Kinesiology Review Booklet
This booklet contains pretty much all the questions that I will choose from when making your final exam. In addition to this booklet, you will need to be able to label a diagram of a skeleton, as well as some of the more major muscles, and the heart (a word bank will be included with each diagram on the exam). I provided the answers to some of the questions to help you along, but not all of them as I did not want to make it too easy for you. Fill in the blank questions will also have a word bank.
Chapter 1
1. The American Academy of Physical Education resolved to identify a common name for the field of human movement because:
A) approximately 30 different names were being used for academic programs and administrative units related to the study of human movement
B) the basic conceptual framework of this body of knowledge was the same from university campus to campus
C) the multitude of degree titles, program names, and administrative rubrics had produced confusion regarding the nature of the study of movement
D) all of the above
E) B and C only
2. The field of kinesiology addresses such important topics as:
A) personal health
B) public health
C) environmental health
D) all of the above
E) A and B only
3. Skill-related performance includes athletic movements that:
A) may involve varying degrees of vigour and invoke fine motor skills
B) may involve varying degrees of vigour and invoke gross motor skills
C) fluctuate along a continuum of organization
D) all of the above
E) A and C only
4. Which of the following is not a reason why the name kinesiology better describes the study of human movement than does physical education:
A) The term physical education brings to mind a number of stereotypes, as it tends to be associated with non-academic activity programs and “easy majors.”
B) The title kinesiology clearly defines the focus of study, as it literally means the “study of human action.”
C) The word physical in physical education implies that there are no intellectual, mental, or spiritual aspects of human movement.
D) The term kinesiology has been the most widely used name for the field throughout history.
E) None of the above.
5. Unlike other university subjects that have little real-world application, kinesiology can be considered very relevant to everyday life because:
A) We all experience human movement daily, and health- and skill-related knowledge can have great impact on everyday lifestyle choices.
B) The main focus of kinesiology is on athletics and sports-related movements.
C) Kinesiology focuses more on theoretical than practical research.
D) Kinesiology programs tend to prepare students for a few specialized professions.
E) Kinesiology focuses on movement and does not concern itself with history or philosophy.
6. Which of the following statements regarding the field of kinesiology is false:
A) Kinesiology approaches human movement from a number of diverse perspectives.
B) Kinesiology is not a relatively new field of study, and its scope and focus have remained virtually unchanged throughout the years.
C) The number of kinesiology programs preparing students for professions other than education has been growing.
D) Kinesiology treats all approaches to movement education equally.
E) None of the above.
7. Kinesiology is a very inclusive field, accommodating a number of different subjects and approaches. Which of the following is least likely to be included in a kinesiology core curriculum:
A) motor learning and development
B) human anatomy and physiology
C) psychological and sociocultural factors involved in movement
D) behavioural and neuromuscular control
E) All of the above are likely to be included in a kinesiology core curriculum.
8. Which of the following statements about human movement is true:
A) Human movement should not be considered a dynamic phenomenon, since it can only be understood through intellectual abstraction.
B) Skill-related human movement does not have immediate relevance to everyday life, since it exclusively deals with the fine and gross motor skills associated with athletic performance.
C) The academic study of human movement has changed very little in the last century.
D) The study of human movement usually focuses only on general scholarly knowledge.
E) None of the above.
9. The thing that sets kinesiology apart from other subject fields in higher education is its:
A) interdisciplinary curriculum
B) cultural impact
C) limited scope
D) personal impact
E) B and D
10. Which of the following is not a personal application of kinesiology:
A) natural talent enhancement
B) ability to help others develop healthy habits
C) ability to make sound lifestyle choices
D) development of skills for work and play
E) none of the above
Chapter 2
1. Which of the following areas was not included in the expansion of the scope of physical education:
A) exercise physiology and biochemistry
B) applied ergonomics
C) nutrition
D) recreation administration
E) none of the above
2. The knowledge, skills, and capabilities of exercise science graduates are increasingly in demand because of:
A) the concerns about obesity
B) the establishment of Health Canada’s new food guide
C) the aging of the “baby boom” generation
D) all of the above
E) A and C only
3. Which of the following is not a reason for the increase in career opportunities for exercise science students:
A) growth in the sport industry
B) increase in amateur sports
C) concerns about health, fitness, and weight management
D) increase in club sports
E) none of the above
4. Which of the following is not one of the principal program areas of the health and fitness industry:
A) worksite
B) commercial
C) nutrition
D) clinical
E) community
5. Which of the following statements about health and fitness programs is false:
A) Worksite programs include health education classes and health risk appraisals.
