Town of West Bend
Public Budget Hearing November 8th, 2017
Chairman Jim Heipp called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
Clerk Julie Ihlenfeld read the Notice of the Public Budget Hearing.
Present at this hearing were Chairman Jim Heipp, Supervisor Jeff Geib, Supervisor FrankCarr, Clerk JulieIhlenfeld, Treasurer Bob Burgardt, and eight Town residents in the audience.
Chairman Heipp opened the meeting. Bob Burgardt compared the mill rates and levies from 2016 and 2017. Steve Lindley asked about the $3500 budgeted for Law Enforcement. Donna Schneider asked where the $3500 in revenue would come from. Bob Burgardt explained that the Town purchased a police vehicle and we anticipate net revenues to be $3500 in citations. Jim Heipp added that town employees will be using the police vehicle also. Steve Lindley commented about the revenue being greater than expenditure. Frank Carr clarified the revenue and cash, Reserve fund is separate from the cash balance. Donna Schneider asked what the miscellaneous revenue consisted of. Bob Burgardt stated it is Lottery Credit, Interest Income, and Donations. Bob Burgardt explained the DNR Recycling grant. Steve Lindley asked if recycling is mandated by the state. Donna Schneider asked if it would be cheaper to contract than having the Recycling center. Talked about putting recycling on the tax bill. Town of Trenton charges for garbage and recycling. Steve Lindley suggested the town review the recycling center. Jim Heipp said we cut hours at the recycling center and pay $500 for glass to be hauled away. Steve Lindley asked how much we lost this year on the recycling center. Bob Burgardt replied that we have a $7,306 deficit. John Behrens asked if the town knows how many people use the recycling center on Saturday mornings. Jim Heipp replied that about 450 families use it every other week.
There were no more public comments. Jim Heipp asked for a motion to approve the 2018 budget. John Behrens made a motion to approve the 2017 budget. Donna Schneider seconded the motion. 7 aye, 1 nay. Motion carried.
Jim Heipp made a motion to close the public budget hearing. Jeff Geib seconded the motion. 8 aye, 0 nay. Motion carried.
Jim Heipp adjourned the public meeting. Public hearing closed at 6:18 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted this 6th day of December 2017
Julie Ihlenfeld, Clerk