Ministry of Human Resource Development,

Government of India, Min of HRD

J.N.V. Baniya Devi (Kunihar) Distt. Solan


Ref. F/ TENDER/JNVB/ 2015-16/: Dated:


M/S ______



Sub: Tender for the supply of Electrical items for the session 2017-18.

1. Sealed tender for the supply of the articles shown in the attached statement are invited by the undersigned up to 23-06-2017 by Registered post only. Tenders should be sent under strong sealed cover marked as “Tender for the supply of Electrical ITEMS “at Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Baniya Devi, Kunihar, Distt. Solan and not by name. The tender will be opened in the presence of the members of Purchase Advisory Committee on 24-06-2017 in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Baniya Devi,Kunihar, Distt. Solan (H.P.) .

2. The tender shall be submitted according to the terms & conditions specified in paragraphs 3 to 31 of this letter.

3. The rate should be F.O.R and should include excise duty, sale tax, freight charges, any other taxes rates or imposition whatever liable in respect of the supply. The Vidyalaya shall not be liable to pay any tax, freight etc, which has been expressly stipulated in the tender in the event of acceptance of the tender.

4. There should not be any over writing or corrections in the tender. If a figure is to be amended it should be neatly scored out and the revised figure is to be written above and the same should be attested with full signature and date. In the absence of attested signature the tender is liable to be rejected.

5. The undersigned does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept the tender in whole or in part i.e with respect to all articles mentioned in the attached statement or in respect of any one or more than one articles specified in the attached statement as he may decide.

6. On acceptance of the tender it will become a contract and shall be bound by the terms and condition of the tender.

7. As per the rule 157 and 158 of GFR – 2005 the Earnest Money will be 5% of the estimated value of the goods to be procured. An amount of Rs. 3000/- is to be deposited along with the tender form in the shape of demand draft in favour of Principal, JNV, Kunihar, payable at Kunihar for the supply of M&R Items. This amount shall be refunded in the event of rejection of the tender. The security deposit will be 10% of the said value. In the event of the acceptance of the tender the earnest money will be adjusted towards Security Deposit and the balance 5% will be taken in the shape of Demand draft/Banker cheque. Quotations attached with DCR, FDR and cheque will be treated as cancelled.

8. If the contractor fails to supply the articles within the time stipulated in the supply order placed to him/her the committee shall be at liberty to purchase the article from the market to get the rest of the contract completed by any other person or firm and the difference of price, if any shall be deducted from the earnest money/Security deposit & in case any amount in excess of the security deposit is paid by the undersigned the contractor shall be liable to pay this amount.

9. Prior to acceptance of the tender, the undersigned reserves the right to call for sample of demonstration and the tendered shall be liable to supply the sample or give the demonstration free of cost.

10. In the event of acceptance of the tender and placing of the order for purchase the articles ordered would be subject to an inspection by the undersigned or his representative and are liable to be rejected if the articles supplied are not according to approved samples or do not confirm to the specification prescribed.

11. The rates quoted by the contractor shall hold upto 31-05-2018. No amendment in the rate accepted increase in the rate of Sales Tax during the period of execution of the contract, will be accepted.

12. The amount of security deposit shall be retained by the Vidyalaya for a period of six months from the date of completion of supplies as a safeguard against any defect appearing in the articles supplied within this period.

13. The rates quoted by the firms in respect of the packed material over and above the print rates, will not be accepted. In case of any scheme is being provided by the manufacturer along with any item that should also be provided to the Vidyalaya.

15. The payments for all the supplies made to the Vidyalaya will only be released through cheque/Demand Draft. No cash payment will be released.(NEFT/RTGS)

16. Only registered/reputed firm are requested to apply for the tender. The tenderers who don’t have the CST/TIN number of their firm, may not apply, their tender will not be accepted being non registered firm.

17. Tender which does not comply with the above conditions is liable to be rejected.

18. These instruction to tenders are to be signed by the contractors and returned with the tender.

19. The rates quoted will be on weight given on the wrappers of the product, subsequently if the weight given are reduced by Manufactures, the tender rate will be reduced proportionately.

