Great BasinCollege

Early Childhood Department

ECE 126 - Social Emotional Development for Infants/Toddlers


Instructor: Jessica Sproul

Work Phone: (775) 777-1459 ext. 222

Home Phone: (775) 753-6908


An important note about On-line Classes

This is an on-line course presented through a Web Campus format. Students must have regular access to a computer with an Internet option to successfully complete the course. Computers are available on the GBC campus, in the library and at the High Tech building.

On-line classes require constant motivation and self-direction on the part of the student. Students are responsible for reading, studying, asking questions, completing assignments within the required time-frame, being organized, and staying on schedule. All students are encouraged to contact the Technology-Help desk for assistance when needed at 753-2167 or . The Technology Help Desk is open from 7am-10pm, Monday-Friday, and 8am-5pm on Saturdays. All GBC center sites have lab aides on staff to assist students. Please call your local GBC site to inquire about personal assistance if needed. I encourage all students to attend a Web Campus Workshop prior to taking the course. Please call the Technology-Help desk to inquire about dates and time.

On-Line Student Responsibilities

  • Be able to access the class website through Web Campus.
  • Have and maintain Internet access throughout the semester.
  • Have and maintain a virus-free computer.
  • Have knowledge of Windows and file handling.
  • If you have computer or Internet problems, you must have an alternative solution for back-up purposes.

Course Description

Catalog Description - The study of affective development in infancy and toddlerhood. Emphasis on experiences and techniques for use in the home and child care setting which will foster self-concept and social interactions for children from birth to three years old.

This course is a study of the social-emotionalrealm of development in children from birth to age three. Students will examine the theories, developmental milestones, and best practices which support social-emotional development in infants and toddlers. The course emphasizes the role of the infant/toddler caregiver, and developmentally appropriate caregiver techniques which foster positive self-concept and social interactions for children in child care settings.


Students may purchase textbooks from the GBC Bookstore or online. It is imperative that books be purchased before the first day of on-line instruction. The GBC bookstore phone number is 775-753-2270.

Lally, J.R. (Ed.). (1990). Infant/Toddler Caregiving: A Guide to Social-Emotional Growth and

Socialization. Sacramento, CA: California Department of Education.

Butterfield, P.M., Martin, C.A., & Prairie, A.P. (2003). Emotional Connections: How Relationships

Guide Early Learning. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE Press.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course students will demonstrate:

Knowledge of:

  • The importance of social-emotional development for infants and toddlers
  • The role of the caregiver in facilitating and enhancing social-emotional development
  • Temperamental traits of infants and toddlers
  • Infant/toddler self-esteem, social competence, and mental health issues
  • Qualities of developmentally appropriate infant-toddler care, as it relates to social-emotional development
  • Child development, developmental milestones, and the application of theories of social-emotional development in infant-toddler care
  • The role of culture and family in the social-emotional development of infants and toddlers

Upon completion of this course the students will demonstrate the ability to:

Expected Outcomes: / Student Measurements:
  1. Accurately observe, record, and assess infant-toddler social-emotional development compared to developmental norms and milestones.
/ Quizzes
Essay Questions
Progressive Final
  1. Apply concepts from research and child development theory to improve caregiving practice which supports and nurtures healthy social-emotional development.
/ Quizzes
Essay Questions
Discussion Board
Progressive Final
  1. Develop a knowledge-based and practical understanding of nurturing relationships with infants and toddlers to facilitate secure attachment and positive social skills.
/ Quizzes
Essay Questions
Progressive Final
  1. Use developmentally appropriate practices to positively guide infant/toddler behavior.
/ Quizzes
Essay Questions
Discussion Board
Progressive Final

Method of Instruction

  • Reading/Reflection
  • Power Point
  • Classroom Observation
  • Discussion Board/Large & Small Group
  • Video Observation
  • Small Group Interpretation
  • Research/Internet


The learning outcomes of this course will be met through a variety of activities to be completed online and in the classroom.These include:

EssaysProgressive Final

QuizzesDiscussion Board (Rubric)

Observation Mini-Projects


If students have questions regarding any aspect of the course, the instructor can be contacted through the Web Campus e-mail. Student communication is encouraged with one another and the instructor via email inside Web Campus. The Web Campus e-mail system is internal. Only the students in the course can use it and it does not communicate with outside e-mail accounts such as your home e-mail system.

