Board of Directors meeting

January 15, 2015

Doug’s home


Tony Amodio-Parliamentarian Present

Linda Janczkowski-Secretary Present

Wes Sowa-Treasurer Absent

Bo Boguslawski-Assistant Treasurer Present

Ken Lietz- President Present

George Steinhardt-Assistant Secretary Present

Doug Salemi-Vice President Present

Meeting called to order by Bo at 6:39 PM.

Tony made a motion to accept the minutes of September 25, 2014 meeting, Doug seconded. All in favor minutes approved.

Selection of Officers: Wes agreed to remain on as treasurer. Linda volunteered to review books for 2014. Linda President, Doug Secretary, Ken Vice President. Others remain the same.

Treasurer’s report: Wes indicated Nelson’s check cleared and is working on lien release. Ken needs attorney to review letter before sign. Received check from one of foreclosures. Will submitted reports next meeting.

Delinquent Owners: Ken received call on 203 Mallard. Looking for arrearage information on this property. Ken to forward to Wes.

Frost quake: Several members have felt tremors over last 3 weeks. Natural, no damage reported, so nothing board can do at this time.

Website: Law changed on home owner association, allowed to send notices via email, provided written permission from home owner and change in covenants. Leave as is for now. Need to review association email regularly.

Entranceways: Plow destroyed lights at middle entrance. In springtime buy new. Middle are electric, so may need electrician and move in spring. Will decorate next holiday season.

Common Ground – no report. Requested estimate from Scardino.

Community Involvement: Nothing new to report

Coyote, no change.

Lot Appearance: Need to do monthly drive through/audit of lots, report to the boards, board decide if we need to pursue notification. Ken will do this monthly in 2015.

Other Topics:

Garage Sale Dates – do two times/year. George to make date recommendation.

Future Board Meeting dates/locations/start time:

Standard start time 6:30 p.m. Third Thursday every other month

3/19 – Bo

5/21 – Tony

7/16 – Linda

9/17 - Ken

Community involvement – need to try something. We provide first 2 drinks and food and discount for other purchases. People pay for rest. Has pool table, darts at bar. Throw couple tournaments. Doug get cost

Adults only. Evite invite once confirmed. Linda will do sample. Budget $3,000. Motion for moving forward provided spend is under $3,000. Motion seconded by Doug. 5 for, 1 against.

Ken made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Tony. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 07:45PM.

Submitted: Linda Janczkowski, secretary