Office of Vice President For Research
Ref: 007831
Executive Director – Blackstone Launchpad
Office of the Vice President for Research
Applications are invited from suitably qualified enthusiastic candidates for a full-time fixed term position as the Executive Director of Blackstone Launchpad in the Office of the Vice President for Research at the National University of Ireland, Galway. This position is funded by the Blackstone Charitable Foundation and is available for a 3 year period from October 2015- October 2018.
About Blackstone LaunchPad: “Blackstone LaunchPad is a campus-based experiential entrepreneurship program open to students, alumni, staff and faculty offering coaching, ideation and venture creation support. It is modeled on a successful program originated at the University of Miami and was further developed by the Blackstone Charitable Foundation.”
Job Description: As the Blackstone LaunchPad Director at NUI Galway, you will be part of an international network. Blackstone Launchpad at NUI Galway will support students who have business ideas to take those ideas from the concept phase through feasibility assessment, business plan development and readiness to launch. The Director will inspire, mentor, coach and advise students; will develop a network of experienced business leaders and entrepreneurs who can serve as venture coaches to the student’s entrepreneurship; and will develop programs on specific topics to drive undergraduate entrepreneurship at NUI Galway.
· Bachelor’s degree required (Masters desired)
· Track-record of experience and success as an entrepreneur and/or innovator (minimum 7 year demonstrated experience)
· A track-record of involvement in competitive bidding for funding is desirable
· Past experience in development work and or building enterprise/institutional partnerships
· Active and credible participant in start-up community networks
Salary Scale (Under Review): Assistant Secretary Scale - €75,874 - €86,234 pa (New entrants post January 2011). Assistant Secretary Scale- €84,082-€95,593 pa (Pre Jan 2011)
Associate Secretary Scale - €109,789 per annum (New entrants post Jan 2011). Associate Secretary Scale- €121,766 pa (Pre Jan 2011)
Start Date: October 2015
Garda Vetting will apply
Further information about Blackstone LaunchPad is available at
Informal enquires concerning this post may be made to Professor Lokesh Joshi, Vice President for Research, NUI Galway ()
Appointment to the post advertised will be dependent upon University approval, together with the terms of the Employment Control Framework for the higher education sector. This appointment will be made on the above scale in line with current Government pay policy.
(For pre 1995 public sector entrants in Ireland, the D class Salary rates will apply)
Closing date for receipt of applications is 17.00 GMT on September 15, 2015. It will not be possible to consider applications received after the closing date.
For more information and Application Form please see website:
Applications must be submitted online
National University of Ireland, Galway is an equal opportunity employer.
1. Job Title / Discipline/Section / Current Job HolderExecutive Director- Blackstone LaunchPad / Office of the Vice President for Research / Vacant
Is post permanent or a contract? / Fixed Term Contract – 3 Years
2. Role Relationships
The post holder under the VPR’s direction will have specific contact with:· Senior Management of the College; President, Registrar, Academic Secretary, Deans of Colleges, Heads of School
· Directors of Research Centres, Heads of Support Units
· Blackstone LaunchPad National Director and associate staff
· Blackstone LaunchPad Global Network
· Galway University Foundation (GUF) Director and associate staff
· NUI Galway Alumni (through GUF)
· Human Resources, Technology Transfer Office, Financial and Research Accounting, in the course of developing collaborative partnerships.
· Blackstone LaunchPad University sites in Ireland
· NUI Galway Student Union President and staff
· NUI Galway Undergraduate Students
S/He has general contact with:
· Academic, research, technical, administrative and support staff throughout the University.
· Visiting delegations and individuals from partner Universities, funding bodies and industry
· Primary and Secondary level schools and students
Organisational Chart
Blackstone LaunchPad is a program focused on incubating and supporting the next generation of entrepreneurs through inspiring and supporting students and alumni in developing their business ideas from concept to business launch. Blackstone LaunchPad provides resources, one-on-one coaching, access to networks of advisors, and a place where the student entrepreneur can find other like-minded students.
As the Blackstone LaunchPad Director at NUI Galway, you will be part of an International network. Blackstone LaunchPad at NUI Galway will support students who have business ideas to take those ideas from the concept phase through feasibility assessment, business plan development, and readiness to launch. The Director will mentor, coach and advice students; will develop a network of experienced business leaders and entrepreneurs who can serve as Venture Coaches to the student entrepreneurs; and will develop programs on specific topics to drive undergraduate entrepreneurship at NUI Galway.
