NEWSLETTER Charity Number 115823


Dear Patron and Friend

Firstly on behalf of our Choir may I wish you all a very happy and healthy New Year.

2018 has arrived and with it our very special 50th Anniversary. This year promises to be a very busy one

It is great to see Tonna Male Voice Choir thriving and continuing to help support many good causes.


It is with great sadness that I have to tell you that Terry Puxley, our former Chairman who had been an inpatient at Singleton Hospital, passed away on December 19th. His Funeral is to be held at Margam Crematorium on January 9th at 11am.

Terry was a well known and much respected member of the Choir for many years .A few months ago he was presented with the 25 year service award and also with a Life membership of the Choir of which he was extremely proud.

The respect that Terry was held in was seen at the annual Christmas Concert at St Anne’s Church Tonna where our Chairman John Eurof Humphreys announced the sad news, at which point the whole audience together with the Choir stood and gave a spontaneous round of applause. Terry will be greatly missed by all who knew him and our thoughts go out to his wife Jean and all of his family.

Last year was as usual a busy one. The Choir performed at many different venues such as Care homes, Community Halls, large and small chapels and also large Churches in Neath, Birmingham and Grimsby. We are delighted that by our efforts we have helped many good causes raise many thousands of pounds.

Our Annual Concert has now come and gone it is amazing how time flies by. The Concert was a very successful one and it was great to meet many of our Patrons who joined us after the Concert at the RAFA Club

Near the end of last year our Musical Director Susan Hopkins and Vice Chair Wayne Hollister were both presented with awards in recognition of their 25 years service to the Choir.

Those who attend our Concerts will find Wayne patiently making sure that the Choristers stand where they should stand and walk off the way they should. Sounds easy but it does not always go to plan.

Susan on the other hand is the one in complete control at the concert, not only making sure that we sing the things we should, and the way we should, but also to stand and to sit down when she says, and look out if we don’t. In addition to this she leads our practice sessions each week and keeps us in tune.

A good piece of news is that we have a new member of the Second Tenor section. Alan Gilbert has now taken his place on stage with us and has settled in well. Alan is from the Melyn and works as a HGV driver, and it is good to have him with us


As I said earlier 2018 will be a busy year for us once again. It seems that the Choir’s reputation is growing and we are already receiving correspondence asking us to be involved in various concerts, weddings etc.

April 8th will be the final rehearsal for the Festival of Massed Male Voice Choirs at the Albert Hall London.

March 1St will find us singing at the Rotary Club of Neath St David’s Day Concert at St David’s Church Neath starting at 7pm

May 19th Festival of Massed Male Voice Choirs The Albert Hall London.

June 9th (To be confirmed) Concert at St Anne’s Church Tonna

Our 50th Anniversary Concert is to be held on October 20th at St David’s Church Neath with Rhys Meirion as our guest artist starting at 7pm. Undoubtedly this Concert will be a very special one with a great demand for Tickets

This I hope gives you an idea of what is ahead for the Choir this coming year. May I suggest that if in between my newsletters you want to get other news of what we are doing, please visit our website or if you prefer please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.

May I on behalf of whole Choir thank you very sincerely for your ongoing support


Best regards




John Eurof Humphreys (Chairman) 25 Gnoll View Neath 01639 632351

Wayne Hollister (Vice Chairman) 9 Woodside Avenue Neath 01639 631792

Bryan Thomas ( Hon Sec) 19 Pen Y Fan Llansamlet ,Swansea SA7 9XB

01639 529864


John Thomas (Treasurer)


David Davies (PRO) 6 Dulais Fach Rd Tonna 01639 773540
