Checklist for Skill 26. Changing a Fecal Ostomy Appliance

Name ______Date ______

School ______

Instructor ______

Course ______

Skill 26. Changing a Fecal Ostomy Appliance

/ Able to Perform / Able to Perform with Assistance / Unable to Perform / Initials and Date /


1. Gather equipment.
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2. Explain procedure to child and family.
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3. Wash hands.
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4. Assemble pouch according to instructions.
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5. Put on nonsterile gloves.
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6. Empty current ostomy pouch of stool.
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7. Remove current ostomy appliance.
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8. Dispose of appliance in appropriate container.
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9. Remove gloves. Wash hands.
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10. Put on new nonsterile gloves.
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11. Cleanse stoma and surrounding skin with warm tap water or an ostomy soap as prescribed by agency policy. Rinse skin well. Pat dry.
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12. Assess stoma and surrounding skin.
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13. Measure stoma using measuring guide for appropriate width and length of stoma at base.
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14. Place gauze pad over stoma while preparing the skin barrier wafer and pouch for application.
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15. Trace pattern of stoma opening onto paper backing of skin barrier wafer.
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16. Cut skin barrier wafer approximately 1/16 to 1/8 inch larger than stoma.
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17. Attach a clean pouch to the skin barrier wafer. Make sure the pouch is closed.
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18. Remove gauze pad from stoma.
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19. Remove paper backing from skin barrier wafer. If specified by agency policy, apply a thin ring of Stomahesive paste around the opening on the wafer and fan dry for 30–40 seconds or until dry to touch.
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20. Place the skin barrier wafer on the skin with the opening centered over the stoma.
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21. Place hand or warm washcloth over pouch for 3–5 minutes.
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22. Remove gloves. Wash hands.
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1. Pouch change.
2. Condition and color of stoma and skin.
3. How procedure tolerated.
4. Amount and character of stool.
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