Linking Verbs: Underline the Linking Verb in each sentence.
( 1 ) The big computer is very fast.
( 2 ) The orange block is at the bottom of the stack.
( 3 ) The teacher seemed confused by the question.
( 4 ) The brown suitcase looks heavy.
( 5 ) My dog’s fur smells bad all the time.
( 6 ) There are too many fish in this fish tank.
( 7 ) There is an old tree in the back yard.
( 8 ) These jeans are too small for me now.
( 9 ) This software is not compatible with my computer.
(10) I was late for work today.
(11) The clothes in this stack are clean.
(12) The cookies smelled delicious.
(13) My hand felt sore after the test.
(14) This door is very creaky.
(15) There were a big car and a small car in the garage.
Linking Verb or Action Verb? Underline each verb and tell if Linking or Action.
( 1 ) Everything looks clean after a rainstorm.
( 2 ) There were a big car and a small car in the garage.
( 3 ) The car ran out of gasoline.
( 4 ) I was late for work today.
( 5 ) Those gloves are very pretty.
( 6 ) The cat jumped from the sudden noise.
( 7 ) The copier is out of paper.
( 8 ) My hand felt sore after the exam.
( 9 ) Kayla wants a new backpack.
(10) Hannah felt tired after the big dinner.
(11) The bridge connects the two buildings at the third floor.
(12) Kayla pounded the nail into the wood with the hammer.
(13) She poured sugar into the mixture.
(14) My dog’s fur smells bad all the time.
(15) The questions became more difficult later in the exam.
Transitive Verbs and Direct Objects and Indirect Objects
1. A storm damaged some boats in the harbor.
2. I gave Mark a ride to school.
3. Ethan bought ripe apples and bananas.
4. My boss gave me my first paycheck.
5. The woman in the horror movie wore a long red gown.
6. Aaron read his class the newspaper article.
7. The police chief gave a news reporter his statement.
8. Christopher sang his daughter a lullaby.
9. I gave Andrew a new Lego set.
10. James gave Jessica tickets to the basketball game.
11. We visited Athens last month.
12. Could you show Evan the quickest way to the elevator?
13. Rebecca mailed the landlord a check last week.
14. The restaurant manager offered Allison the promotion.
15. Matthew left his mother a message.
16. Chloe loaded the packages into the trunk of the car.
17. Nicholas delivers the mail for this apartment building.
18. Jonathan threw Kenneth the football.
19. Connor still remembers his first airplane ride.
20. Christian cannot loan me his book today.
Helping verbs and Verb Phrases:
Underline the main verb twice and the helping verb once in the sentences below. The main verb may be an action verb or a linking verb. Look carefully!!!
1. My grandfather has traveled to Europe many times.
2. You must have heard all that noise last night!
3. Those children are wearing their seat belts.
4. The moon had risen early that evening.
5. Does Simon play the trumpet in the band?
6. Broccoli, carrots, and squash are all vegetables.
7. Which way did he run?
8. The cat should not be sitting on the kitchen counter.
9. Do you want some of these carrots?
10. Would you please call me first thing in the morning?
NOW – do the same thing in this paragraph. Write the verb phrase from each sentence on your paper.
[11] Latex, a milky-white substance that is used in the production of rubber, is produced by therubber trees of the Amazon rain forest. [12] Diagonal cuts are made in the trees by rubber tappers.[13] Then a small cup is carefully placed beneath each cut. [14] Rubber tappers must cut all thetrees on a rubber tree trail before the latex is flowing too freely. [15] Rubber trees can often bespaced one hundred yards apart, and a rubber tapper may walk several miles before dawn; laterthat same day, the rubber tapper will repeat the journey through the forest so that he may collectthe cups of latex.
VERB Practice – all kinds of verbs.
Kinds of Verbs – Identify the verb(s) in each of the following sentences. Be sure to include any helping verbs.Determine whether each verb is an action verb or a linking verb. On the line provided,write ACT for action verb or LINK for linking verb.
Example ______1. Martha doesn’t sleep very well.
______1. Her sister always studies late into the night.
______2. Martha is sometimes very sleepy in the morning.
______3. Martha’s sister could have read in the kitchen.
______4. She could also have taken her books into the living room.
______5. The light there is better for my eyes.
______6. Sometimes Martha’s sister studies at the library.
______7. Most of the time, Martha and her sister have fun together.
______8. They share clothes and school supplies.
______9. Martha and her sister both like the same music.
______10. Martha is also different from her sister in some ways.
______11. She is much messier, for one thing.
______12. Her sister always hangs clothes up neatly.
______13. Martha leaves things all over the floor and the beds.
______14. Martha likes fresh air in the room, even in the winter.
______15. Martha’s sister complains about the cold air.
______16. The noise from the traffic bothers her, too.
______17. Every night, she closes the window.
______18. Then the room becomes hot and stuffy.
______19. Martha is always the first one up in the morning.
______20. She doesn’t even wait for the alarm.