Together To The Top Tips
Free Mentoring for Network Marketers

July 2009
July Fireworks Edition
Fireworks University!
Fireworks originated in China some 2,000 years ago. The most prevalent legend has it that fireworks were discovered or invented by accident by a Chinese cook working in a field kitchen who happened to mix charcoal, sulphur and saltpeter (all commonly found in the kitchen in those days). The mixture burned and when compressed in an enclosure (a bamboo tube), the mixture ...
To learn what happened to that cook, visit Fireworks University.
To learn how to avoid fireworks in your business by promoting independence, visit
TTTTT Tax Tip:
You're cutting the grass anyway. Check with your accountant to see if you can write off the cost of the gas for your mower. You gotta look good, and you might get paid for it.
Early North American Fireworks?
"Benjamin Franklin was trying to bring the dead back to life by hanging a frog's leg on a kite in a thunder storm."
(Anon - from our collection of student bloopers)
TTTTT Sponsoring Tip:
If you are serious about network marketing, you will need the best skills training and resources.
Most professional networkers use the tips and techniques they have learned from Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter over the years.
To see a brief video of Tom in action, please see our article MLM Success Skills with Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter ...
To see an excellent collection of Tom's best material, please visit ...
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Thanks for helping some friends!
Quote of the Month:
"Don't bring your need to the marketplace, bring your skill. If you don't feel well, tell your doctor but not the marketplace. If you need money, go to your bank but not the marketplace."
Jim Rohn
Lots of Time Left:
So what if you didn't get it done in April or May or June! Check out this cool clock for procrastinators!
Social Sites Tip:
Reach dozens of your social sites at the same time!
You might be an MLMer ...
... if that dud Roman Candle reminds you of your good for nothing brother in law who never did anything in your business.
Stan Wellback
Tips from Tom:
Tom 'Big Al' Schreiter's Double CD set "How to Give a One Minute Presentation" Click here.

Success in Ten Steps:
For your FREE copy, click here.

Mentoring For Free, Box 3, Leith, ON N0H1V0, CANADA

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