Transcript for ‘Students describe Stepping Into Internships’
Overlay:Stepping Into Internships is a paid internship program that matches university students with disability with roles in leading Australian businesses.
Overlay: We caught up with some of our interns to find out what they thought about the program.
Jeremy Kwok, Intern PwC
So I first decided to get involved in theprogram to get a lot of exposure to the workforce.
As a uni student coming out of an accountingdegree, one of your aspirations normally isto work at one of the Big 4. And when I heardthat PwC was offering this program I thoughtit'd be a great chance to really work withthem and see what it's like.
Elsher Lawson-Boyd, Intern University of Sydney
Hearing about the program I thought it wouldbe a really great opportunity to get somehands-on experience in the workplace.
Georga Kemp, Intern, NSW Department of Family and Community Services
Coming out of uni it can be a little bit scary kind of working out where you want to go fromhere. So I thought I may as well apply againand see where I can - where I can go with it.
Jeremy Kwok
I got to meet many different kinds of clients,work on many different kinds of problems, and my networking definitely improved. I cameout of the program with a lot of friends whoI continue to keep in touch with.
Elsher Lawson-Boyd
I had such a wonderful time really, and Ilearnt so much that I didn't realise I wouldbe learning. And even though it wasn't totallyin line with what I'd been studying, I stillsaw it as a great stepping stone towards careerdevelopment down the track.
Jeremy Kwok
So I feel like often the graduates, they comeout of uni and they're sort of, very intimidatedand they think, "Oh I have a disability, thatmeans I'm already not going to get a job."But the way I see it is that everyone's gottheir strengths and weaknesses.
Chris Rodrigo, Intern, Telstra
Disability has been something that has psychologicallyheld me back. What Telstra did is that theyput me into a situation where there were nobarriers.
Job Napitupulu, Intern, Telstra
My confidence has just, you know, gone upafter the program. First of all because ofthe environment of the company is really,really open. It's really - they recogniseme as their peer.
Georga Kemp
FACS have actually been really good at accommodating me. Before I started the internship they askedwhat adjustments I might need.
Elsher Lawson-Boyd
I think probably the best advice I could offeris to be completely open-minded. And not todoubt yourself and your abilities, becauseyou learn so much when you put yourself ina new space.
Job Napitupulu
Don't overthink it, just do it. To be honestyou have nothing to lose but everything togain with this program.
Georga Kemp
Give it a go. I think you've got nothing tolose and I think you never know until youtry. I think it's a great opportunity andI think everyone should give it a go.
Overlay:Australian Network on Disability logo. To find out more about Stepping Into visit
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