GPS/MGPS Instruction

Step 1 / Go to
/ Go to

Step 2 / Identify the locations of interest (Venue)
Use Satellite view with Maximum zoom to pin point the locations

maximum zoom / Identify the locations of interest (Venue)
Use Aerial Google Hybrid view with Maximum zoom to pin point the location

maximum zoom
Right click on the pinned location, a dialogue box will appear, to get the MGRS coordinates.

Step 3 / Identify the locations of interest and have the GPS ready
Chose the blue direction icon on the right side of the search bar

Fill in the starting and end location GPS, then press Enter.

maximum zoom / Identify the first location of interest and have the second MGRS ready
Right click again to get the dialogue box from the first location and choose “Direction from here/Direction to here” options at the bottom.

Fill in the ending location MGRS, then press Get Direction.

Take a screen shot of the map and attach it to the request.

maximum zoom
Step 4 / In case of Multiple stops, click on the direction icon, choose your start and end points and then click on a number of points along the route to pin a point every 20 KM along the route / To cover GPS to MGRS - Go to Menu and choose “Search”,

Copy one GPS coordinate from Google maps and paste it in the search bar in the MGRS website, press “Search + Mark”. The location should be pinned.

Right click to get the dialogue box to get the MGRS.

MGRS doesn’t allow to use multiple GPS coordinates to identify a route. You must convert both GPS to MGRS before you can get the route in the MGRS website.
Step 5 / List the GPS coordinate of all the points on the route in table and attach it to the request / List the MGRS coordinates of all the points on the route in table and attach it to the request