Tracy Area Public Schools No. 2904
Regular Board Meeting Minutes from March 21, 2016
I. Meeting called to order by board chair Rod Benson at 6:00 p.m.
II. Guests include: (Russ Stobb with the Tracy Headlight Herald)(TAPS Teachers: Marie Hanson, Jean DeSmith, Erin Dahmes, Sarah Jensen)
III. Board Members present: Ben Ludeman, Rod Benson, Annette Miller, Jody Bauer, Sheila Holland, Matt Surprenant, and Nikki Swanson.
IV. Administration present: Superintendent Anderson, Secondary Principal Vondracek, & Elementary Principal Munson.
V. Motion by Bauer, second by Ludeman to approve the previous meeting minutes (February 22, 2016). (MC 7-0).
VI. Motion by Miller, second by Holland to approve the amended agenda. (MC 7-0).
VII. Motion by Ludeman, second by Bauer to approve the claims, account balances, treasurer reports and vender payments. (MC 7-0).
VIII. Visitor Reports/Comments:
i. None.
IX. Administrative Oral Reports
A. Elementary Principal Munson:
i. Parent-Teacher Conference Attendance
Grade / PercentageTK / 92.9
K / 96.3
1 / 93.5
2 / 92.1
3 / 90.4
4 / 96
5 & 6 / 81 out of 134 60.4%
ii. Mason’s Kid ID Program
Mr. Douglas Pamp and the Tracy Mason’s put on a Kids ID program during our PT conferences. We had 60 kids go through the program which tracked their height, weight, DNA sample, voice recording, and pictures from 4 sides, all put onto a CD, photo ID, and sample kit. Thank you to HS students that volunteered to help the Masons run the program.
iii. PreK-K Meeting:
We had 2 Head-start teachers, 1 private pre-school, 2 school run pre-school, 1 ECSE, TK, and 3 Kindergarten teachers.
1. I started off by giving highlights of the PreK-3 Leadership Training. We discussed some of the points. I highlighted the following things:
a. What percentages are spent with Whole Group/Choice/Indv./Transitions etc.(during PreK,K,2nd,3rd)
b. The importance of teaching students how to accept failing and working through it.
c. How to learn with play (play with a purpose)
d. Attachment security
e. The importance of getting parents involved at the start of their kids’ school years.
2. Then each program talking about their curriculum, assessments, what works best for their program. Each teacher answered a number of questions.
3. The use of SMART curriculum (smart tub activities (small motor) and large motor activities). The benefits in TK and K. Pre-schools were interested in attending the training. Will get our PE teacher trained.
4. What type of language do K teachers want everyone to use, most programs utilize both Visual phonics and Handwriting without tears.
5. Pre-K asked if K would develop a checklist of 10 to 20 things for them to use.
6. Looked at NWEA and AIMS data so the younger programs could see how their students were doing.
7. Talked about when to refer someone for TK/K/or Pre-K.
iv. Math:
- We have reviewed all the data from OLPA, NWEA, and AIMs. We shared results with parents and set new goals for our next testing periods. Teachers commented on their strengths and weakness. Most of the weaknesses were areas we have not hit yet in our curriculum, mainly Geometry, Probability, and Data Analysis. They will be covering them before test time.
- Our Math Committee has been looking at two curriculums “My Math” by McGaw Hill and “Envisions” by Pearson. They looked at both on March 4th and we listened to reps for My Math on March 11th and Envisions on March 18th. We will be meeting tomorrow to discuss the presentations.
v. Coming up-
· Kindergarten Round-Up, Talent Show, Math Masters.
vi. Other Information: Mr. Munson talked about the MCA testing meeting. Changing times of testing to not bump against PE/Music and to have two consecutive days & Separating kids with the laptops.
B. Secondary Principal Kathy Vondracek:
a. Science Teachers met with Katie Gervais and myself to work on the best scheduling of the MCA tests. (length, timing, etc.)
b. All reading, math, and science teachers and all paraprofessionals have received the test supervision training.
c. All reading, math, and science teachers received training on the student tutorials and item samples. These teachers will be showing the student tutorial to all students scheduled to test.
d. Katie Gervais and I will meet tomorrow to schedule all of the special ed, 504 MCA tests—location/assign supervisors/etc.
e. MTAS audit of high school has been completed.
ii. Please approve the motion to accept the resignation of teacher and coach Derek Flann and teacher Chris Miller.
iii. Preliminary scheduling for 2016-2017 has begun.
iv. Technology Committee – Principal’s Concerns
a. Whatever platform and device we decide to go with, the #1 concern is that what we have WORKS seamlessly.
b. All of the infrastructure (access points and switches) that we purchased through E-rate last year must be installed BEFORE the devices arrive.
c. Need more tech time - support to keep it working seamlessly.
d. The plan needs to be sustainable, with a plan that incorporates how to keep it sustained AND working seamlessly.
e. Thursday, March 24, Teacher-Technology Concern Meeting 7:30 am.
i. 153 Ramp Up conf. attended with parent and student. 41%
ii. 50 Ramp up conf. attended with just the parent(s). 13%
iii. 172 Ramp Up conferences not attended. 46%
iv. 113 Conferences walked in to other teachers. 30% of parents that attended visited more than just the Ramp Up Teacher.
b. Kristy Campbell, Sonja Gasca, and I attended a Ramp Up Workshop on evaluation.
c. Teacher’s Survey Monkey on Conferences (21 of 26 teachers):
i. Parent’s level of interest on average in their student’s readiness rubric was: uninterested-19%, mildly interested 67%, very interested 14%
ii. Parents’ level of interest in their student’s postsecondary plan was: uninterested 14%, mildly interested 48%, very interested, 33%, postsecondary plan was not completed before conferences 5%.
iii. As a Ramp Up teacher I felt my efforts at informing parents of where their studentw as in being career and college ready was: unsuccessful 10%, mildly successful 43%, very successful 38%, other 10%.
C. Activities Director Tauer
i. No Report
D. Superintendent Anderson discussed the following:
i. The Technology Committee met again on Tuesday, March 15 to further discuss options for bolstering TAHS technology.
· The committee listened to reports from members who have visited other schools, contacted other administrators, and talked to computer representatives. Survey results from teachers and students were also discussed.
· The committee discussed advantages and disadvantages of mobile labs and 1:1.
· Apple Representatives talked about the advantages of their computers.
· Superintendent Anderson, Mrs. Pam Anderson (Spanish), and Ms. Heather Kamrud (Science) attended an apple workshop in Harrisburg, SD and then toured Harrisburg HS which is a 1:1 Mac Air School. We met with technology integrationists, math teachers, science teachers, and the building principal.
· Craig Polkow is setting up a meeting with a Lenovo Think Pad representative (same device as MHS has for 1:1).
· Craig Polkow talked about the infrastructure at TAHS.
1. Our school currently has a capacity of 60Mbps, which is comparable to the following schools with 1-to-1:
Marshall = 200Mbps, slightly more than 3x our student enrollment
Lakeview = ~60Mbps, very close to our enrollment*
Lamberton = ~30Mbps, about half of our enrollment*
2. Through the WAN, we can take shared bandwidth above our allocations, and those allocations are always increasing, as we get more internet at each intake.
3. We updated infrastructure last year, providing 1Gbps links to the access points and 10Gbps links between our networking closets.
4. The maximum download speed from our lowest grade access points is 300Mbps. New ones have 1.2Gbps maximum speed. Divide this speed by how many clients are connected to each access point.
5. We will have 1 access point per classroom, which should limit the amount of students on any access point to ~30 or fewer.
*There are a few peaks above these over the past couple weeks, but not many.
(2) 1Gbps = 1024Mbps
ii. TAES Cafeteria and Walls discussion:
· Superintendent Anderson presented graphics developed by ATS&R of the most recent plan of the elementary cafeteria and wall proposal at TAES.
· ATS&R estimated the cost of the total project at $888,000. ($790,719 for the elementary cafeteria and $97,281 for the walls on the north end of the elementary cafeteria).
· A timeline would include board action on June 20, 2016 to proceed with the plan, issue documents for bids in November, start the project in May, and complete the projects in August of 2017. The TAPS board recommends the committee continue to proceed with plans to a bid in November 2016. At that time the board will determine if they want to proceed with the building project.
iii. VMC Update: Superintendent Anderson reminded the board that the city of Tracy accepted the latest proposal from the school of 12 years no rent at the VMC in return for installation of west bleachers, wood floor, paint the VMC gym, and install acoustical panels. TAPS will refinish the wood floor every other year for twelve years. In return the city will also fix the roof above the west gym floor prior to installation.
iv. Anderson updated the board on the finance committee meeting and the capital outlay requests.
v. Anderson recommended that the board consider making Friday, December 23 a half day to give time for families to travel prior to Christmas break.
