Geology 101 – Earth Science

Spring 2018, Colorado State University - Pueblo

Dr. Lee Anne MartínezClass meets:TTh, 9:30 am – 10:50 am
office: Life Science 218; FAX: 719-549-2993Life Science 105

phone: 719-549-2744 (o), 719-549-2743 (d) Text: Tarbuck, Lutgens & Tasa

office hours:T 8 – 9 am, T 1 – 2 pm, W 2 –3:30 pm, by appt. Earth Science

email: (send via Blackboard)14th edition

web site:

Week of: Tentative topics:Required reading:

16 Jan.Intro., Earth’s Climate, Scientific Method, Matter & ECh. 1, pp. 36-42, 360-363

23 Jan.Electromagnetic Radiation, The Universe, pp. 648 & 661,Ch. 23, 24

The Big Bang, The Solar SystemCh. 22, pp. 653-661

30 Jan.Gas Laws & Heating, The Atmosphere, MeteorologyCh. 16, 18

6 Feb. Global Circulation, Regional Winds, Cyclonic Systems, Exam ICh. 17, 19

13 Feb.Climatic Controls, Temperature & Precipitation, BiomesCh. 20

20 Feb.Plate TectonicsCh. 7

27 Feb.Geologic Structures, Earthquakes, The Earth’s InteriorCh. 10, 8

6 Mar. Rocks, Volcanoes, Minerals, Exam IICh. 3, 9, 2

13 Mar.Weathering, Geologic Work, Landslides (Mass Wasting)Ch. 4, 5


27 Mar.The Hydrologic Cycle, Surface Waters, Groundwater, Glaciers, Wind Erosion Ch. 6

3 Apr.The Shoreline, Waves, Tides & CurrentsCh. 14

10 Apr.Physical & Chemical OceanographyCh. 13

17 Apr.Marine Environments,Exam IIICh. 15

24 Apr.Geologic Time, Geologic ResourcesCh. 11, 12, pp. 38-39, 52-54

1 MayFINALS WEEK______

Grading: 10% attendance/participation exercises; 8% Current Topic blogs; 57% midterm examinations (three at 19% each); 25% final examination. (A = 93-100, A- = 90-92, B+ = 87-89, B = 83-86, B- = 80-82, C+ = 77-79, C = 70-76, D+ = 67-69, D = 63-66, D- = 60-62, F 59).


Exams I – III: Thursday, 8 February; Thursday, 8 March;Thursday, 19 April

Final (comprehensive): Tuesday, 1 May, 8:00 am – 10:20 am

Students are responsible for material presented in lectures, assigned readings, and writings, animations, as well as videos shown during class. Attendance at each lecture is expected.

Accommodations: CSU-Pueblo abides by the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which stipulates that no student shall be denied the benefits of an education "solely by reason of a handicap." If you have a documented disability that may impact your work in this class and for which you may require accommodations, please see the Disability Resource Coordinator as soon as possible to arrange accommodations. In order to receive accommodations, you must be registered with and provide documentation of your disability to the Disability Resource Office, which is located in the Library (LARC), Suite 169 (phone = 719-549-2648).

Resources: The Science Learning Center offers FREE walk-in, one-on-one and group tutoring, as well as mentoring, supplemental instruction sessions, study groups and volunteer opportunities. Stop by Life Science Rm. 122, 9 AM –

4 PM, or call (719-549-2652) for more information.

GT Pathways

This course, when taken in conjunction with the co-requisite laboratory, is part of the Colorado Department of Higher Education’s Guaranteed Transfer Pathways curriculum (GT-SC1). When passed successfully (with a grade of a C- or better), up to 31 credits of such courses can be transferred to any public college or university in Colorado.

Earth Science Course Description:

Four Earth spheres: the hydrosphere (oceanography; the hydrologic cycle); the atmosphere (meteorology and climatology); the lithosphere (geology; internal and external processes); and the exosphere (astronomy; the solar system and the universe) and the interactions between the spheres are emphasized.