20. 2.06% TDS on every bill amount of washing bill & stitching bill will be deducted.

21. The rates of the items where MRP rates are printed by manufacturer, should not exceed MRP in any case whatsoever.

22. Any adulteration/ defect in Manufaturing is found in the supply will be sole responsibility of supplier and action will be initiated against the suppler not against the Vidyalaya, in any case.

23. The Contractor or his representative should bring the samples on the day of submitting the tenders.

24. All bills of 31-03-18 must be clear upto 31-03-18.

25. without supply order the firm will not supply any item to the Vidyalaya.

26 All the disputes will be heard only Court of Civil Judge at Arki.

27 It is compulsory to supply the items within stipulated time / certain period which will be mentioned in the supply order.

28 The authorized person of the firm will sign on each & every page of tender form.

29 Only those firm can apply/purchase the tender form that has the authority to sale concern items which mention the different head of tender, otherwise not to purchase and apply.

30 After final negotiation if any one item will approve by the committee, the firm must have supply to Vidyalaya as per requirement.

31. If Vidyalaya requires 01 pc. Of any items or 01 gm of item, you have to supply .


JNV Baniya Devi


It is certified that the terms & conditions as stated above are acceptable to me/ us and I/We are fully agree with the same failing which department may take action as per rules.

Name & full address of the firm. ______

Contact Numbers: Landline: ______Mobile: ______

e mail :-______

CST/TIN NO______

Demand Draft No.______Date______Amount______

Signature(s) of the Tenderer(s) ______




S.no. / Name of article / Specification / Unit / Rate
1 / PVC wire Multi Standard fire proof / (Anchor /Heavells
i)  10mm (coil 90 mtrs.) / Per meter
ii)  6mm (coil 90 mtrs.) / Per meter
iii)  4 mm (coil 90 mtrs.) / Per meter
iv)  2.5 mm (coil 90 mtrs.) / Per meter
v)  1.5 mm (coil 90 mtrs.) / Per meter
vi)  1 mm (coil 90 mtrs.) / Per meter
2 / a)  Flexible wire 23/76 Twist copper / (Anchor ) 90 mtrs. coil
b)  Flexible wire 14/56 Twist copper / (Anchor ) 90 mtrs. coil
c)  Flexible wire 40/76 Twist copper / (Anchor ) 90 mtrs. coil
3 / Telephone Cable 1,2,3,4 pairs / Anchor
4 / Switch 15 Amp / Anchor
5 / Socket 15 Amp / Anchor
6 / Top 15 Amp / Anchor
7 / Switch 5Amp / Anchor
8 / Socket 5 Amp / Anchor
9 / Top 5 amp / Anchor
10 / Bulb
i)  100 Watts
ii)  60 Watts
i)  100 Watts
ii)  60 watts
11 / Kit kat . / Anchor
63 Amp.
32 Amp.
12 / Kit Kat 100 Amp. / Anchor
13 / Room Heater SingleRod ISI Mark / Bajaj
14 / Room Heater Double Rod ISI Mark / Bajaj
15 / Wooden Board
i)  6”x8”
ii)  8”x10”
iii)  10”x12”
iv)  4”x4”
v)  7”x4”
16 / Sheet sunmika 3 mm
i)  9”x11”
ii)  7”x4”
iii)  8”x5”
iv)  8”x6”
17 / Screw all size (Steel screw)
i)  ½”
ii)  1”
iii)  1 ½”
iv)  2”
v)  2 ½”
vi)  3”
18 / Gitties PVC all sizes / (Polyfit)
