A vocabulary notebook provides students with their own word bank for their writing. Additionally, it teaches them organization. Please follow the model exactly; 10 points will be deducted from your overall grade for failure to follow instructions.

Mondays: Definitions & Synonyms and Antonyms

· Receive vocabulary words for the week. You will define the vocabulary words from a dictionary according to the part of speech. Please ensure that you are writing the correct definition.

· Find 1 synonym and 1 antonym for each word. Synonyms and antonyms must be the same part of speech of the word.

Tuesdays: Sentences

· Write a sentence for each term using each word in a meaningful way to demonstrate that you understand the term. Sentences should be at least 10 words long. Also you may not use words such as very, really, a lot, many, like, etc. Be careful not to use the words as fillers to accomplish the sentence length requirement.

Ex.: Due to the decline of the economy, Ford Motors decided to abate production and only make 2,000 models instead of 15,000.

*** You will take a vocabulary quiz every 2 weeks- look at the online calendar- that contains the words from the prior weeks. As the weeks progress, the quizzes will build on the previous words from the 9 weeks or semester.


• You will need a lined paper.

• You are encouraged to use the vocabulary words in your writing.

• You will be expected to work on and study your vocabulary regularly.

Name____________________________ Period____

Mrs. Johnson’s

ELA Weekly Vocabulary


Week _____


1. Word (p.o.s)- Definition

2. Word (p.o.s)- Definition

3. Word (p.o.s)- Definition

4. Word (p.o.s)- Definition

5. Word (p.o.s)- Definition

Antonyms and Synonyms

1. Word: (a)_____________________ (s)________________________

2. Word: (a)_____________________ (s)________________________

3. Word: (a)_____________________ (s)________________________

4. Word: (a)_____________________ (s)________________________

5. Word: (a)_____________________ (s)________________________


1. Write sentence and underline vocabulary word.

2. Write sentence and underline vocabulary word.

3. Write sentence and underline vocabulary word.

4. Write sentence and underline vocabulary word.

5. Write sentence and underline vocabulary word.