2015-02cMT09-06-2015 HV

MT2015.279 Appendix 5b

Promotion and appointment policyUHD2


This memorandum provides details on the promotion and appointment policy for the Associate Professor (UHD2) position. This memorandum follows TiU’s policy and contains specific additions for TSB.


The UHD position within TSB is reserved for excellent academics that have scored exceptionally well on all aspects of the MERIT model over an extended period of time. These academics already demonstrate UHD behaviour in their UD positions and therefore may be considered of great promise for the future. University Lecturers that score highly on certain aspects of the MERIT model but relatively low on others (for example, by educational standards that create subpar student evaluations, fail to carry out the required managerial duties, or do not contribute to the faculty in any other way than through education and research) are not considered for promotion. These requirements are in line with both the TSB’s desire to have only all-round academics and the policy that TSB does not offer any permanent contracts to lecturers and academics.

If an external candidate is appointed to the UHD2 position, he or she is expected to adhere to all the criteriadetailed in this memorandum.

At TiU all UHD2 duties are outlined in the UFO-profile. The guiding principle here is that one is expected to operate in accordance with the current functionrequirements. TiU has not formulated any other additional criteria.

Achieving the highest salary grade in the UD1 position is no cause for promotion to the UHD2 position. Job market considerations are no cause for promotion to the UHD2 position. In these instances other remuneration instruments are available. Also, if NWO offers an Aspasia Scholarship (offered to the university by NWO when a female Vidi or Vici candidate who meets certain requirements receives an exceptional appraisal), then the faculty only accepts the scholarship if all the requirements of the internal promotion policy are equally met. In other words, an assessment is made whether these female employees can be promoted to the UHD2 position following the criteria outlined in this memorandum. Policy considerations (such as the staffing structure within the department) also play a role in the faculty's’ management decisions.


  1. TSB promotion procedure UHD2

The promotion policy procedure that applies within TSB can be found below.

  • A recommendation forpromotion to the UHD2 position is initiated by the Head of Department. He submits a written application requesting such a promotion to the Dean. This request contains the following documents:

A short written motivation in which the department's chairman engages with the criteria of this memorandum and explains how the promotion fits within the staffing structure and the financial position of the department;

The most recent R&O form, signed by all parties;

A recent curriculum vitae, including a list of publications;

Teaching evaluations of the past four years, including a written assessment by the superior based on a lecture he or she has attended on a special educational product developed by the candidate, like an MOOC;

An overview of the research output (requested from the ERI by HR);

A vision on education and research supplied by the employee, that demonstrates that he or she possesses the required vision and determination, and applies a result-driven approach. He/she also clarifies how they see their role within the department and faculty and how they see their ability to fulfil the five MERIT criteria in the UHD position.

HR Office manages the procedure.

  • HR Office and Finance & Control advise the Dean towards the recommended promotion. Both sets of advice are added to the recommendation.
  • The Dean may decide not to take the proposed promotion into consideration. Reasons may be that the candidate does not meet the requirements or is unfit in another capacity, that promotion does not fit the department’s staffing structure or that the financial position of the department does not allow for the promotion.
  • The Dean is advised by TaSC in his deliberations regarding the promotion. With the exception of the appendix by the chairman of the department that deals with the staffing structure and department’s financial position, the proposed promotion will be offered to TsSC for advice.
  • After receiving recommendations from TaSC, the Dean will make a decision on the promotion request.
  1. TSB appointment procedure UHD2
  • In the case of an external appointment of a UHD an advisory appointment committee (BAC) is installed.
  • This BAC consists of at least the Dean, the chairman of the department, a TASC professor and a student.
  • If possible two but at least one of the academic members of the BAC is female.
  • The faculty’s HR advisor is the BAC’s secretary.
  • In keeping with the Gender Policy, at least one but preferably two female applicants are invited.

Criteria for promotion/appointment to the UHD 2 position

The content of the UFO University Senior LecturerProfileforms the basis for decisions on the proposed promotion. TSB has set a few additional requirements that must be met in order to allow a promotion from the UD1 position to the UHD2 position.

The UFO criteria are specified as follows:

The texts in italics are additions to the profile as applied by TSB.

Education (Education in MERIT):

  • Developing the course components based on a predetermined structure, content and didactics.
  • Developing proposals for improvement based on teaching evaluations for the appointed course components.
  • Excellent teaching skills as demonstrated from teacher evaluations, assessmentby superiors (please consult the description of documents that need to be supplied) and BKO certification.

Research(Research, Importance in MERIT):

  • Coordinating and ensuring the realisation of coherent research projects that contribute significantly to the research programme and are both relevant and visible to academia, society and where possible government and the business community.
  • Successful substantive guidance of academic staff in conducting research.
  • Being involved as a supervisor and co-promoter in the guidance of a number of PHD students.
  • Applying for financial means. Having a proven track record in generating research grants in competitions in which there was strong competition and in which judging took place through peer review (primary 2nd tier funds and EU). Possibly having proven to be able to generate 3rd tier funds.

Organisation (Management, Team in MERIT):

  • Executing management and/or administrative duties that reach beyond the department, for example, heading a board of studies or coordinating a degree programme.
  • Proven ‘Collaborative Leadership’, this is, for example, demonstrated through an ability to collaborate with colleagues from both within and outside of the department. This can be demonstrated through joint publications, grant applications and teaching initiatives.
  • Demonstrating a solid vision on education and research and the abilityto step back from the daily practice and focus on the overall guiding principles.
  • Team spirit, demonstrated through taking responsibility as a fellowacademic, contributing to a positive, stimulating work environment within the department, the research group, the degree programme, the faculty and other structures that the employee participates in.

According to UFO, UHD2 applies if at least all the requirements as described are met.

A candidate can only be eligible for promotion if they have scored at least four A’s and one B in their most recent R&O meeting, with the distinction that the B may not be scored on the component Education and Research. In exceptional cases the Dean may deviate from this policy.