Town of Hempstead Workforce Investment Board
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
HempsteadWorks Career Center
June 23, 2011
I. / Welcome and IntroductionsThe meeting was convened at 9:30 A.M. by Henry Graber who welcomed the attendees and asked them to introduce themselves.
II. / Funding Update
Ana-Maria Hurtado explained that the Congressional Budget process had delayed the announcement of our final funding allocations, resulting in a delay in our planning process. Edward Kenny indicated that the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Formula allocation to our local area was reduced approximately 12 % for Program Year 2011 (PY’11), covering the period of July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. He explained that this reduction compounded a steady decline in formula funding and a disproportionate increase in participant enrollment over the past few years. For example, the PY ’11 allocation is 15% less than available funding of PY’2006, while participant enrollment has increased 75% over the same period. Mr. Kenny indicated that the following reductions were made in our operating budget in response to the decreased allocation:
· Two of our contracts for Out-of-School Youth Services will terminate on June 30, 2011
· Contracts for Academic and Occupational Learning for the Summer Component of our Year-Round Youth Program have been eliminated and replaced by services provided by a single contractor
· Our One-Stop Center staff have been reduced by 2.0 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff and an additional FTE will be eliminated, effective July of 2011
· Our consulting contract for Career Development Workshops has been put on hold
· Purchases for computer hardware and software upgrades required for our Resource Room have been put on hold
· Purchases for office supplies are being made on an austerity basis
· Our contract for web development services will be essentially reduced to web hosting only
Mr. Graber cautioned against only reducing expenses in response to the decreased funding and recommended that additional revenue be generated at the same time. Ms. Hurtado confirmed that this is already occurring as we are continuing our practice of applying for supplemental grant funding, partnering with other grants applicants and generating revenue through co-location agreements and fee-for-services activities. For example, HempsteadWorks is conducting job search workshops in local libraries for patrons, and train-the-trainer workshops for library staff, under a contract executed with the Nassau Library System, pursuant to a grant awarded under the Library Services and Technology Act. Mr. Kenny stated that the Town of Hempstead/City of Long Beach Local Workforce Investment Area was also awarded a Summer Jobs Express! Grant in the amount of approximately $139,000. The committee also reviewed a log of grant activities during the Program Year.
III. / Recertification
Mr. Graber explained that Alan Nachman was unable to attend today’s meeting; however, in accordance with the process established by the Workforce Investment Board (LWIB) for Recertification of the HempsteadWorks One-Stop Operator, he reviewed the Recertification Application, submitted by the Operator Consortium. Based upon his review, he has submitted his recommendation to the Board to approve the application. The recommendation was submitted in writing, via e-mail. A copy of the application was mailed to each member of the Executive Committee, along with a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the Recertification Application, prior to the meeting. The Recertification period is July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2013.
The Recertification process is required under the Workforce Investment Act. It has been designed to conform to the policies of New York State Department of Labor and the LWIB. The application was submitted by the HempsteadWorks One-Stop Operator Consortium, which consists of the City of Long Beach Office of Youth and Family Services, New York State Department of Labor Division of Employment and Workforce Solutions and the Town of Hempstead Department of Occupational Resources. The Recertification Application includes the following components:
· Description of Recertification Process
· One-Stop Operator Application
· Self-Assessment
· LWIB Response to Operator Self-Assessment
· Operator Business Plan
· Operator Consortium Agreement
· WIB/Operator Agreement
The Operator Consortium Agreement exists between the members of the Operator Consortium to document performance goals, reporting requirements, an oversight schedule, consortium functions, roles and responsibilities. The LWIB/Operator Agreement exists between the WIB and the Operator Consortium and makes Operator Consortium accountable to the LWIB. Mr. Goldstein offered a motion for the Executive Committee to recommend approval of the Recertification Application to the LWIB. The motion was seconded by Mr. Graber and adopted by the committee
IV. / Continuous Improvement Award Nominations
The Committee reviewed the nominations for the awards for the LWIB Continuous Improvement Awards for PY’08 and ’09. The following awardees were selected in the categories indicated:
1. Business: Ken Thompson, Owner, ShopRite of Uniondale
2. Jobseeker: Michelle F. Smith
3. Jobseeker: Mary Breunig
4. Honorable Mention: Theresa A. Regnante, Chief Executive Officer, United Way of Long Island
V. / Old/New Business
No old or new business was discussed.
VI. / Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 A.M.