Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council

June 12-13, 2007, Portland, ME

Day One – June 12, 2007

8:00Welcoming Remarks & IntroductionsHowe Crockett, WFLHD

8:15Information SharingCouncil Members

Outcome: accomplishments, useful information


9:30The “Hows and Whys” of Technician Versus Engineer TrainingAllan Samuels, ADOT

Outcome: why training must have different focuses

9:50Business Plan UpdateChris Newman, FHWA

  • Course Development UpdatesLaura Lawndy, FHWA
  • Funding Status and Update

Outcome: information, pooled fund status

10:10Course Update: Ethics in ConstructionChris Anderson, IDOT

Outcome: status, delivery mechanism

10:30E-learning/BreezeDiscussionChris Anderson

Outcome: direction, courses to develop, NHI assistance

11:00Hosting, Tracking and Measuring On-Line LearningMike Vandall, Red Vector

Outcome: info for hosting infrastructure, learning mgt. software

content integration standards (SCORM), using data from

e-learning activity

11:30Lunch on Your Own

12:45NICET UpdateLouise A. Wherle, NICET

1:00Partnerships for Accelerated Course DevelopmentChris Newman

Outcome: target organizations, assign task groups, dutiesDoyt Bolling, UT-LTAP

1:45ACI Initiatives – New Programs, Training Delivery, & Tom Malerk, FLDOT

Partnerships for Advancing Concrete KnowledgeJohn Nehasil, ACI

Outcome: partnership for achieving compatible objectives

2:15Quality Assurance Technologist Course PilotDouglas Townes, FHWA

Outcome: briefing, pilot host


3:00Training for Local Project AdministratorsDouglas Townes

Outcome: need, TCCC involvement

3:15GPS Course DevelopmentDouglas Townes

Outcome: status, how to proceedDoyt Bolling

3:30On-Line Pavement Preservation TrainingChris Newman

Outcome: information, demonstration

3:45TCCC Message Strategy for AASHTO Subcommittee Mtgs.Council

Outcome: discussion, agree on the message, delivery aids

4:15Critical Action Item UpdateAction Owners

Outcome: update, timelines, prioritize

5:00Wrap-up and Adjourn

Day Two – June 13, 2007

8:00Review of Activities for the DayHowe Crockett. WFLHD

8:10NHI UpdateMarty Ross, NHI

8:30Course Development DiscussionLinda Hughes, WSDOT

Outcome: identify immediate needs, existing courses,Doyt Bolling

development strategies, develop scopes in committee

9:00Database/Website DiscussionChris Newman

Outcome: status,populating, maintenance, decisionsBen Gribbon, FHWA


10:15Committee Break-Out/Work SessionsCommittee Leaders

11:45Lunch on Your Own

1:00Resume Committee Break-Out/Work Sessions

2:30Break on Your Own

3:45Sub-Committee Reports
Course DevelopmentDoyt Bolling
  • Communications and MarketingDouglas Townes
  • Matrix DevelopmentLinda Hughes
  • Performance MeasuresAllan Samuels
  • Resource AdvancementMartha Monjo

Outcome: status, Exec Council actions

5:00Wrap up – DetermineDecember Meeting Location

Outcome: review decisions required of the Exec Council

Day Three – June14, 2007: Executive Council Meeting

Decision Issues for Executive Council Meeting:

Database & Web Site Decisions

Course Development Decisions

Course Development Mechanisms


AASHTO Involvement

AASHTO Marketing

Training for Local Project Administrators