E. School Board Member Reports: Board members reported on Buildings and Grounds and Technology in conjunction with Superintendent Anderson’s report.
X. Old Business:
A. Motion by Ludeman, second by Miller to approve the 2016-17 TAPS Calendar with 174 student days and 179 teacher days. Swanson amended the motion to make December 23 a half day and Surprenant seconded the motion. (MC 7-0)
XI. New Business
A. Current enrollments were given by Superintendent Anderson (734). 2015 in March was (747) 2014 in March was (759).
B. Motion by Holland, second by Bauer to approve the donation agreement made from SANFORD HEALTH to TAPS for the amount of $75,000, payable in annual contributions of $15,000/year for five years for the VMC revitalization project. (MC 7-0)
C. Motion by Bauer, second by Swanson to approve that student athletes are allowed to participate in two spring sports for the spring of 2016. Discussion took place regarding the pros and cons of students participating in two sports. (MF 7-0)
D. Motion by Ludeman, second by Surprenant to approve the Request for Proposals for the following projects for the revitalization of the Veterans Memorial Center:
1. Demolition and removal of west bleachers at VMC. (Completed by May 27, 2016)
2. Demolition and removal of existing floor in VMC. (Completed by May 27, 2016)
3. Demolition and removal of central divider wall/partition in VMC. (Complete May 27, 16)
4. Labor and materials to paint the interior walls in the VMC. (Completed June 17, 2016)
5. Labor and materials to install acoustical panels in the VMC. (Completed July 1, 2016)
6. Combination proposal for: removal of bleachers, removal of existing floor, removal of divider wall/partition, installation of acoustical panels, and painting of the interior walls at VMC. (MC 7-0).
(Sealed proposals will be received in the TAPS District Office until 4:30 p.m. on April 18, 2016)
E. Motion by Miller, second by Holland to approve the resignation of Mr. Derek Flann as Social Studies teacher and as a coach at TAPS with many thanks for his service. (MC 7-0).
F. Motion by Bauer, second by Surprenant to approve the resignation of Mrs. Shannon Wolske as Nurse at TAPS with many thanks for her service. (MC 7-0).
G. Motion by Ludeman, second by Holland, to approve the hiring of Karl Campbell as the “B” Squad baseball coach and William Dean as volunteer baseball coach for the 2016 season. (MC 7-0)
H. Motion by Miller, second by Swanson to approve the hiring of Rachel Landherr as an assistant track coach for the 2016 season. (MC 7-0).
I. Motion by Bauer, second by Swanson to approve the hiring of Tara Onken as a volunteer softball coach for the 2016 season. (MC 7-0)
J. Motion by Surprenant, second by Holland, to approve the resignation/retirement of Mr. Chris Miller (TAPS Band Instructor) with many thanks for his service to TAPS. (MC 7-0).
K. Motion by Ludeman, second by Holland, to designate Superintendent Chad Anderson as the identified official with authority to authorize user access to MDE secure websites for our local education agency which gives Chad Anderson the responsibility of assigning job duties to local education agency staff. (MC 7-0)
L. Discussion with no action regarding the 2016-2017 (FY17 Capital Outlay Spreadsheet Discussion) (attached). Final approval will be at the April 18 board meeting. Superintendent Anderson discussed all requests and tentative approval and non-approval of the requests. Board Chair Benson asked all board members to review and consider all requests before the April board meeting for final approval.
M. Motion by Miller, second by Bauer, to approve the project bid from FLR Sanders for ($109,322): Installation of new AACER Scissor LOC LP Floor System at the VMC Gym: Includes material and installation of floor system installed according to all manufacturer specifications. Aacer Flooring Maple shall be 25/32” thick, 2-1/4” wide MFMA-RL Second and better grade maple. Option for Demolition (TBD) and Vapor Guard of $11,192 (TBD). (MC 7-0)
N. Motion by Ludeman, second by Surprenant, to approve the project bid from Seating and Athletic Facility Enterprises, LLC for ($52,575) for the Installation of (2) banks of bleachers at the VMC Gym. One (1) bank (15) rows x 37’ Long (existing door eliminated) and One (1) bank (15) rows x 21’ long. (MC 7-0)
O. Motion by Holland, second by Bauer to adjourn the meeting at 8:20 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Chad Anderson
Superintendent Chad Anderson
March 22, 2016
“Education as a Lifestyle”