TOW PRIZE ABSTRACTS 2017: Instructions for abstract information

We now require you to fill in the abstract information online.It consists of 4 separate information text fields: An example is provided below:

1. Abstract title

2. Abstract authors and their affiliations.The name of the person presenting the paper should be first and underlined.

3. Abstractbody. This must be no more than 250 words.

4. Abstract references. These should be referred to by number in the text and placed in order.Those referring to articles in periodicals should give the names of the authors followed by the year, abbreviated journal title, volume and full pagination (1).Books are to be defined by title and publisher (2).Material quoted as "in press" should be submitted with the nomination.

Abstracts are to be well-written, informative and present original information.The hypothesis, methods, results and principal conclusions must be clear to the reader.The abstract may contain more than one paragraph.Key references must be cited.References must include all authors (et al. is not sufficient), year, journal, volume and page numbers.

1.Smith, V. & Jones, R.H. (1980) Exp. Brain Res. 31, 45-124.

2.Sherrington, C.S. (1906) The Integrative Action of the Nervous System. London: Constable.


A.B. Presenter, A. Sistant and M.T. Bloggs.

Department of Whatever, One of the Hospitals group or Affiliated Institution.

These revised instructions are set out in the manner required for abstracts. The abstract must be typed on this page using 12 Point Times New Roman Font with no more than 250 words in the body of the abstract. The title, authors and origin of the authors need to be provided in addition to the above. The name of the person presenting the paper should be first and underlined. References should be referred to by number in the text and placed in order at the foot of the abstract (1). Those referring to articles in periodicals should give the names of the authors followed by the year, abbreviated journal title, volume and full pagination (1). Books are to be defined by title and publisher (2). Material quoted as "in press" should be submitted with the nomination. The abstract should be single spaced except that one line should be left before the references (if any). The abstract may contain more than one paragraph. The first line of each paragraph should begin six spaces from the margin. Abstracts are to be well-written, informative and present original information. The hypothesis, methods, results and principal conclusions must be clear to the reader. Key references must be cited. References must include all authors (et al. is not sufficient), year, journal, volume and page numbers. The application should be submitted in electronic version using the relevant form on the TOW Awards website.

1.Smith, V. & Jones, R.H. (1980) Exp. Brain Res. 31, 45-124.

2.Sherrington, C.S. (1906) The Integrative Action of the Nervous System. London: Constable.