RQ CH 21 Part 2 pp. 464 – 470 “election”
1 464 – Map – 466 – Map
464/ Title?
- Is Gettysburg North or South of Washington DC?
- What two battles precede Lee’s invasion of the North?
- In what State is Gettysburg located?
466/ On July 3rd what famous Confederate “charge” fails?
- What is the consequence of this failure according to the caption?
2 465 – Examining the Evidence
- Title?
- Who wrote the Gettysburg Address?
- How many words does the speech contain?
- How is this a “weighty statement?”
- In the quote at the end, Lincoln embodies “American Exceptionalism.” Which quote from the Declaration of Independence “gave liberty not alone to the people of this Country, but hope to the World, for all future time?” –Lincoln
3 467 Photo(s) –
- Who are the two men pictured and which side does each represent?
- Copy Lee’s quote at the end of the caption…
4 468 Map – Title?
-Name the two (2) commanders in the “Key or Legend” on the Map?
5 469 Map – The 150th anniversary of the action shown here is from Nov. 2014 until May 2015.
- Title?
- Which city is taken in Sep. 1864 and burned Nov. 16, 1864?
- How does the capture of this city in September affect the coming election in Nov?
- Where does this journey end?
6 470 Political Cartoon – Title?
- What kind of snake is wrapped around the leg of the Union man shown fighting two enemies?
Reading Questions
7 “Little Mac” is removed from Command after Antietam…for failing to follow Lee’s retreat and give fight…with whom is he replaced?
8 What is the 1st battle after the above…and in which the Union Army is ‘slaughtered’ attacking up a defended elevated position?
9 “What could not have lived in the line of fire”…according to a CSA officer describing the horror of the above battle?
10 Who is the next Union General to get crushed by Lee and what is the name of this Southern Victory?
11 Which Key Confederate General is wounded and eventually dies soon after the above battle…a HUGE LOSS FOR THE CSA CAUSE?
12 Who is the next Union General put in charge…and what is the name of the 1st battle in which he commands the Union forces?
13 What two (2) reasons does the text give for the next Confederate Invasion of the North?
14 How many soldiers for the North and the South participate in this three (3) day TURNING POINT battle July 1 – 3 1863?
15 What is the name of the failed CSA attack on the third day “which broke the heart of the Confederate Cause?”
16 What did Jefferson Davis send to the North at the same time the above battle was occurring?
17 What did Davis Hope to accomplish?
18 How much longer does the conflict rage?
19 How was Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address “branded” by the foreign press and democratic party editors of newspapers?
The War in the West
20 Which General who was working in his Father’s leather store when war started….has a meteoric rise to prominence…in the Western Theatre at first?
21 What two forts does the above capture in Feb. of 1862?
22 What nickname does he earn due to the above action?
23 Why did some demand the General’s removal?
24 Write one of Lincoln’s quotes about this General in response to those critics who wanted him removed from command?
25 In the spring of 1862 who commanded the ‘flotilla’ that attempts to take New Orleans?
26 What product came from western La. And Texas….which was crucial to the CSA Cause….and would be cut off if Which River was controlled by the Union?
17 What Fortress City protected the Mighty River, located on a hairpin turn in the River?
18 What was the General’s best fought campaign of the war according to the text, it concludes July 4, 1863?
19 What two victories “severed the spinal cord of the Confederacy?”
20 What were the people at the Fortress city reduced to eating during the siege?
21 What two victories occur and end on July 4, 1863 for the Union….and is seen as the point at which the CSA was doomed?
22 What two effects, judged as political, do the above Twin Victories have for the Union and Confederacy?
Sherman Scorches Georgia
23 Where was the Union General Transferred?
24 What two battlefield victories in November of 1863 does the Union General win in Tennessee?
25 The Way was cleared for the Union to attack which key Southern City?
26 After the two victories cleared Tennessee…how was the Union General rewarded?
27 Red haired and Red bearded this Union General was ruthless…. He captures Atlanta and eventually becomes notorious in the South who is this?
28 This General’s “March” went from Atlanta to where…”making Georgia howl?”
29 What famous quote about war does the Union General give?
30 What were his two purposes in taking this “march?”
31 What was he a “pioneer practitioner” of?
32 The text claims that his methods were a good thing…due to?
33 Where was the “hell-hole of secession,” according the Union Troops?
34 What city is put into flames by Union Troops after they left Savannah?
The Politics of War
35 What significant event fell most inopportunely in the midst of war?
36 What cabinet member attempted to remove Lincoln from the Presidency?
37 What congressional committee was especially troubling to Lincoln and what type of Republicans were in control of this Committee?
38 What according to the text was THE MOST DANGEROUS OF ALL TO THE UNION CAUSE?
39 What political party was tainted with association with the seceders?
40 What two groups does the party mentioned above break into?
41 What were the “extreme” members of the above called?
42 What three issues do the above-mentioned group use to attack Lincoln?
43 IN What three (3) states does the group have considerable political strength?
44 Who was the most notorious of the members?
45 Where was he banished to by Lincoln?
46 In What State does he run for Gov. while he lived in Canada?
47 What book is written by Edward Everett Hale that was inspired by his story?