CFILC ExecutiveCommittee Meeting
April 15, 2015
Committee Members Present:Ana Acton, Jessie Lorenz, Jimmie Soto,Nayana Shah,Susan Rotchy, Larry Grable
Members Present: Elsa Quezada
Not Present: Louis Frick, Sheri Burns
CFILC Staff Present: Teresa Favuzzi, Samantha Garcia
Review and Approval of Minutes
Motion: Jessie moves to approve March meeting minutes
Second:Nayana seconds
Discussion: none
Ayes:Ana, Jessie, Nayana, Susan, Larry
Nays: none
Abstentions: Jimmie was not present at the March meeting
Motion Carries
Finance Report
- CFILC will be seeking a new Treasurer as Nayana retires in June – perhaps someone on the current Committee will be interested; both have served before.
- ACTION ITEM: Nayana will ask Paul and Tink at the next Finance Committee meeting whether either would be interested in serving as the next Treasurer.
Motion: Larry moves to approve financials
Second: Susan seconds
Discussion:The Executive Committee has not formally approved financials in the past, but will from here on. There are only three people on the Finance Committee and the version that gets approved at the quarterly meetings is 2-3 months at a time, so this will foster a larger engagement of the membership around CFILC’s financial health.CFILC will need to send financials early enough that executive members can review beforehand and come prepared with questions.
Nays: none
Motion Carries
Policy Report
- Sheri is working to coordinate collaborative activities, such as regional group legislative visits, for those going to NCIL.
- The sub-committee decided that ACL recommendations should be sent to SILC and DOR, in addition to ACL.
- People are fatigued by the number of DOR calls following WIOA.
- Sheri sent ACL recommendations to Directors on April 7th.
DOR Budget
- Teresa is working with Sharon Bishop to create a letter and trailer bill language to give to the budget committee, legislators and DOR staff. We will be asking for AT funding to be restored (not using this language) and for funding to reflect the 2003-2004 budget level, and for every ILC to receive base funding of $235,000 with an additional appropriation to reflect that.
- DOR says we should be asking for funding for transition services, though there is not enough funding to support it.
- The letter that will go outstates that we want funding written in and protected at $14.2 million and, if DOR's WIP program is successful, ILCs need to be consulted about how that is distributed and should receive an increase as a result.
- ACTION ITEM: Teresa will send the draft letter to the Executive Committee to approve, then to membership as an approved document. An approval vote will take place by email.
- There was a discussion at the Public Policy Committee meeting about outcomes and evaluation – how do we change the way DOR evaluates the impact of ILCs? When they report to the legislature and public, they have faulty information. If we want to better define our contributions, we need: DOR to work with ILCs to develop an evaluation / data collection system that can better define outcomes and impacts of ILCs. DOR would need to provide the data to the SILC, whowould analyze and develop an annual report that would be given to legislators and the public, with SILC receiving extra funding to do so. Teresa spoke with Liz about it yesterday; she thought it would be a good role for the SILC.
- Teresa and Sandy Fitzpatrick spoke at the hearing yesterday.
- The bill is moving forward but there are a lot of questions from the Government Organizations Committee about how it would actually work. They also wanted to know where the Governor was on it but he and the author still need to meet.
- As expected, this is likely to be a two-year bill.
Access Bills
- CFILC received funding through Tony Goldsmith to mobilize people to attend the access bill hearing. Ted has been working with centers to get people here for that hearing next week.
Assisted Suicide
- This bill is likely to pass, though it is not passing in other states.
- At hearings, we did not have the kind of presence that the bill support has. The other side has compelling stories. Our strategy needs to be improved. We have good stories but need to reframe the discussion – we need to talk about valuing diversity regardless of functional abilities and about access to healthcare.
- Henry is working on a letter in favor of temporary placards.
- CFILC is working on a voting bill to bring forward, which would be follow-up from a bill we took a position on last year.
- Moving forward successfully.
- CFILC has put in letters but has not spent a lot of time on this bill.
Peer Counseling
- Teresa and Henry have been trying to speak with Leno to see if he will be open to our interest in an amendment.
- Christina testified yesterday about people with disabilities' need for access to the internet, related to the Digital Access Project.
- CFILC submitted a request to Friends of Californians with Disabilities for $12,000 for Communications (webinars, teleconferencing).
- YO! received an invitation from the S.L. Gimbel foundation to submit a proposal for $25,000 (the same as the amount received last year).
- California Wellness and Mitsubishi both have grants that would allow us to look at different ways to modify YO! to better meet needs.