Course Objectives(General Education Student Learning Outcomes - Scientific Reasoning, Communication, Personal Values & Ethics, Wellness & Well-Being, and Critical Thinking):

  • Students will gain an understanding of scientific method: how it is used to explore the Earth System, and how human perspectives shape scientific endeavors.
  • Students will analyze and evaluate scientific information, and communicate their findings in concise scientific language and format, demonstrating their understanding of key concepts.
  • Students will examine the behavior of others (e.g., as they conduct science, or as they respond to natural catastrophes), and consider how personal values and ethics intersect with scientific method and natural hazards.
  • Students will gain an understanding of basic chemical and physical processes in the natural world, and how these processes affect the students’ day-to-day life and their well-being.
  • Students will learn to observe and assess phenomena in the world around them, and use this knowledge to make logical judgments and arrive at reasoned positions (e.g., for planning, for emergency preparedness, and for making informed decisions regarding human interactions with the four Earth spheres).

Academic Dishonesty:

  • Academic dishonesty is any form of cheating including students giving or receivingunauthorized assistance in an academic exercise, or receiving credit for work which is not their own, including but not limited to plagiarism. When in doubt, ask your instructor for clarification. Academic dishonesty is grounds for disciplinary action by both the instructor and the Director of Student Judicial Affairs. Academic dishonesty is considered an act of misconduct and is also subject to University disciplinary processesas outlined in the CSU-Pueblo Student Code of Conduct. Students may refer to the following link for further information:

Other Policies:

  • During exams, all electronic devices must be turned off and put away, and must not be used.
  • Cell phones or other devices that are detracting from the students’ focus may be confiscated.

Early Alert:

This course is participates in the Early Alert program. Information about issues with student performance in this class may be communicated to Student Academic Services. This information is then relayed to academic advisors and others involved in supporting student success. The program is designed to promote success among our students through proactive advising, and through referral to appropriate resources. Instructor concerns may be posted to the Early Alert system at any time throughout the semester. Lack of attendance in weeks 1 – 2 will result in administrative withdrawal of the student.

General Education Resources:

Math Learning Center (PM 132, 719-549-2271); Writing Center (LARC 251, 719-549-2901); Science Learning Center (help with science, engineering or technology courses) (719-549-2652).


Inquiry is a systematic process of exploring issues/objects/works through the collection and analysis of evidence that results in informed conclusions/judgments. Analysis is the process of breaking complex topics or issues into parts to gain a better understanding of them.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Students should be able to:

1. Identify a Topic

a. Identify a discipline-related topic that is focused and manageable to explore and evaluate.

2. Incorporate Information and Existing Research

a. Incorporate information from relevant sources directly relating to the topic.

3. Integrate Various Points of View

a. Integrate information that represents various points of view and/or approaches.

4. Select or Develop a Design Process

a. Select or develop elements of the methodology or theoretical framework to solve problems in a given discipline.

GT Pathways Competency:

5. Analyze and Interpret Evidence

a. Examine evidence to identify patterns, differences, similarities, limitations, and/or implications related to the focus.

b. Utilize multiple representations to interpret the data.

6. Draw Conclusions

a. State a conclusion based on findings.


Competency in quantitative literacy represents a student’s ability to use quantifiable information and mathematical analysis to make connections and draw conclusions. Students with strong quantitative literacy skills understand and can create sophisticated arguments supported by quantitative evidence and can clearly communicate those arguments in a variety of formats (using words, tables, graphs, mathematical equations, etc.).

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Students should be able to:

1. Interpret Information

a. Explain information presented in mathematical forms (e.g., equations, graphs, diagrams, tables, words).

2. Represent Information

a. Convert information into and between various mathematical forms (e.g., equations, graphs, diagrams, tables, words).

3. Perform Calculations

a. Solve problems or equations at the appropriate course level.

b. Use appropriate mathematical notation.

c. Solve a variety of different problem types that involve a multi-step solution and address the validity of the results.

GT Pathways Competency:

4. Apply and Analyze Information

a. Make use of graphical objects (such as graphs of equations in two or three variables, histograms, scatterplots of bivariate data, geometrical figures, etc.) to supplement a solution to a typical problem at the appropriate level.

b. Formulate, organize, and articulate solutions to theoretical and application problems at the appropriate course level.

c. Make judgments based on mathematical analysis appropriate to the course level.

5. Communicate Using Mathematical Forms

a. Express mathematical analysis symbolically, graphically, and in written language that clarifies/justifies/summarizes reasoning (may also include oral communication).