Directorate of Studies



2008 - 2009

Presentation document


Semester 5 3

Semester 6 7

Semester 7 10

Semester 8 13

Semester 9 GEDET 16

Semester 9 GEDEMU 19

Semester 5


This semester is essentially devoted to basic sciences.

Personal Development Module 8 ects

A strong emphasis is placed on international awareness, on languages and techniques of oral expression.

This semester also gives students the opportunity to make contact with the professional world (job forums and professional open days).

English tutorials

42 h – 2 assessments

The first semester is dedicated to traditional English language tuition, centred on oral and written comprehension and expression.

2nd language (German or Spanish)

23 h tutorials – 1 assessment

The study of a 2nd language is compulsory from the start of the 1st year .Students choose between German and Spanish. NB : Students can choose between German and Spanish (Monday morning).

Employment Forum

6 h visit

A day is reserved for the job forum “le Carrefour du manager” organised by the POLYTECHNICUM and with help of some students).

Techniques for oral expression

8 h tutorials

Information on how to conduct a speech in public on a technical project is given during the 1st semester and applied to the project on energy engineering in December. Several similar presentations are scheduled during the academic year.

Public speaking (powerpoint)

4 h tutorials

Expression tutorials, students are required to put the new techniques into pratice as soon as possible.

Introduction to information technology

14 h tutorials

Applied information technology. WINWORD, EXCEL. These tools will be indispensable when working on the projects and the training period reports.

Word (6 h) – Excel (8 h)

Shop floor placement

2 weeks – 1 assessment

The students will join a team of construction workers dealing with drinking water and wastewater treatment.

The sociology of work

3 h lecture - 2 h tutorials

Introduction to the organization of work at the end of the shop floor placement.

In the tutorials students will discuss their training experiences.

Conference (3 h) safety on the construction sites

LAW, Economics, management Module 6 ECTS

The teachings of the module aim at giving to the students basic knowledge and concepts enabling them to apprehend the stakes actors and details of implementation of the local policies of the environment, more particularly in the fields of water and waste

Public Utilities Management

18 h lecture – conference 4 h - 4 h tutorials - 1 assessment (written exam with Waste)

Local public utilities and intermunicipal authorities. The functioning of local public utilities.

The notion of public utility delegation.


9 h lecture – 16 h project - 2 assessments (written exam with GSP)

The legal context. The modernization of waste management and its tools.

The main technical stages of waste management.

Directive “Cadre Européen sur l’Eau (DCE)

3 h lecture

This directive is very instructive in the management of water in the future. It requires reaching “le bon état des eaux» by 2015.

Sustainable development engineering

9 h lecture – 8 h tutorials – 1 assessment

Water resources and their usage. Management tools. The principles of water law.

The public utility’s handling of drinking water and sanitation.

Field trip sustainable development

32 h visit – 2 assessments

This one week trip starting in October will introduce the students to the multiple planning arrangements along a waterway in Alsace (environmental implications and local authorities perception). A good occasion for team-building.

Basic Sciences Module 8 ECTS

This module must allow a levelling of the students (coming from various horizons, MP, PC, PSI, TGR, BCPST, others routes) in maths, biology, geology, drawing, statistics and data-processing network of the establishment.

In addition, the course of scientific computation is an initiation with the numerical methods of discretization with a presentation of the various problems of modeling (truncation error, stability, convergence).

Subjects for a leveling of knowledge according to the students’origins.

Mathematics (admitted on title and TGR)

15 h tutorials

A levelling for students not having followed preparatory classes.

Geology (Option for preparatory classes MP-PC-PSI)

12 h lectures - 8 h visits – 1 assessment

Introduction at an elementary level for students having studied mathematics & physics. Magmatic formations and notions of tectonic geology. Metamorphic deformations. Sedimentary formations. Reading of geological charts.

Biology (Option MP-PC-PSI)

9 h lecture - 3h tutorials – 8 h visits -1 assessment

Introduction at a basic level for students having studied mathematics & physics. Origin, evolution, diversity of the living world. Vegetative organization. Elements of plant physiology. Plant reproduction.

Mathematics (Option BPCST, “admis sur titres” TGR)

24 h lecture - 12 h tutorials - 2 assessments

Introduction at a basic level for students having studied biology. Linear algebra (determinant, dual space, dyadic product). Vector, differential and integral calculus. Functions of several variables.