The key mission of the Director will be to successfully launch and build a dynamic Blackstone LaunchPad program in NUI Galway in a timely, collaborative and results oriented manner that engages a multitude of users and stakeholders. Ideally, the Blackstone LaunchPad Director will be the catalyst for the creation of a cohesive community of entrepreneurs at NUI Galway and a champion for student entrepreneurship. This position offers the opportunity to make a difference – for individual students and for the NUI Galway community.
(Write in perceived order of Importance)
Drive and execute Blackstone LaunchPad program on campus
· Make NUI Galway’s BLP programme a successful model for undergraduate entrepreneurship on a global scale
· Develop enabling structures to support undergraduate entrepreneurship at NUI Galway
· Provide senior leadership to staff and students in relation to undergraduate entrepreneurial activity
Develop collaborative and comprehensive engagement and outreach strategies
· Achieve 10% undergraduate student recruitment to the BLP programme in Year 1
· Ensure program participants reflect co-curricular program goals
· Build strategic plans to attract different audiences and customer segments
Inspire and coach students and ventures
· Expand, adapt and refine entrepreneurial interests and venture concepts and businesses
· Identify resources to support further success and facilitate connections
· Be actively involved in coaching and directly supporting student entrepreneurs
Team Leadership
· Provide leadership to the newly established Blackstone Launchpad team
· Develop structures to support the activity of the BLP Team
Be forward thinking and innovative
· Create and develop innovation support programmes to harness Undergraduate entrepreneurship on campus
· Seek opportunities to support Undergraduate Entrepreneurship and Innovation on campus through new co-curricular support models
Actively participate in global network and in external/internal communities
· Utilise existing networks and contacts to support Blackstone LaunchPad activities and events
· Create new networks and opportunities for NUI Galway in terms of entrepreneurship and innovation
· The ability to inspire and deliver
· A background in entrepreneurship and new venture creation is required
· A clear reporting style and excellent communication and inter-personal skills are desirable, as is the ability to prioritise, summarise and analyse within a complex landscape.
Essential Criteria
· Bachelor’s degree required (Masters desired)
· Track-record of experience and success as an entrepreneur and/or innovator (minimum 7 year demonstrated experience)
· A track-record of involvement in competitive bidding for funding is desirable
· Past experience in development work and or building enterprise/institutional partnerships
· Active and credible participant in start-up community networks
· Ability to relate, coach and inspire students/young entrepreneurs; Familiarity with coaching business ventures
· Strong communication and organisational skills
· Self-starter and team player who can be responsive and adaptive
· The ability to lead a team in terms of strategic planning and the delivery of high quality service
· Familiarity with University, Public and Private sector activity
· The diplomatic, advocacy and communication skills required to balance expectations across a broad stakeholder community
· Diverse connections within the regional business and entrepreneurial community are an asset, though experienced, well-qualified people from outside the region are encouraged to apply. The critical skill is to convert a strong relationship base of entrepreneurs and business leaders to become involved with Blackstone LaunchPad
· High energy; enthusiastic; integrity and authenticity
Garda vetting will apply
Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh
National University of Ireland, Galway
1. Constitution
National University of Ireland, Galway was established in 1845 as Queen’s College, Galway, by Charter under the Queen’s Colleges (Ireland) Act. Under the Irish Universities Act 1908, it became a Constituent College of the National University of Ireland established under that Act, and a new Charter was issued, changing its name to University College, Galway.
Under the Universities Act, 1997, the College (together with the other Constituent Colleges) was reconstituted as a University and its title was changed to National University of Ireland, Galway/ Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh. It is at the same time a Constituent University of the National University of Ireland, almost all of whose functions were transferred under the Act to the Constituent Universities.
The legal standing of the University derives from the Irish Universities Act 1908, its Charter issued under that Act, the University College Galway Acts, 1929 and 2006, and the Universities Act 1997. The provisions of these instruments are further developed in Statutes and Regulations, made in accordance with those Acts and Charter.
The University’s general relationships with the State are mainly conducted through the Higher Education Authority.
2. Authorities
The Charter and relevant legislation provide for two authorities, Údarás na hOllscoile (The University Governing Authority) and the Academic Council.
