Document Search Web Part


Combine content from multiple SharePoint 2010 libraries or lists into a searchable, filterable, tabbed set of results. No custom search scopes are required—the web part is fully configurable by the partner.


SharePoint 2010 , Twitter Bootstrap v2+


·  Tabbed text search and filter search functions

·  Dynamically loading/paging using AJAX in sets of 5,10,15,30

·  Tabbed search results by document library/list and sub site

·  File type logos and file size listed

·  Return all items by default

o  All items can be returned by default if required.

·  Responsive design

o  This web part has been designed to adapt to different web-enabled devices, giving a great user experience on all devices from desktops to mobile devices. To take advantage of screen real estate on mobile phones, the search results disappear and become headings above each set of search results.


·  Textual search and/or Filter Search

o  Text search and filter search can be disabled independently if one or both pieces of functionality are not required.

Common Use Scenarios

Simple Text search portal for multiple Lists/Libraries

A partner requires a centralized text search portal for a subset of content—mostly documents and a few links to various an external website. The partner stores their documents in three separate Libraries on three separate sites and their links in a Links List at the root site.


1.  Add the Document Search web part to the default page of a sub site titled Document Search.

2.  In the web part properties choose the Document and Link content types in the Select Content Type(s) selection box.

3.  Choose the desired libraries and lists with the Select List(s) selection box.

4.  Disable Filter Search.

5.  Click OK.

6.  Publish the page.

List Documents/Items with tabs without search functionality

A partner requires a list of documents, combined from multiple Libraries (2 on the same site and the others from 3 different sub sites in the site collection), easily grouped by their locations, but does not requires any text search of filter functionality.


1.  Add the Document Search web part to the page.

2.  In the web part properties choose the Document content type in the Select Content Type(s) selection box.

3.  Choose the 5 Libraries in the Select List(s) selection box.

4.  Disable Text Search.

5.  Disable Filter Search.

6.  Click OK.

7.  Publish the page.


This web part has 4 main components to set up. Set up the web part in the following order:

1.  Add the Document Search Web Part

Edit your page, click Add a Web Part in any of the web part zones, select the Custom group, select SearchWebPart, ensure that the correct Zone is chosen, and click Add.

Note If you do not see the SearchWebPart in your menu, contact A Site Collection Feature may need to be enabled on your site. Only KI can enable this feature for you.

2.  Select Content Type(s)

To select a content type, choose which content types will be used by clicking on the first content type, waiting for the properties to post back, then holding CTRL and choosing a second content type. Continue this process until all content types are highlighted and the Select Lists selection box is populated.

3.  Select List(s)

Lists and Libraries are the locations where your content has been stored. When a subsite is created a Documents document library is created. This is most likely the location where your documents have been stored, however may have created other libraries.

To select a library or list, click on your first selection, then hold CTRL and choose any other libraries you require. With each selection the page may post back. The Select Lookup Columns selection will populate with whichever Lookup columns are common cross your List/Library selections.

4.  Select Lookup Column(s)

Lookup columns are a specific type of site column in SharePoint 2010 which allow you to source a column’s selections from another list. This web part selection box will locate all lookup lists common amongst at least two of your List selections.

To select a lookup column, click on your first selection, the hold CTRL and choose and other lookup columns you require. Any lookup columns you select will appear in the Filter Search tab as separate selection boxes to aid the user in filtering documents by the values in the lookup column(s).

5.  Number of Results Per List

Content Types are used to locate all the lists in the site collection that store content of that type. The base content types in SharePoint 2010 are Item and Document, however may have created custom content types in some cases. If choosing Document and/or Item does not return the correct Lists, contact and they’ll be happy to assist.

To select a results amount, click the down arrow and choose 5, 10, 15, or 30. If you know you have a large amount of possible results, try a larger number first.

6.  Disable/Enable Text Search

To disable or enable the text search, uncheck or check the box. If disabled, tabs will not be used in the top of the web part.

7.  Disable/Enable Filter Search

To disable or enable the Filter Search, uncheck or check the box. In addition to this setting, if no Lookup column(s) is chosen, Filter Search will not appear. If disabled or not set up, tabs will not be used in the top of the web part.

8.  Disable/Enable default loading of content

Search can bring back all results if necessary. This is useful if no text or filter search is necessary and the partner simple requires tab functionality.

9.  Relocating your web part

Web Part Zones are set locations in a page layout where web part may exist. Web parts can be relocated from zone to zone by dragging a dropping them or by editing the Zone property in the web part properties. All content and settings in the web part will not change by changing zones.

To relocate a web part, click and hold the top of the web part (its Chrome/Title bar) and drag it to another zone. To reorder the web part amongst other web parts in the same zone, drag the web part up or down in the web part zone.

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