19 / Casing and capping ISI Mark / (Polyfit)
i)  1”
ii)  ¾”
iii)  ½”
20 / MCCB 100 Amp. ISI Mark / Heavels
21 / MCB 63 Amp. 440 V T/P / (Anchor, Heavels)
22 / MCB 32A-D/P 230 / (Anchor, Heavels)
23 / MCB 16Amp. / (Anchor, Heavels)
24 / MCB 20 Amp. / (Anchor, Heavels)
25 / MCB 10 Amp. / (Anchor, Heavels)
26 / Service wire 4mm (Aluminium conductor) / (Anchor)
27 / Service wire 6 mm (Aluminium conductor) / (Anchor)
28 / Service wire 10mm (Aluminium conductor)
29 / Tube starter / (Philips)
30 / Geyser Element 2000 W
31 / Geyser Element 3000 W
32 / Batton Holder / (Anchor)
33 / Ceiling rose / (Anchor)
34 / Electric Tube Frame Complete set 36 W
35 / Tube side holder / (Philips)
36 / Copper Tube choke 40 W / (Philips)
37 / Copper Tube choke 36 W / (Philips)
38 / Tube Rods 40 W
39 / Tube Rods 36 W
40 / CFL 14 W simple / (Philips)
41 / CFL 18 W simple / (Philips)
42 / CFL 23 W simple / (Philips)
43 / CFL 36 W simple, spiral / (Philips)
44 / CFL 85 W threading lamp / (Philips)
45 / Electronic Tube Frame side holder
46 / RCC Bit all sizes (0.5 to 3 mm)
47 / Fan capacitor (Oil make) 2.5 mfd
48 / Ball Bearing
i)  6201 SKF
ii)  6202 SKF
49 / Fan regulator
i)  Ordinary
ii)  Electronic
50 / HRC Fuse
i)  100 Amp.
ii)  250 Amp.
iii)  400 Amp.
51 / Fan Rubber
52 / Fan nut Bolt
53 / PVC insulation tape (steel grip)
54 / L.E.D. Bulb
i)  5W / (Philips)
ii)  10W / (Philips)
iii)  14W / (Philips)
iv)  18W, / (Philips)
v)  23W / (Philips)
vi)  40W / (Philips)
55 / Machine screw 1 ½”
Machine screw 2”
Machine screw 3”
56 / Halogen lamp 150 Watt
57 / Halogen choke 150 watt
58 / Aluminium cable Armond02 coir , 16MM / ISI
59 / Aluminium cable Armond 02 coir, 25 MM / ISI
60 / Aluminium cable Armond 04 coir, 25 MM / ISI
61 / Aluminium cable Armond 04 coir, 35 MM / ISI
62 / Aluminium cable Armond 04 coir, 50 MM / ISI
63 / Kit Kat 100 Amp. / Heavels
64 / Kit kat 200 Amp. / Heavels
65 / T.P.N. 63 Amp. 04 Pol / Heavels
66 / T.P.N. 100 Amp. 04 Pol / Heavels
67 / G.I. Nut Bold 2 sut 2”
68 / G.I. Nut Bold 2 sut 1 ½”
69 / G.I. Nut Bold 2 sut 3”
70 / Street Light Box 8”x6”x5” / Iron & Sintex
71 / Glained 25 mm
72 / Glained 35 mm
73 / Glained 50 mm
74 / Kit Kat 200 AMP / Heavells
75 / Kit Kat 16 Amp / Heavells
76 / AC 1.5 tan window / Volta /Blue Star
77 / AC 2 Tan Saprit / Volta /Blue Star
78 / Ceiling Fan 28 Sl /32 / Usha
79 / Ceiling Fan / Philips
80 / Ceiling Fan / Anchor


It is certified that the terms & conditions as laid down in the tender forms are acceptable to me / us and I/We am/are fully agree with the same failing which department may take action as per rules.

Name &Full address of the firm______

Contact Numbers:- Landline :-______Mobile :-______

E-Mail ID :-______

CST/TIN NO.______

Demand Draft No. ______Dated ______Amount______

Signature(s) of the Tenderer(s)______


Note:- Security Money for the said tender is Rs.3000/- (Rupees Three Thousand only) in form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Principal, JNV Kunihar, Payable at Kunihar.