The instructor will check e-mail a minimum of 3 times a week. Students will receive a response within 24 hours unless otherwise notified. Phone calls are always encouraged.

Student Responsibilities

  1. Attendance and Participation: Because this is an online course, there is no actual attendance required. However, students are expected to log in to the course regularly (several times a week is recommended), check e-mail, check the course calendar, participate in online discussions, and complete quizzes and assignments by the specified due dates. Participation is very important since students will be responsible for reading material, class activities, discussions, and diverse information presented by the instructor weekly. This class requires assignments be completed each week. Please don’t procrastinate! The instructor must be contacted a minimum of two weeks in advance if students will not be participating in the class. These absences will only be approved for an extreme family emergency and/or personal illness. A grade of “W” (withdrawn) will be recorded for anyone who formally withdraws by contacting the instructor and completing a withdraw form.
  1. All required assignments should be completed weekly so that students can actively participate in the Discussion Board, as well as complete assignments and quizzes with a successful outcome.
  1. Assignments must be turned in by the date specified through Web Campus. All weekly assignments are due each Sunday at 7 P.M. Late assignments will not be accepted unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor in advance.
  1. Written assignments must be:
  1. submitted in a word document and presented in a MLA format.
  2. typed, organized, and neat.
  3. proofed before submission. Correct spelling, grammar and format are expected.

Remember to use spell check and/or the dictionary prior to posting all assignments.

Assignments with excessive or repetitive errors must be rewritten and turned in by the following Sunday at 8:00 A.M. This decision will be made at the discretion of the instructor. A grade will be given after the rewritten assignment is reviewed.

Student Workload

This class covers a great deal of material in the 16 week semester. Students should expect to investa significant amount of time completing the requirements of the class. In a traditional three credit-hour course students would normally be in class for three hours a week for 16 weeks (48 hours of class time). In addition, a good rule of thumb is that students should typically spend another three hours per week in self study for each credit-hour they are taking (3 cr x 3 hrs x 16 wks = 135 hours study time).

Students shouldplan time to complete the required readings and assignments, prepare for and take quizzes, and participate in online discussions as requested. To be successful in this course students are strongly encouraged to create a study plan. A course calendar is provided as a tool to track due dates and map the course of study. Planning ahead is the best way to stay on task!

Course Assignments

Complete instructions for all assignments are provided inside Web Campus.

All assignments are due each Sunday at 7 P.M. beginning the first week of the semester. Each week, all students are required to follow the guidelines specified under the Content icon on the Home Page. Begin by reading the Chapter Overview and continue though the links. Students will be taking short quizzes on the chapter information and completing an Essay Question or Mini-Project each week. In addition, students will be completing Progressive Final questions throughout the course.

Specific instructions for each assignment are located under the Course Content link in Web Campus.Students will be graded on the basis of accuracy, completeness, and degree of excellence in carrying out the required assignments. For maximum points, it is imperative that students read all the instructions for the assignments and answer all parts or questions.

  • Quizzes: Each week, there will one quiz comprised of multiple choice and matching questions.The quizzes will be found in sequenced order under the Content Icon on the Homepage. The quizzes will cover chapter information, therefore it is imperative that students read and process the information in the reading assignments.The quizzes will not be timed. Students are encouraged to ponder and discuss the questions with other class members. Students can take each chapter quiz up to 2times to earn a higher score. Web Campus is set to grade the multiple choice and matching test questions automatically. Answers must be saved by clicking “finish” at the bottom of each quiz before logging off. Each quiz is worth 10 points (10 points per chapter) equaling 100 total points.
  • Essays/Mini-Projects: The instructor will post7essay/reflective question(s) or mini projects during the semester. These questions and/or projects are elicited from the content information in each chapter. The posed questions or assigned projects must be researched and completed in a neat, concise and understandable format. Grammar and spelling will not be graded. However, if the assignment contains a numerous number of grammar and spelling errors, the document will be returned for revision. All essay questions and/or mini-projects must be submitted in a MLA Word document.Four of the essay question responses will be posted not only in the assignments area, but in the Discussion Board as well. Six Essay/Reflective Questions or Projectsare worth 50 Points and one will be worth 100 points equaling 400 total points.
  • Online Discussions:There will be assigned discussions each week. The Discussion Board questionswill be structured to help students think critically about the material that is covered in the course, and to analyze how it applies to working in ECE. To participate in the class discussions, go to the Discussion icon on the Homepage. The online discussions provide a way for students to interact and participate with others. The following will be considered when scoring the Discussion submissions.Discussion postings and responses will be worth 5 points per chapter equaling 50 points.

