(Should be submitted by the company on the company’s letterhead.)Date
Mr. Jayesh Sule
Vice President
National Securities Depository Ltd.
5th Floor, Trade World
Kamala Mills Compound
Senapati Bapat Marg
Lower Parel, Mumbai 400 013
We wish to issue Commercial Papers (CP) of our company in the demat mode. The details of the
CP are as follows:
ISINDate of Allotment
Date of Maturity
Face Value / Rs.5,00,000/-
No. of Units to be credited
Name of the IPA
Details of IPA CP Allotment Account / DP Id Client Id
Details of IPA CP Redemption Account / DP Id Client Id
We request you to credit the above mentioned securities to the CP Allotment account of the IPA.
Yours faithfully,
Name of the Authorised Signatory
Annexure II
IPA Certificate – Allotment of CPs
Mr. Jayesh Sule
Vice President
National Securities Depository Ltd.
4th Floor, Trade World
Kamala Mills Compound
Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel
Mumbai 400 013
We hereby certify that (Company) , the Issuers have appointed us as the Issuing and Paying Agent (IPA) for the CP under reference.
We confirm that:
- The Board Resolution of the Issuer authorising the CP has been verified by us in original.
- The original of duly stamped commercial paper has been retained at our end.
- The Issuer has complied with the RBI guidelines with reference to the issue of CP.
The credits of the CP should be effected to the following account
DP Name :
DP Id :
Client Id :
Client Name :
Quantity :
Date of credit :
Maturity date:
Yours faithfully
For (name of IPA)
Name of the authorised signatory
Designation of the authorised signatory.
- This certificate should be provided by the IPA on its letterhead.
- This certificate should reach NSDL latest by 3.00 p.m. on the day prior to the date of credit.
Annexure III
PA Certificate – Redemption of CPs
Mr.Jayesh Sule
Vice President
National Securities Depository Ltd.
4th Floor, Trade World
Kamala Mills Compound
Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel
Mumbai 400 013
We hereby certify that (Company) , the Issuers have appointed us as the Issuing and Paying Agent (IPA) for the CP under reference.
We confirm that all necessary payments have been made to the beneficiaries. We request you to extinguish the balances from the following account:
DP Name :
DP Id :
Client Id :
Client Name :
Quantity :
Date of extinguishment:
Yours faithfully
For (name of IPA)
Name of the authorised signatory
Designation of the authorised signatory.
- This certificate should be provided by the IPA on its letterhead.
- This certificate should reach NSDL latest by 3.00 p.m. on the day prior to the date of extinguishment.