December 9, 2008


SUBJECT: Best Practices Clearinghouse—New Best Practice Summaries Posted and New Eligibility Criteria for Submissions

New best practice summaries have been posted to the Best Practices Clearinghouse. The Clearinghouse features best practice summaries collected from campuses, districts, and charter schools that have documented improvement in student performance and/or school operations, including best practices from several Blue Ribbon schools. Current summaries address instruction, college readiness, English language learners, and business/management.

Effective beginning the 2008-09 school year, the Clearinghouse is accepting best practice submissions from Exemplary, Recognized, and Academically Acceptable campuses and districts that meet the attached new Eligibility Criteria. Eligible schools should notify TEA of their interest to submit a best practice using the Notification of Interest form on the Clearinghouse Web site.

Also, an optional survey has been added to the Clearinghouse summaries, and we invite your feedback about the information provided. Administrators are encouraged to join the Clearinghouse electronic mailing list to receive notification as new practices are posted. Please feel free to contact me at or 512-463-6235 with any questions or concerns.


Ertha Patrick

Manager, Best Practices Clearinghouse

Educational Research and Policy

Texas Education Agency

Attachment: Clearinghouse Eligibility Criteria for Submissions


The Texas Education Agency (TEA) will collect best practice contributions from interested campuses and districts. To submit a best practice a campus, district, or charter school must meet Criterion I and any one of Criteria II, III, or IV.

Criterion I The campus, district, or charter school must be able to:

·  Identify a targeted outcome,

·  Describe strategies and procedures for implementing the practice or program, and

·  Provide two to three years of post-implementation data that demonstrate a positive impact.

Additionally, a campus, district, or charter school must meet any ONE of the following three criteria:

Criterion II The campus, district, or charter school must be rated Exemplary or Recognized in the year the best practice is submitted.


Criterion III The campus, district, or charter school is rated Academically Acceptable in the year the best practice is submitted and has demonstrated substantial improvement and/or sustained high performance as defined by meeting or exceeding the Recognized State Accountability Standard OR meeting or exceeding the Gold Performance Standard in one of the following areas:

·  TAKS subject area

·  Annual dropout rate

·  Completion rate

·  Advanced course/dual-enrollment completion

·  AP/IB results

·  Attendance rate

·  Recommended High School Program/Distinguished Achievement Program (RHSP/DAP)

·  SAT/ACT results

·  Higher education readiness component

·  Commended performance in a TAKS subject area


Criterion IV A campus, district, or charter school is rated Exemplary, Recognized, or Academically Acceptable and has demonstrated substantial improvement and/or sustained high performance in another outcome, such as:

·  Grade 8 algebra completion

·  College enrollment

Note: The above criteria serve as a general guide for evaluating best practice submissions. The criteria are effective beginning the 2008–09 school year.