B) Commercial facilities that follow a retention business model tend to advertise and promote more than sales-based facilities.
C) The services offered in clinical programs are often more specific than in commercial programs.
D) Some clinical programs lean toward the commercial model.
E) None of the above.
6. The major focus of commercial fitness facilities is:
A) retail clothing sales
B) membership sales
C) fees for consulting and training
D) special events (e.g., tournaments)
E) fees for weight-loss programs
7. Which of the following is a clinical fitness program:
A) a worksite fitness facility
B) an independent gym
C) a GoodLife Fitness centre
D) a multi-sport complex
E) none of the above
8. Which of the following is a community fitness program:
A) a weight loss workshop
B) a multi-sport complex
C) a campground
D) a parenting education program
E) an independent gym
9. Facility directors:
A) require training in health and fitness disciplines as well as management training
B) require a multidisciplinary educational background and a strong foundation in exercise science
C) often conduct market research and identify emerging trends
D) all of the above
E) A and B only
10. Which of the following statements about exercise therapy is true:
A) Permanent disabilities or impairments need to be considered when establishing therapeutic goals.
B) Exercise therapy is usually ineffective for cardiopulmonary conditions.
C) Exercise therapy helps people return close to their previous level of functioning after periods of immobilization.
D) Rehabilitative therapy aims to help an individual acquire skills and functions.
E) A and C only.
11. Which of the following does not fall into the category of a habilitative program:
A) teaching children with disabilities how to use specialized equipment
B) providing speech therapy for people recovering from a stroke
C) teaching amputees how to use a prosthetic device
D) offering a nutrition class to women who are pregnant
E) none of the above
12. Which of the following are rehabilitative:
A) a weight-loss boot camp
B) a summer basketball camp
C) using a stress ball to strengthen arm muscles after a stroke
D) teaching an amputee how to use a prosthesis
E) both C and D
13. Which of the following statements about sport management is false:
A) Sport management roles can be found at all levels of the sport industry.
B) Sport management is part of the entertainment industry.
C) Kinesiology graduates often make ideal managers.
D) Mainstream sport management careers are abundant.
E) None of the above.
14. Which of the following is required to become a specialist but not to become a family physician:
A) certification
B) a specialized residency
C) three or four years of theory
D) exit exams
E) none of the above
15. When asked what skill sets or capabilities they want in employees, most CEOs respond that they want people who can:
A) act professionally
B) communicate effectively
C) think laterally
D) plan efficiently
E) work independently
Chapter 3
1. We study human anatomy because:
A) It is a subject that binds all humans together.
B) It is important to understand how our bodies are structured to perform.
C) It helps us attain our full potential in sport and physical activity.
D) The human body has fascinated humankind for centuries.
E) All of the above.
2. Which of the following is a correct directional term to describe the relative position of the rib cage to the heart:
A) inferior
B) medial
C) deep
D) superficial
E) distal
3. Which of the following is a correct directional term to describe the relative position of the hands to the arms:
A) proximal
B) anterior
C) distal
D) superficial
E) ventral
4. Your brain is ______to your feet and ______to your skull.
A) distal; proximal
B) anterior; deep
C) inferior; superficial
D) superior; deep
E) superficial; medial
5. The plane that divides the body into right and left sections is:
A) the sagittal plane
B) the coronal plane
C) the median plane
D) the transverse plane
E) bothA and C
6. The ______plane divides the body into upper and lower sections.
A) transverse
B) coronal
C) frontal
D) median
E) none of the above
7. A jumping jack takes place in the ______plane.
A) sagittal
B) horizontal
C) transverse
D) median
E) coronal
8. Which of the following statements about flexion is false:
A) It usually occurs in the sagittal plane.
B) The opposite movement is extension.
C) It increases the angle between two bones at a joint.
D) It can be modified at the ankle joint (e.g., plantar flexion).
E) None of the above.