- Teresa is looking at the efforts of SCRS-IL, who have done a great job of conducting a YLF-like summer program. Ongoing efforts at CRIL have been great. RICV has an annual conference with a strong youth track. Many are doing great work – what can we do to help?
- CFILC may become a vendor for DOR to pay for YO! volunteer stipends, which is the main cost and need for funding.
- The DOnetworkhas submitted a request for a $6,000 contract around voting issues with the UC Davis Center for Regional Change, California Civic Engagement Project. The work would be assessing motivation of people with disabilities to vote and get connected around the state for focus groups.
- DOnetwork also applied for $30,000 from the Women’s Donor Network for a candidate school curriculum. This would help increase our footprint around voting as we move toward a presidential election year.
- Ability Tools received $5,000 from Anthem Blue for Keep the Wheels Rolling Fund for the second year in a row.
- CPUC: CFILC is continuing conversations about this speech-generating device pilot. Mathmatica is not able to do the evaluation of the project, so Teresa is speaking with UC Berkeley’s team, who seem excited by the program. CPUC has to report outcomes to the legislature, so this piece is important.
Program Report
- Alternative Finance Program: Teresa met with CFILC's attorney and National Cooperative Bank and came to conclusion that, for us to move forward with them, we should become a licensed lender. The program has to be self-sustaining, so need to do enough loans to make the interest to have it survive and will need to be licensed to be able to use line of credit and get more money out to the community. There will be some up-front fees for servicing documents and getting the program in place – about $23,000. As a licensed lender, we would be able to apply to be the state's lender, as well.
- DOnetwork: Ted is working with the Transform Conference; with Santa Barbara around the FAIR Education Act; and on bringing people from around the state to the judiciary hearing next week.
- DAP:we are very close to completing all of the SMUD calls and are in talks to have another, smaller, batch of letters about the program go out to their customers. DOR vendorized Basic Internet, the program providing hot spots, so DOR counselors can get their consumers low-cost internet as part of their services through DOR.
- YO!: see "Development" above.
- Ability Tools:Staff reviewed video contest submissions and will put up accessible videos next week for public vote.
- TA Grants:Teresa is working with Bob to conducta re-training of peer reviewers. Two peer review requests have been submitted. The only Peer Mentoring request that has come in has been completed - Bob worked with the new Rolling Start Director.
- ACTION ITEM: Teresa will put out a reminder to apply for peer reviews and mentoring.
Director’s Report
Disability Unity Festival
- Ted is working to put together a conference that will take place the day before and working to help develop a fund development strategy.
TBI Coalition
- Teresa is working with the TBI sites to help them be better positioned to get additional funding for TBI.
- Strategy: focused around waivers in play through the superwaiver and 1115 waiver because SS reimbursement dollars are not available for TBI. They are looking at the last report (written in 2010), as it is filled with 1915 and 1115 waiver recommendations.
- CFILC connected DRC with the TBI coalition to meet regarding waivers and how to advocate adding TBI into those waivers.
Parking Survey
- The accessibility survey has approximately 340 responses so far. Everyone is encouraged to send it out again.
- ACTION ITEM: Teresa will send out a reminder about taking the accessibility survey.
- Results will be available once responses have been tallied.
Building Lease
- CFILC's building lease is up this year. Property Managers / Owners want to sell the building and would prefer us to go month-to-month without making any of the improvements we want.
- CFILC has been looking at other buildings and has made a proposal for a nearby option.
- CFILC is seeking a new bank because U.S. Bank did not want to provide us with the standard line of credit we have had, due to changes they have made to their business banking.
- Wells Fargo is considering our proposal for a $75-125,000 line of credit. We will then decide if we will move our banking there, as well.
Self-Driving Cars and AAPD-Google
- Teresa wrote an op-ed on self-driving cars in collaboration with AAPD, Henry Claypool and Google for The Sacramento Bee. This was a good opportunity to build a relationship with Google.
- ACTION ITEM: Teresa will send the op-ed to members.
Old Business
- Jimmie is meeting with Fuller’s office again – Fuller needs to know what we want him to do so Teresa and Jimmie will speak later regarding the letter, etc.
The above constitutes a summary of my understanding of the information discussed and conclusion reached relative to the CFILC Public Policy Committee. Concurrence is presumed unless the writer receives prompt notice of additions or corrections at the next meeting.
Minutes submitted by: Samantha Garcia, Office & Logistics Coordinator
Jessie Lorenz, Board Secretary