Subject to the provisions of the relevant Acts and Charter, Údarás na hOllscoile is empowered to manage and control all the affairs of the University. Its membership (40) for the three-year period 1 February 2013 – 31 January 2016 is as follows: an external Cathaoirleach (Chairman), the President, the Registrar and Deputy-President, 5 Professors/Personal Professors, 5 other academic staff, 3 other employees, 2 elected officers of the Students’ Union, 1 postgraduate student, 4 graduates, 7 elected by the local authorities of the region, 2 nominees of the NUI, 3 nominees from selected external organisations (including business and industry), the President of St. Angela’s College, Sligo, a member drawn from artistic and cultural interests, and 3 nominees of the Minister for Education and Skills.
Under the Universities Act 1997, the question as to whether the President, or another person (not an employee of the University or a member of Údarás na hOllscoile), is to be Cathaoirleach of Údarás na hOllscoile is a matter for decision by Údarás na hOllscoile at its first meeting and from time to time thereafter.
The Academic Council is the chief academic authority and, subject to review by Údarás na hOllscoile, controls the academic affairs of the University, including the curriculum, instruction and education provided by the University. Its members are the President, the Registrar and Deputy-President, the Vice-Presidents, the Deans of Colleges, Heads of Schools, the Professors (including Personal Professors), the other Heads of discipline and other members drawn from the other academic staff grades and the student body, the Librarian, Director of Information Solutions and Services, Director of Lifelong Learning, the Príomhfheidhmeannach of Acadamh na hOllscolaíochta Gaeilge, the Director of the Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching; its present total membership is about 150. The President is entitled to preside at all meetings of the Council.
3. The President
Under the Universities Act, the President is responsible to Údarás na hOllscoile (The University Governing Authority) for the efficient and effective management of the University and for the due performance of his/her functions, and is subject to such policies as may be determined from time to time by it. S/he shall, subject to the Act, manage and direct the University in its academic, administrative, financial, personnel and other activities and for those purposes has such powers as are necessary or expedient.
4. The University Management Team
The University Management Team comprises:
The President
The Registrar and Deputy-President
The Vice-President for Innovation and Performance
The Executive Director of Operations
The Bursar
The Secretary/An Rúnaí
The President is the head and chief officer of the University and is appointed for a 10-year period, subject to retirement at 65 (for those already employed in the public sector in Ireland). The Vice-Presidents are initially appointed for a four-year period and are eligible for reappointment for one further four-year term. Acting under the President, the various members of the UMT each have specific policy and line-management responsibilities and functions. These responsibilities and functions will be reviewed from time to time. The Vice-President for the Student Experience and the Vice-President for Research will be full members of the UMT from 2016.
5. Strategic Plan 2009-14
In September 2009, following widespread consultation, the University published the NUI Galway Strategic Plan. NUI Galway offers a holistic, educational and cultural experience to its diverse student body. Our University is recognised nationally and internationally for innovation, excellence and leadership in selected and distinctive programmes of teaching, research and scholarship. Our programmes reflect the strengths of the University, national priorities, and the strengths and needs of the region. We have a particular commitment to Gaeltacht regions and the Irish language community. The University seeks to develop and sustain effective strategic partnerships with relevant regional, national and international stakeholders and organisations.
A copy of the Strategic Plan is available online:
NUI Galway has historically provided a variety support services for students. Up to 1970s this was through Deans of Residence (the Chaplain and Lady Superintendent) and directly by academic staff. Since then, as the University expanded, a more structured approach was adopted, including setting up a Student Services Committee and hiring of specialist staff (Student Services Administrator, Accommodation Office, Counsellor, Sports Officer and Careers Officer). In 2004, the first Vice President for Student Services was appointed, reflecting the vision of the University to be student-centred. In the intervening period, the Vice President post has been refocused and renamed as Vice President for the Student Experience. In 2013 a Director of Student Services was appointed to provide leadership in the integration of the student services functions and for the provision of high quality and comprehensive non-academic support and wellbeing services for students. Student Services currently encompasses the following areas: Access including mature students; Accommodation; Counselling; Chaplaincy; Disability; Medical Unit; Societies; Sports (Clubs & Participation); and Welfare including Financial Aid, Health Promotion and Mentoring. The total staff complement is shown under Organisation and Management (Appendix 1).
The Student Services team are core to the personal and academic development of students. This is embodied in our vision and mission statements and the University’s strategic plan. The shared vision of Student Services which inspires its actions is:
‘Every NUI Galway student will be supported to actively engage with the University experience to maximise their potential for learning and leadership for life and work’
The achievement of this vision is through our mission:
‘Student Services will provide students with integrated and prioritised personal, high quality services, appropriate to their developmental and support needs, to promote student engagement.’