9. Which motion involves movement away from the midline of the body:
A) abduction
B) adduction
C) supination
D) lateral rotation
E) bothA and D
10. Which of the following is not a part of the axial skeleton:
A) atlas
B) scapula
C) hyoid bone
D) rib cage
E) lacrimal bone
11. The C2 vertebra (the axis) is:
A) an irregular bone
B) a short bone
C) a long bone
D) a flat bone
E) asesamoid bone
12. The patella is:
A) asesamoid bone
B) a knee bone
C) a flat bone
D) bothA and B
E) bothB and C
13. Which bones protect underlying organs and provide areas for muscle attachment?
A) sesamoid
B) long
C) flat
D) irregular
E) short
14. Cortical bone:
A) is highly porous
B) has a honeycomb structure
C) is very flexible
D) is largely found in long bones
E) bothB and D
15. Cancellous bone:
A) is also known as spongy bone
B) is highly porous
C) is a good shock absorber
D) is more flexible than cortical bone
E) all of the above
16. Which of the following is not a major component of bone:
A) calcium carbonate
B) calcium phosphate
C) collagen
D) water
E) none of the above
17. Which of the following statements about bones is false:
A. The periosteum covers most of a long bone’s surface.
B) The epiphyseal line allows long bones to lengthen.
C) The shaft of a long bone is called the diaphysis.
D) Bone gets its flexibility from collagen.
E) The end of a long bone is called the epiphysis.
18. Which of the following statements about muscle types is false:
A) Cardiac muscle is very fatigue resistant.
B) Smooth muscle forms the walls of blood vessels and body organs.
C) The contraction of skeletal muscle is initiated by motor neurons and is usually under voluntary control.
D) Like smooth muscle, the contractile activity of cardiac muscle can be graduated.
E) Smooth muscle and cardiac muscle are both under involuntary control.
19. The attachment closer to the centre of the body is the muscle’s ______(also known as its ______attachment).
A) origin; distal
B) insertion; proximal
C) insertion; medial
D) origin; proximal
E) insertion; distal
20. Which of the following statements about joint types is true:
A) Fibrous and cartilaginous joints are the most mobile.
B) Synovial joints are supported by extrinsic ligaments.
C) Fibrous joints are the most common in the body.
D) Synovial joints absorb shock and are slightly movable.
E) The pubic symphysis is an example of a fibrous joint.
21. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a synovial joint:
A) a joint capsule
B) a synovial membrane
C) extrinsic ligaments
D) synovial fluid
E) none of the above
22. A joint with one convex articulating surface and one concave articulating surface is a ______joint.
A) hinge
B) plane
C) knuckle
D) condyloid
E) A, C, and D
23. The carpometacarpal joint of the thumb is a ______joint.
A) pivot
B) saddle
C) knuckle
D) ginglymus
E) condyloid
24. Another name for the knuckle joint is the ______joint.
A) pivot
B) saddle
C) hinge
D) ginglymus
E) condyloid
25. Which joint allows the most movement?
A) ginglymus
B) saddle
C) ball and socket
D) condyloid
E) pivot
Chapter 4
1. Which of the following bones is not part of the calvaria:
A) frontal
B) temporal
C) occipital
D) lacrimal
E) parietal
2. An epidural hemorrhage (i.e., bleeding between the skull and the protective brain covering) can occur if the following skull bone is fractured:
A) mandible
B) temporal
C) lacrimal
D) any of the above
E) none of the above
3. Which of the following statements about concussions is false:
A) A concussion is an injury to the brain after a violent shaking or jarring of the head.
B) Symptoms of a minor concussion include confusion.
C) Symptoms of a major concussion include impaired speech, muscle coordination, and balance.
D) Concussions are common in contact sport such as hockey and football.
E) None of the above.