Compulsory Subjects Common to all Students

Civil engineering design

16 h tutorials – 1 assessment

Introduction at an elementary level. Elements of descriptive geometry (projections, characteristic views, cuts, sections, intersections). Conventional representations. Perspectives. Dimensioning and graphics.

Scientific calculation

9 h lecture - 12 h tutorials – 1 assessment

Introduction to scientific calculation and digital methods, with the help of simple mathematical tools. Introduction to algorithms and programming in Visual Basic.


12 h lecture - 16 h tutorials – 2 assessments

Descriptive statistics. Probabilities (probabilistic model. Statistical conditioning and independence. Normal random variable. Standard laws. Jointly distributed random variable). Statistical sampling and estimation. Statistical tests.

Computer networks

4 h tutorials

Information systems. Network facilities.

Hydrodynamics Module 8 ECTS

The objective of this module is to provide the bases necessary to the comprehension and the calculation of the phenomena present in hydraulics applied to water and environment. Hydraulics has a determining place in comprehension, analysis and diagnosis of the networks of drinking water supply, sewage treatment works, networks and rivers.

Mechanics (Technicians are admitted according to title)

9 h tutorials

This module continues the theoretical instruction in hydraulics, surely the most important field of application for ENGEES engineers.


Continuum mechanics

12 h lecture - 16 h tutorials – 2 assessments

Case history. Mathematics revision. Physical sizes occurring in mechanics. Kinematics of changing environments. Degradation. Stress. Mass and momentum conservation.

Fluid mechanics

12 h lecture - 16 h tutorials – 2 assessments (1 of them with hydraulics)

Hydrostatics. Kinematics of liquids. Incompressible perfect fluid dynamics Incompressible real fluid Dynamics. Dimensional analysis elements.

Pipe hydraulics

12 h lecture - 12 h tutorials – 2 assessments (written exam with fluid mechanics)

General expression of pressure loss. Singular and linear pressure losses. Drainages through openings. Centrifugal pumps. Water hammer.

Open channel hydraulics

12 h lecture - 12 h tutorials –2 assessments

Flow regime. Study of various drainages: uniform and permanent, non uniform and permanent (hydraulic jump), non uniform and non permanent (“Barré de St Venant”).

Semester 6


This semester covers engineering and the natural environment.

Personal Development Module 5 ECTS

As well as continuing the language classes, this module includes additional instruction in sociology and communication techniques.

English language workshops

24 h tutorials – 1 assessment

The 2nd semester is essentially dedicated to the active practice of the language .Teaching is carried out in small groups and is based on workshops to develop free oral expression (theatre, discussion, video).

Sanitation and drinking water in developing countries

3 h conference in english

This semester concentrates on active practice of English in small groups (workshops and theatre, discussion, video).

Living language

23 h tutorials – 1 assessment

A continuation of the 5th semester program (German-Spanish-Chinese-Japanese-Russian

The sociology of organizations

3 h lecture

Preparation for the internship “Discovering professions.”

LAW, Economics, mANAGEMENT Module 4 ects

The objective of this module is to provide a culture of the economic stakes and management of both company and local authorithies.

The acquisition of this teaching should allow the students, in their professional life, as well to dialogue with financial services (skill in countable and financial informations, profit analyzes, costs minimization) as to apply some principles of financial mathematics and investment choice within the framework of project management.

Applied economics

15 h lecture - 8 h tutorials – 2 assessments (One of them along with business accounting)

This course looks at the general theories of microeconomics, financial mathematics, economic calculation and finally the application of economic principles to the environment.

Firms accounting

12 h lecture – 6 h tutorials – 1 assessment (one of them along with applied economics)

Accounting mechanisms. Book keeping and financial analysis. Financial plan and budget.

Public finance

6 h lecture – 4 h tutorials – 1 assessment

Local administrations, prime contractors. Financial organization and budgets. Budget decision.

Applied Hydraulics Module 9 ects

This module aims at applying the theoretical bases of hydraulics in the main disciplines in the field of water namely hydraulics on free face, hydrology and hydrogeology.

This module aims to qualify and quantifiy the processes concerned, to provide orders of magnitude of the studied variables and to develop this knowledge in terms of development, of dimensioning of works and management of the hydrosystems.