Full Credit / Partial Credit / No Credit
Response to Initial Question / Shows understanding of the question, presents a thoughtful and substantive response, gives reasons for opinions, response is linked to reading from the text. / Shows limited understanding of the question; response is brief and/or without substance, may ramble off topic. / Fails to make the posting, responds to the wrong question, shows a complete lack of understanding of the question.
Reply to Other Student’s Messages / Asks thoughtful questions of other student(s), if agreeing adds elaboration, if disagreeing does so respectfully and adds rationale. / May respond in brief unhelpful ways, may take a disrespectful tone toward other students, may show a lack of understanding of other’s posting. / Responds with a sentence or less, responds in a derogatory way.
  • Progressive Final Exam:The Final will be progressive in nature. Each week, the students will receive 1 to 2 questions. These questions must be answered in a detailed and thorough manner. All responses must be written in a Word document and saved in each student’s personal computer. Students are encouraged to back-up their Progressive Final each week on a disk, flash drive, or CD. Each week, the students will address new questions and add them to their final exam document. The questions (Final Exam) will not be sent to the instructor until the end of the semester. There will be occasions when the instructor will ask random students to post an up-date of the Progressive Final to ensure that all students are completing the Final questions weekly. The responses are expected to be detailed, comprehensive, and grammatically correct. All parts of the question must be included.

Worth 200 points

  • Participation and a Positive Interactive Attitude: These points are essential for receiving an “A.” A student’s attitude and class participation can make a difference in his or her personal growth, course progression, and success in the world of Early Childhood Education. Please refer to Page 3 of the syllabus, Student Responsibilities. Worth 50 points

Point System

Students are encouraged to make an appointment with the instructor at any time during the semester to discuss grades, questions, or concerns about the course.

Assignment / Worth / Your Score
10 Quizzes @ 10 points each
(1 quiz per chapter) / 100 Points
Essay/Reflective Questions and/or Projects
(6 @ 50 points)
(1 @ 100 points) / 400 Points
Participation (50) /Positive Attitude (50): / 100 Points
Final Exam: / 200 Points


A 90 – 100 %740 – 800

B 80 – 89%680 – 739

C 70 – 79% 520 – 679

D Less than 70% Less than 520 Points

Online Conduct Policy

For all communication in this course, students are expected to respect diverse opinions, to discuss ideas but not engage in personal attacks, and to maintain an appropriate decorum online. Please DO NOT use profanity or other language that could be viewed as inappropriate or offensive. Although this is an online class, students remain subject to the Code of Conduct for GBC students.

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism is a form of cheating and, at a minimum, will result in a grade of zero (F) on the assignment or test involved; and may also result in a grade of “F” for the course.

Plagiarism is defined as using another person’s words and/or ideas as though they were your own. Some examples of plagiarism are:

  1. Copying or quoting a phrase or sentence from a source without giving credit to the author.
  2. Summarizing or paraphrasing someone else’s ideas without giving credit to the author.
  3. Turning in a paper written by someone else or containing sections written by someone else.
  4. Working with another student to write one paper that is turned in by both students.

Failure to document sources is also considered plagiarism. Unfortunately, this has become quite a serious problem in college classes, especially in the online environment. The Internet makes anything available with one quick click of the mouse. Students need to know that plagiarism is dishonest and wrong. You must use citations whenever you use another person’s ideas or words. Paraphrasing also requires references to the original work. Citations will be checked randomly for accuracy. The instructor may use Internet search engines such as to uncover plagiarism.

ADA Policy

Great BasinCollege is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to qualified students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A qualified student must furnish current verification of disability. The ADA Officer, located in Berg Hall, will assist qualified students with disabilities in securing the appropriate and reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services. For more information or further assistance, please call 775-753-2271.

Statement of Academic Integrity

I, Jessica Sproul, promise to expect nothing more of you, the student, than I, the instructor, expect of myself. Freedom of speech, thought and learning are a responsibility and right of all participants in this class. Respect and privacy are assumed. At times the character of this course material may be of a personal nature, please treat your classmates as you wish to be treated.