Chess Academy of Chalkida “Palamedes of Evia”

Venue:Hotel Paliria (****) – 2 El. Venizelou Str., Chalkida (


Thursday / 9/8 / (17:00) / Opening Ceremony
Thursday / 9/8 / (17:30) / Round 1
Friday / 10/8 / (17:30) / Round 2
Saturday / 11/8 / (17:30) / Round 3
Sunday / 12/8 / (17:30) / Round 4
Monday / 13/8 / (17:30) / Round 5
Tuesday / 14/8 / (17:30) / Round 6
Wednesday / 15/8 / (17:30) / Round 7
Thursday / 16/8 / (17:30) / Round 8
Friday / 17/8 / (14:30) / Round 9
Friday / 17/8 / (21:00) / Closing Ceremony


Swiss System 9 rounds, FIDE rated tournament, FIDE time-control (90 minutes for 40 moves followed by 30 minutes until the end of the game plus increment of 30 seconds per move from move 1).

A player who has not arrived one hour after the start of the round is forfeited.

A player who gets, without explicitly justifiable reasons, forfeited in one game is considered as withdrawn from the tournament and is excluded from the subsequent rounds.

Every player has the right to ask to be excluded from a round once during the tournament. The player must notify the chief arbiter and the tournament director before the end of the previous round and should justify his request.

Tie-break criteria:

Direct encounter; if all the tied players have met each other then the sum of points from these encounters. Otherwise, the following order of tie-break criteria apply:

a. results among tied opponents (applies only in case all tied opponents have played against each other),

b. sum of progressive scores,

c. Buchholz,

d. Sonneborn-Berger. In all cases, FIDE rules apply.

Prizes (in euros): 10.000

General Standings:

1st: 3.000, 2nd: 1.600, 3rd: 1.200, 4th: 700, 5th: 500, 6th: 400, 7th: 300, 8th: 200

Rating Performance minus Rating:

1st: 300, 2nd: 200, 3rd: 100

Female Players:

1st: 400, 2nd: 300, 3rd: 200,

Players under 20 years of age:

1st: 300, 2nd: 200, 3rd: 100

Trophies will be awarded to the first 3 winners according to the general standings. Medals will be awarded to the first 6 winners according to the general standings, to the first 6 female players, and to the 3 first winners of the categories of players below 20 years of age, players below 18 years of age, players below 16 years of age, players below 12 years of age and female players below 20 years of age. Trophies will also be awarded to the first male and female Greek players.

In case of a tie, cash prizes are ΝΟΤ divided equally but are awarded according to the final standings after the application of the tie-break criteria. If a player is entitled to more than one cash prizes, he/she receives all of them.

Registration - Entry Fee:

Deadline for registrations: Saturday 4th, of August 2012. Every registration must be confirmed with the Tournament Director, Mr. George Tsounis and must be accompanied by the deposit of the entry fee that is set at 60 Euros for all (GMs, WGMs, are excluded from paying the entry fee, IMs and WIMs get 50% discount and pay 30 Euros). The entry fee can be deposited to the bank account: ALPHA BANK 200-002101-300221, Swift Code: CRBAGRAA, IBAN: GR30 0140 2000 2000 0231 0026 230. George Tsounis

Conditions for titled players:

For a limited number of titled players the organisation committee will provide special conditions. For more information participants can contact the tournament director Mr. George Tsounis.

Contact info:

Mr. George Tsounis (Tournament Director)

Tel: +3022210 85735, +3022210 85736, +306932 274274,

Fax: +3022210 85737


For additional information, news and updates regarding the tournament the participants can also visit the website of Chess Academy of Chalkida “Palamedes of Evia” at: