
Inter-regional workshop:

Fiduciary Management Training in Community-Driven Development Projects

Enhancing community skills as a way out of poverty

Turin, 26-30 April 2004

1. Background

Community-driven development (CDD) is a way to provide social and infrastructure services, to organize economic activity and resource management, to empower poor people, improve governance, and enhance security of the poorest. CDD can fill gaps where markets are missing or imperfect, or where public institutions or local governments fail to fulfill their mandates.

Community-driven development activities are typically designed, managed, and implemented by beneficiary communities, often with assistance from NGOs. Hence they involve a high level of decentralization and devolution to community based organizations, and require that relevant fiduciary arrangements be designed to support them, also because donors and recipient governments need to monitor the use of their funds.

In order to facilitate the effective implementation of CDD projects, the Procurement Policy and Services Group of the World Bank has recently developed a training package (“Fiduciary Management in Community-Driven Development Projects. A Training resource for Clients”) that is now available in a provisional version for field testing. It’s a set of trainers’ training modules (see the note distributed with this flyer) covering various aspects of project design and implementation, with instructions for adapting the materials to a specific local context and project.

Since early 2003, the International Training Centre of the ILO in Turin and the Employment-Intensive Investment Branch of ILO Geneva have been collaborating with the World Bank to: (i) incorporate in the above-mentioned package ILO concepts and experiences on community development and related management and labour issues; and (ii) develop a series of training activities on fiduciary management that make use of the package.

The inter-regional workshop described here is among these activities.

2. Objectives of the workshop

The main objective of the workshop is to provide participants with basic tools and skills to train community groups involved in CDD projects on fiduciary management. This is expected to bring a useful contribution towards enhancing local ownership as well as the effectiveness of project activities.

More specifically, the workshop aims at:

a)Allowing a better/common understanding of fiduciary management aspects in CDD projects;

b)Guiding participants through the modules of the training package referred to in the background part of this description;

c)Providing guidance on how to use the package for training sessions at community level;

d)Gathering participants’ views on how to improve the package and future training in this area.


3. Participants’ profile

The workshop is addressed to:

  • Donors’ procurement and financial management specialists
  • Directorsof externally funded CDD projects
  • CDD staff, including:
  • Project Finance Officers
  • Project Accountants
  • Community Development specialists
  • Trainers
  • Local Government staff involved in the implementation of externally funded CDD projects

Women participation is strongly encouraged.

A good command of the English language is required.

4. Programme

The working sessions will focus on the following subjects:

Fiduciary management in CDD projects: Key issues form participants

Country cases will be presented to understand how fiduciary compliance is perceived and put in practice in various countries and projects.The presentations will be followed by an open discussion expected to result in recommendations that reflectthe concerns of participants and that should be useful to those designing and implementing CDD activities.

A framework for fiduciary management in CDD projects

Fiduciary Management for Community-Driven Development Projects - A Reference Guide” is the title of a document issued by the Financial Management and the Procurement Sector Boards of the World Bank for Bank staff and clients that are involved in the conception, design and implementation of CDD projects. This document aims at providing orientations for making the fiduciary requirements easier to address. It proposes a framework for fiduciary management in CDD projects, and defines the elements of a sound CDD fiduciary management system. The logic and content of this reference guide will be introduced and debated. Participants will be provided with copies of the guide.

Fiduciary management: Who is responsible?

All CDD project stakeholders and their respective roles and fiduciary responsibilities will be considered during this session.Lines of communication and responsibilities vary according to the programme, which is the reason why inputs will also be sought from participants.

Fiduciary Management as part of CDDProjects

This part will look at how fiduciary management aspects and responsibilities are thought to communities, as indicated in the “Training Resource for Clients” developed by the World Bank. This package targets people with limited experience in participatory, learner-centred training who will be training the people implementing CDD sub-projects at the community level. More experienced trainers may also find the modules useful for adaptation to local circumstances.

The general structure of the package will be illustrated before considering in detail some of the modules.Copies of the package will be distributed to the participants.

Designing fiduciary management training events

The presentations will focus on various elements ranging from training needs assessment, to the definition of training objectives, the size and length of a training event, its content, and how to ensure participation and proper follow-up, among others. Reference will be made to the relevant parts of the above-mentioned package.

This and the following sessions are particularly suited to trainers, but those who engage/supervise the trainers and those who are involved in training delivery may also benefit.

Preparing training materials/Logistics/Facilitating a training event.

A session concerning a number of aspects linked to the organisation and administrationof training events at community level.

A training session for community members – GROUP WORK

Participants will be organised in groups and asked to perform different tasks relating to the development and delivery of a training event targeting project committee and other local community members.

The reporting back will offer an opportunity to refer back to some of the aspects previously debated (facilitation skills, etc.).

Evaluation of fiduciary management training events

Specific reference will be made to the evaluation methodologies and tools proposed in the FMT package for assessing the results of training events. These include review questions to be administered at the end of each training module, as well as methods that can be used to evaluate the overall event.

5. Venue and dates

The workshop will be held at the International Training Centre of the ILO in Turin, Italy, during the period from 26 to 30April 2004.

6. Methodology

The course will combine individual presentations by recognised subject-experts, open and panel discussions, and group work on selected topics.

The Turin Centre’s staff will facilitate the workshop with the assistance of specialists from the World Bank and ILO Geneva. A highly participatory approach will be adopted for ensuring an active intervention of all participants and a constructive exchange of ideas and information.

In conformity with the Turin Centre procedures, an evaluation of the course will be carried out to determine the perceived relevance of course content to participants’ needs and the effectiveness of the methodology and materials employed in achieving the course's training objectives.

7. Cost and Financing

The workshop is fee-paying and open to candidates with fellowships or their own sources of funding.

The total cost is estimated at US$ 2,385, comprising course fees and participant subsistence.

Course fees (USD 1,400) include: programme development and management, subject matter specialists, secretarial and technical assistance to training, use of teaching equipment, classroom and office supplies, internal reproduction of training material, communications and administrative support cost.

Participant subsistence (USD 985) includes:

(a) Subsistence and campus facilities (bed & breakfast, personal laundry, two meals, pocket money EUR17/day, insurance, minor medical care and social life.

(b) Other services (transfer from/to Turin airport and miscellaneous, including farewell dinner).

Please note that the prices shown do notinclude the cost of travel between the participant’s home and the course venue.

8. How to apply

Candidates should register directly with the International Training Centre of the ILO. The deadline for application is 31 March 2004. Nomination forms should be sent to the following address, preferably by e-mail:


Employment and Skills Development Programme

Viale Maestri Del Lavoro, 10 - 10127 Turin (Italy)

Activity Manager: Mr. Valter NEBULONI

Tel.: +39-011-6936432

Fax: +39-011-6936451