4. The vertebral column:
A) supports the head and trunk
B) is composed of up to 37 bones
C) progresses from the cervical vertebrae to the lumbar vertebrae to the thoracic vertebrae
D) has six distinct regions
E) all of the above
5. The ribs are:
A) made up of 12 pairs
B) composed of bone and cartilage
C) grouped into true, false, and floating
D) all of the above
E) A and C only
6. The most important anterior pair of neck muscles are the:
A) flexorspinae
B) sternocleidomastoids
C) anteriorspinae
D) erector spinae
E) lateral spinae
7. Which of the following is not a function of the internal and external obliques:
A) flexion of the abdominal wall
B)rotation of the trunk
C)lateral bending
D)extension of the abdomen during forced inspiration
E)expulsion of fecal contents from the rectum
8. Which of the following abdominal muscles is used in sit-ups:
A) external oblique
B) internal oblique
C) transversusabdominis
D) rectusabdominis
E) bothA and B
9. Together, the clavicle and the scapula form the:
A) acetabulum
B) oscoxae
C) collarbone
D) shoulder blade
E) pectoral girdle
10. The upper fibres of the trapezius muscle:
A) rotate the scapula
B) elevate the scapula
C) retract the scapula
D) depress the scapula
E) have no effect on the scapula
11. Shoulder separations occur at the:
A) glenohumeral joint
B) scapulohumeral joint
C) acromioclavicular joint
D) sternoclavicular joint
E) bothC and D
12. The rotator cuff muscles are the subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and:
A) teres major
B) trapezius
C) transversus major
D) teres minor
E) trapezium
13. Which of the following muscles is used extensively in paddling sports:
A) deltoid
B) bicepsfemoris
C) sternocleidomastoid
D) sartorius
E) brachialis
14. Which bone is most commonly fractured from a fall on an outstretched hand:
A) pisiform
B) lunate
C) scaphoid
D) capitate
E) triquetral
15. Which of the following is not an arm muscle:
A) brachialis
B) brachioradialis
C) bicepsfemoris
D) coracobrachialis
E) none of the above
16. Which of the following statements about joints of the pectoral girdle and upper limb is false:
A) The sternoclavicular joint absorbs all forces transmitted along the clavicle.
B) The knuckles are also known as the metatarsophalangeal joints.
C) The sternoclavicular joint is the only joint connecting the pectoral girdle to the axial skeleton.
D) The integrity of the glenohumeral joint depends on the rotator cuff muscles.
E) There are three joints at the elbow.
17. Which of the following is not a bone of the pelvic girdle:
A) sacrum
B) hip
C) ilium
D) ischium
E) none of the above
18. The heel bone is also known as the:
A) talus
B) cuneiform
C) tarsus
D) calcaneus
E) malleolus
19. Which of the following is not one of the quadriceps muscles:
A) rectusfemoris
B) vastusintermedius
C) rectusmedialis
D) vastuslateralis
E) vastusmedialis
20. Which of the following is an adductor muscle of the thigh:
A) adductorlongus
B) gracilis
C) pectineus
D) all of the above
E) A and B only
21. Pain affecting the infrapatellar ligament or patellar tendon is known as:
A) patellarepicondylitis
B) jumper’s knee
C) patellarcondylitis
D) skier’s knee
E) bothA and B
22. Which of the following is not a posterior compartment muscle of the lower leg:
A) plantaris
B) flexorhallucislongus
C) fibularis (peroneus) longus
D) popliteus
E) soleus
23. Which of the following is not a component of the sacroiliac joint:
A) sacrum
B) lumbosacral ligament
C) sacrotuberous ligament
D) sacrospinous ligament
E) none of the above
24. Which of the following ligaments is found in the centre of the knee joint:
A) lateral collateral ligament
B) medial collateral ligament
C) posterior cruciate ligament
D) anterior cruciate ligament
E) both C and D
25. A sprain occurs when:
A) a muscle is stretched or torn
B) a meniscus is stretched or torn
C) a ligament is stretched or torn
D) a tendon is stretched or torn
E) both A and D
Chapter 5
1. Which of the following statements about skeletal muscle is true:
A) Skeletal muscles are usually linked to each other by tendons.
B) Short muscle fibres run at an angle to the longitudinal axis of the muscle.
C) Skeletal muscles are not capable of rapid contraction and relaxation.
D) During muscle contraction, skeletal muscle lengthens.
E) None of the above.
2. Which of the following statements about tendons is false:
A) Tendons are bundles of collagen fibres.
B) One end of the tendon is usually linked to bone and the other to a skeletal muscle.
C) Tendons function to move various parts of the skeleton in response to skeletal muscle contraction.