Once the theoretical bases of the hydrodynamics and energy module have been acquired, the 2nd semester deals with the applications in open channel hydraulics, in pipe hydraulics and in hydrology. This semester is also dedicated to the regional approach and the natural environment.

Hydraulics and stream dynamics

21 h lecture - 8 h tutorials - 1 assessment

River hydraulics (Metrology, numerical models, physical models, applications fields). Transport of solids. River geomorphology. Flood management. Mountain risk management.


15 h lecture – 8 h tutorials – 1 assessment

Hydrodynamics of porous media (Darcy’s law). Diffusivity equation. Development and management of aquifer resources (modelling of water beds).Mass transport in porous media. Research techniques for subterranean waters.


18 h lecture - 8 h tutorials – 1 assessment

The water cycle. Catchment areas and drainage. Precipitation. Statistical tools. Floods and flooding model. Introduction to water management.

Hydrogeology / hydrology mini-project

24 h project – 2 assessments

A mini-project on hydrology or hydrogeology is offered to students to enable them to understand better the applications and practical difficulties of the engineering sciences taught at ENGEES.

Advanced hydraulics

16 h tutorials – 1 assessment

These three days will prepare the students for projects they will have at the end of first year (river project) and second year (sanitation, drinking water). Featuring the following themes : calculation of river sills, overflow, etc.)

Practical works in hydraulics

16 h tutorials – 1 assessment

The ENGEES has material for practical hydraulics work, based at the Agricultural Secondary School of Obernai, and also has access to the resources of the Strasbourg Institute of Fluid Mechanics. This practical work gives a good understanding of the fundamental notions of hydraulics.

sustainable land development Module 5 ects

Sustainable land development is essentially looked at using the basic concepts of eco-geography, whereas the mastery of the planning tools is seen at the end of the programme. The students are made aware of the logic of development whilst taking into account the interaction of the sociological players.

Geographic aspects

6 h lecture - 8 h tutorials – 1 assessment

Perception of geographic space. In-space location system. Maps, aerial and satellite views. Ground location (triangulation, levelling, topography, GPS). Geographic information system.

Sustainable land development and energies

3 h lecture - 4 h tutorials

Land development

12 h lecture - 4 h tutorials – 8 h visits – 2 assessments

Perception of the landscape and its development. Understanding various restrictions. Consideration of the geographic, economic, historic and social context

An approach to the idea of landscape through a case study. Perception and analysis of a landscape with a visit to a real site. Landscape constraints in a development project.

Internship on discovery of professions

35 h – project – 1 evaluation

This one week internship in job awareness aims at sharing the daily activities of rural works engineers.

The welcoming bodies (DDAF-DIREN.DDE.DRIRE) are services decentralized by the state in which or with which the future engineers will work.

Natural Environment & ecology Module 7 ects


12 h lecture - 4 h visits – 1 assessment

The development cycle of 2 cultivated plants. Physiology of plant stand. Soil and pedology. The yield of a cultivated plot of land. Techniques of agricultural production. Environmental risks of production systems.

General ecology

3 h lecture – 1 assessment (One of them along with Vegetal hydro ecology).

Notion of ecological balances and ecosystems. Functioning of ecosystems.

Vegetal hydro ecology

12 h lecture – 6 h tutorials – 8 h visits -2 assessments (One of them along with general ecology).

The foundations of phytosociology. Study methods of vegetal communities. Phytoecological diagnosis and regional development. A practical study of a fresh water ecosystem of a river either in a plain or a mountain (free choice).

Animal hydro ecology

12 h lecture – 1 assessment

Structure and functioning of fresh water ecosystems. Disturbances of aquatic systems. Normalized biologic indications. Hydro ecology and management of streams. The role of plant formation. Plant engineering in river development.

Project rivers development

30 h project – 5 h tutorial - 8 h visits –2 assessments

A project at the end of 1st year which allows students to combine their knowledge of the main modules (hydraulics, regions, natural environment).The objective is to structure the approach and to enable students to identify practical problems.

Semester 7

30 ects

This semester focuses on the engineering sciences, and is mainly dedicated to hydraulic water facilities.

Personal Development 5 ECTS

This module follows the 5th and 6th semesters in regards to the teaching of languages and the emphasis on cultural, humanitarian and community awareness. Thursday afternoons are kept for sport. Emphasis is put on the development of a personal professional project.

English language - workshops