Fact Sheet

What is Arthritis Quick Start?



The Arthritis Quick Start Workshop and Study will evaluate a 2-week Arthritis self-management program which will be given once a week for 2½ hours in Bay Area community settings such as churches, community centers, clinics and hospitals etc. Workshops are facilitated by two trained peer-leaders, one or both of whom have arthritis themselves.

Who sponsors the study?

The Stanford Patient Education Research Center at Stanford University School of Medicine in conjunction with the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill has received a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to conduct this study. The principal investigator is Kate Lorig, R.N., Dr.P.H., Stanford Professor of Medicine and director of the Stanford Patient Education Research Center. The project coordinator is Christina Lum.

Who can participate?

Anyone who is 18 years or older and has Arthritis can participate. You may also bring a family member or friend.

What will I learn in the Arthritis Quick Start Workshop?

You will receive guidance on how to develop your own self-management program, which may include such topics as appropriate exercise for maintaining and improving strength and endurance, healthy eating, appropriate use of medication, and working more effectively with health care providers. You will make weekly action plans, share experiences, and help each other solve problems you encounter in creating and carrying out your self-management program.

Your workshop will be held near your home or workplace. Each two-week workshop will be limited to 16 participants. You may bring a family member or friend if you wish.

What will I be asked to do?

You will be asked to sign a consent form, complete a questionnaire, and send a form to your doctor when you start the study. The questionnaires will either be sent to your home or completed over the telephone. Questionnaires will be collected when you enroll, 4-months and 12-months later. Return postage will be pre-paid by the project for all mailed questionnaires. A toll-free telephone line is available for participants to call, 1-800-366-2624.

Because this is a research study, you will be randomly assigned to ONE of two groups: one group will take then workshop right away, and the other group, called the “control group” will wait 4 months to take the workshop. The group you are assigned to is done entirely by chance. If you are assigned to the wait group, you will be asked to complete one extra questionnaire right before taking the workshop.

How will this program interact with my existing programs/treatment?

The program will not conflict with existing programs or treatment. We will urge you to continue your current treatment. We will not change your treatment. For medical questions, you will be referred to your physician. If the content of the workshop conflicts with instructions you receive elsewhere, we will advise you to follow your physicians' orders and discuss differences with your physician.

What does it cost?

Because this is a research study, there is no fee for being in the program, nor will you be paid for participating. Stanford will pay all postage and telephone costs.

If you would like to take part or want more information call our toll-free number at 1-800-366-2624.