Top Six Reasons to attendan APICEPI Intensive
- Gainlife-saving knowledge and cutting-edge education.
- Earn Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) and build your competency in infection prevention.
- Learn directly from experienced CIC®-certified faculty, who teach complex concepts in everyday language.
- Benefit from interactive, face-to-face learning in a smaller class size.
- Expand your“go to” roster through built-in networking opportunities.
- Share bestpractices with fellow IPs.
Program Goals
Upon completion of the full course, attendees will be able to:
- Define the role of the IP in meeting standards or requirements.
- Demonstrate a basic understanding of microbiology.
- Describe the role of surveillance in the Infection Prevention and Control Program.
- Describe practical applications of recommended practices that can be utilized by the IP in their surveillance program.
- Develop an infection prevention plan from risk assessment results
I amwritingtorequestapproval toattend the Association forProfessionals in Infection Control andEpidemiology’s(APIC)EPI®Intensivecourse, Education for the Prevention of Infection, on[date]in [location].
In lookingthroughthe program agenda, I immediately identifiedtopics pertinent to our facility, including dealingwithcurrent infection prevention guidelines, policies and methods for preventinghealthcare-associatedinfectionsandaddressingemergingthreats.These include:
[View or downloadthegeneral course agenda]
- [list1sttopic]
- [list 2ndtopic]
- [list3rdtopic]
As an attendee, I will receive training materials and resources that I can utilize when Icome backtoreport on what I learnedandshare withthe restof team.
Enrollment is limited for this class to facilitate hands-on face-to-face learning, networking, and build group discussions,withappropriate time allotted for us to ask questions of CIC-certified faculty.
The combinationof these resourcesshouldgive ourfacility a heads-uponissueswe mustprepare toaddress—and some toolstodojust that.
I believe that thistrainingwillnot onlyreinforce our current infection prevention program, butprovide mewith valuable newstrategiesformovingusforwardin reducinginfections,savinglives,improvingourbottomline,andbeing abest-in-classfacility.
I look forwardtoyourfavorable reviewof my request.
[SampleFormatforReportingBackandSharing theLearning afterand EPI® Intensive]
This samplestructure isintendedto provide a guidefor reporting backtoothersin your organization. Whatdid youlearn at APIC’s EPI® Intensive (fromtheprogram,discussionswith colleagues and visitingfaculty)thatcanbeappliedin your facility?
Whatgoalsdidyousetbeforeyouleft forAPIC’s EPI® Intensive?Didyouidentifyspecificgoalsin the areasofprofessional development,emergingissues,newtools and technology,and/or networking?
What arethe 3-5mostimportant,interesting,or valuablethingsyoutookawayfrom APIC’sEPI® Intensive?
Whatwere the emergingissuesthatyouwantyour teamto address?
Whatwere the top takeawaysfromeachtopic? (1-2 paragraphsor bulletsof your keytakeaways)
New ToolstoKnowAbout
Whatmight beapplicableinyour organization that you’dlike toadd to your budgetwishlist? Is there anythingthat’sa future “musthave”?
Did youpickup anybusinesscardsor make anycontactsthatwill beparticularlyuseful toothersin yourorganization?Didyoulearn thingsfromyour casual conversationsthatare worthsharingwithyour bossand/or your team?