The Psychology Department is pleased to offer Student Travel Awards for 2006-2007 of up to $450 per student. Proposals are invited for travel by students in the following categories:
A. Students whose independent work has been accepted for presentation at regional or national conferences. Students in this category must first apply for a Student Travel Award from the UEC if eligible. The UEC covers up to $450 in travel costs, and student co-presenters share a single grant. Students who receive a UEC travel award may also apply for the Psychology Student Travel Award to cover travel costs that exceed the $450 UEC award.
B. Students who plan to intend a professional conference in Psychology or a related discipline, but who are not presenting either a poster or paper.
C. Psychology seniors who have arranged to travel for a graduate or professional school interview and who have already been accepted to the program.
Travel scheduled for the academic year 2006-2007 or the summer of 2007 is eligible to be considered. Applications must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the beginning of travel to the conference or interview. For travel through summer 2007, the last date to apply for travel support is May 15, 2007. Awards will be made on a first-come, first-serve basis until the funds for this award are exhausted.
Evaluation Criteria
All students who meet the criteria to receive an award (see Eligibility above) and who submit a complete application with supporting materials are qualified to receive a travel award. Decisions will be based on the strength and completeness of the written proposal, appropriateness of the proposed budget, and strength of a supporting letter from the faculty advisor. Correct usage of grammar, spelling and punctuation in the proposal is as important as the contents of the proposal.
Requirements of Award Holders
Once the award is made, any deviation in expenditures from the approved budget must be reported to and approved by the Psychology Department. In order to obtain reimbursement for travel costs, students must submit within ten days of the end of the conference the following materials: a) A summary of the travel experience, and b) original receipts for all expenditures to be reimbursed, attached to the reimbursement form that will accompany your award letter. Submit these materials to the Psychology Department Chair (CMB 1046).
Notice on Grant Limits
Students may apply for a Psychology Student Travel Award only once during a given academic calendar year. Students receiving a research grant or a travel grant from other sources (e.g., the UEC, ASUPS) may apply for the Psychology Student Travel Award to cover expenses that exceed the amount of the grant, but must include the source and amount of the award in the application.
Application Guidelines
All materials (except the application form) should be typewritten. Complete applications should include:
- Application Form with all signatures requested (below)
- Travel Description no longer than 3 pages and including the following elements:
a) Travel Purpose and Relevance to Applicant's Goals. Describe the purpose and value of this travel as it relates to your educational and/or career development in the field of Psychology.
b) Travel for Conference Attendance. Briefly describe your role in the research project and conference presentation (e.g., co-presenter, poster session) OR describe your purpose for travel to a professional conference, identify specific speakers or symposia that you will attend and how these individuals and topics relate to your educational goals.
c) Travel for Graduate School Interview. Briefly describe your purpose for travel to the interview, and provide an agenda that identifies specific programs and individuals with whom you will interview.
- Verification. Please include evidence of the travel purpose in the form of one of the following: a) A copy of the official notification of the poster or paper's acceptance; b) a conference schedule that lists speakers and symposia identified in your application; or c) an official invitation or itinerary for graduate school interview provided by the institution to which you will travel.
- Budget. Include a narrative explanation and justification of each item in the proposed budget. The proposed budget may include support for airfare, ground transportation, car travel (at 44.5 cents per mile), lodging, food, and conference registration fee. Be sure to identify in the proposed budget all of your anticipated travel expenses, even if this brings the total to more than the maximum $450 that can be awarded.
Include information about other travel applications and the award amount from the UEC, ASUPS, and other sources of funding.
- Letter of Support from your faculty research or academic advisor. The letter should confirm the purpose and relevance of the travel, and address the accuracy and completeness of the proposed budget.
Submit one hard copy and one electronic copy of the complete application at least two weeks prior to the beginning of travel, to the Psychology Department Chair (CMB 1046). The electronic copy need not include signatures and should be submitted as a WORD attachment to .
Attach all application materials and submit one paper copy and one electronic copy of the complete application at least two weeks prior to the beginning of travel to the Psychology Department, c/o Chair Carolyn Weisz (CMB 1046). The electronic copy need not include signatures and should be submitted as a WORD attachment to . The last date to apply for travel support for the academic year 2006-2007 is May 15, 2007.
Name: ______UPSID: ______
Campus Mail Box Number______Phone: ______
Email Address: ______
Travel purpose and destination:______
Name of Conference or Program: ______
Location: ______
Dates of Travel : From ______To ______
Total Cost of Travel: $ ______
Amount of Other Support (e.g., UEC, ASUPS): $ ______
Total Requested from Psychology Award: $ ______
As the student applicant, I agree to provide the required reports within ten days after the conference or interview. I understand that failure to do so will result in cancellation of the award.
Student Signature Date
As the project / academic advisor, I approve the student’s application, including the proposed budget.
Advisor’s Signature Date
(Do not write in the shaded area below)
Confirmation of Project Approval
Psychology Department Chair’s Signature of Award Approval Approval Date
Rev 10/06