy Tainter / X
Scoutmaster / Mark Henshaw / X
Chartered Organization Representative / Sally Haskovec
Advancement Chair / Christopher McDonald
Saúl Manzanet / X
Treasurer / Bridget Wilson / Kate Haldeman / X
Training Chair / Sally Haskovec
Membership Chair / Naomi Iber / X
Activity / Outdoor Chair / Open
Board of Review Coordinator / Kristi Deaver
Summer Camp Coordinator / Asta Roques
Court of Honor Coordinator / Sally Haskovec
Mulch Coordinator / Chris Iber
Warren Haskovec
Secretary / Peter Antaya / X
Equipment Coordinator / Vince Carter
Chaplain / Vacant
Eagle Mentor / Ralph Morse / X
Friends of Scouting / Uniform Box / Sally Buie / X
Webmaster / Communication / Paul Gardner / X
Philmont / John Wilson / X

Topics Covered: Discussed at this meeting.

  1. May Minutes Approval
  2. The Committee approved the meeting minutes.
  1. Agenda Topics in PowerPoint
  1. Meeting Location and Charter – Slide 4
  2. The Scoutmaster (SM) approached Ashland Elementary about holding meetings at this location up to half of the time as a backup to the regular meeting place.
  1. Troop Leadership Changeover / Strategic Plan – Slide 5
  2. Assessed the leadership roles. Identified potential adults to fill positions that are vacant or will be vacant soon. The Troop Committee Chairman (TCC) requested that you notify him if you have a timeline that you are vacating your current position.
  1. Schedule – Event Recommendations – Slide 6
  2. The Committee reviewed the Troop events for the next year +. Mr. John Wilson has agreed to lead the initiative to go to Philmont in either the summer of 2017 or 2018.
  1. PLC Planning Meeting – Slide 7
  2. The Committee reviewed the Scouts plan for the next 6 months. The Committee voted to put the picnic, usually scheduled in August, as a fixed event for the Troop. For this year, the Troop’s first meeting will be at Ashland Elementary on 30 August. The meeting will include a review of fall / winter schedule.
  1. Budget Validation – Slide 8
  2. The Committee approved the proposed budget for camping outings.
  3. The Treasurer reported all but one Scout paid dues for last year.
  4. The projected cost (out of pocket) for Philmont is $2,200 - $2,500. This is the estimated cost to go to Philmont with District.
  5. The Treasurer provide a status on the Troop budget.
  1. Troop Meeting – Slide 9
  2. There will be two Assistant Scout Masters (ASM) assigned to each patrol.
  3. The TCC is looking to get more interaction with the Scouts and adults so the Scouts get used to taking to adults.
  1. Sign-off of Scout Books – Slide 10
  2. Currently the SM does all of the training of the Scout leadership positions post elections. The TCC took the action for the Committee to get a staff of adults to help the SM with this initiative.
  3. Committee discussed approaches to get the senior Scouts engaged.
  4. Mr. & Mrs. Dabney are working the Troop’s Merit Badge matrix that lists the Troop’s adults who lead individual Merit Badges.
  1. Reconcile Troop Roster – Slide 11
  2. The Advancement Chair stated this is reconciled every year during re-charter.
  1. Recruitment Strategy – Slide 14
  2. The Membership Chair is documenting the plan for recruitment.
  1. Website Upgrade – Slide 16
  2. The Webmaster/Communication Chair provided an update on the search for potential websites to replace the existing website. The Committee agreed to fund the $100/yr to run the website in parallel to the existing system to determine if it is a viable replacement. At this time, the data from Troopmaster would not be integrated into the new website. This may be implemented in a later phase. Based on the recommendations, the Committee agreed to try the TroopTrack website. The Webmaster requested a few Committee members/adults to get into the website and assess the capabilities.
  1. Fundraiser – Slide 17
  2. The TCC stated this slide would be a topic at the next meeting. Another fundraiser recommendation was to have a car wash.
  3. For mulch sales, the TCC is looking at using PayPal as an option for payment. The TCC recommended the Troop only put an ad in the Four Seasons in the spring newsletter due to the expense.
  1. Training – Slide 18
  2. The ASM training is at 100%.
  3. The Scouts planning to go to IMPESSA are on a waiting list.
  4. The Wood Badge training is scheduled for 9-11 September and 8-10 October.
  1. Activity Chair – Slide 19
  2. The Committee is going to see if Mr. Jeff Scofield would be the Activity Chair.
  1. Other
  2. Mr. McDonald asked if anyone was interested in purchasing the Class B shirt his son, Dylan, designed for the Troop. They would also be providing the design to the Troop if anyone wanted to purchase it in the future.
  1. Next Month’s Meeting – Thursday, 18 August

TCC’s House – Mr. Andy Tainter

15311 Warm Springs Lane

Manassas, VA 20112

Meeting Start Time: 7:30 p.m.

As recorded by the Committee Secretary,

Peter Antaya

Failed plans should not be interpreted as a failed vision. Visions don't change, they are only refined. Plans rarely stay the same, and are scrapped or adjusted as needed. Be stubborn about the vision, but flexible with your plan.

–John C. Maxwell