Tel: 0992-342533


Elementary & Secondary Education Department





FOR THE YEAR 2015-16

Bid Opening / 30/11/2015 at 1400 hours
Venue / Committee Room of Office of the Deputy Commissioner Abbottabad.

District Education Office (F) Abbottabad

Elementary & Secondary Education Department

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa


DEO (Female)Abbottabad (Elementary & Secondary Education Department), Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa invites Bids for procurement of furniture for middle, high & higher secondary schools (Girls) Abbottabadfor the Year 2015-16 from interested companies/firms which are Manufacturer/ Authorized Dealers/Partners of the Principal Manufacturer. The Bidder must:

1. Be a registered body duly recognizable under the law of Pakistan.

2. Be registered with FBR for Income Tax and Sales Tax.

3. Not blacklisted and non-defaulter.

4. Have sufficient financial, technical and human resources to complete the project within prescribed time limit.

5. Enclose Earnest Money (EM) amounting to 2% of the total cost of Bid in the form of CDR/Bank draft.

The Bid documents along with antecedent specifications of furniturecan be obtained from the office of District Education Officer (Female) Abbottabad during office hours. The Bid evaluation criterion is included in the Bid document.The procurement shall be made under Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Procurement of Goods, Works and Services Rules, 2014.

The interested companies / firms must submit their Bids (both Technical and Financial) in separate sealed envelopes up to30/11/2015 till 1200 hours in the office of the undersigned.

Incomplete Bids, defective Bids, Bids not conforming to the Bid documents shall be liable to rejection. Bids received after due time and date shall be summarily rejected. Purchase Committee reserves unconditional right to cancel the process at any stage and reject any or all the Bids thereof and without being liable for any claim / compensation of any nature whatsoever. In case of any dispute the decision of the Competent Authority shall be final and shall not be challenged.

Work/supply order will be issued to the successful bidder after release of budget by the Provincial/District Government.

Samina Altaf
District Education Officer
Ph: 0992-342533


District Education Office (Female) Abbottabad (Elementary & Secondary Education Department Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) intends to procurefurniture for schools (Girls) in District Abbottabad.


This Bid Process will be governed by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Procurement of Goods, Works and Services Rules, 2014 as amended from time to time and instructions of the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa received during the completion of the scheme.


  • Bidders must ensure that they submit all the required documents indicated in the Bid Documents without fail.
  • Bids received without undertakings, valid documentary evidence and supporting documents and in the manner for the various requirements mentioned in the Bid Documents is liable to be rejected at the initial stage.
  • The data sheets, valid documentary evidences for the critical components as detailed herein after should be submitted by the Bidder for scrutiny.
  • The Bidders are required to read the Bid Document and applicable laws and submit any objection thereof 3 days in writing before bid opening meeting failing which no objection shall be entertained regarding the terms and conditions of the Bid Document and the Bid Process at the later stage.
  • Delivery of the entire items should be completed within 30 days from the date of issuance of supply order. No other delivery period will be accepted and if quoted by the tenderer will lead to technical disqualification of the firm.
  • The quantity/item given is tentative and The Department reserves the right to change the quantity items as per its requirement at any stage. Further, the Department reserves the right to place order either of all the items or only some of the listed items. The suppliers shall have no right to claim any compensation in such case.
  • The rates will be valid up to 30/06/2016.


1 / Bid Inviting Authority, Designation and Address / District Procurement Committee, District Education Office (Female) Abbottabad, headed by Deputy Commissioner Abbottabad.
Phone: 0992-9310102
2 / a. Name of the Work / Procurement of furniture through ADP scheme and Project ADP
b. Bid Reference / Advertisement 07/11/2015 in Daily Mashriq and Aaj Peshawar.
c. Place of execution / The Government Girlss Middle, High and Higher SecondarySchools in District Abbottabad.
3 / Bid Documents available at / The Office of the District Education Officer (Female), Abbottabad till 30/11/2015.
4 / Due Date, Time and Place of submission of Bid Documents. / Bid Documents shall be submitted up to30/11/2015 till 1200 hours at District Education Office (F) Abbottabad.
5 / Date , Time and Place of Bid/Proposal Opening / 30/11/2015 at 1400 hoursAt the office of Deputy Commissioner Abbottabad, Chairman district Purchase Committee.
6 / Earnest Money(EM) / 2% of the Bid Price as CDR / Bank draft from any scheduled Commercial Bank in Pakistan.

Instructionsto theBidder:


  1. It will be imperative for each Bidder(s) to familiarize itself/ themselves with the prevailing socio-economic, political, and legal situation for the execution of contract. Purchaser shall not entertain any request for clarification from the Bidder regarding such aspects of submission of the Bid.
  2. It will be the responsibility of the Bidder that all factors have been investigated and considered while submitting the Bid and no claim whatsoever including those of financial adjustments to the contract awarded under this Bid Process will be entertained by the Purchaser. Neither any time schedule, nor financial adjustments arising thereof shall be permitted on account of failure by the Bidder.
  3. The Bidder shall be deemed to have satisfied itself fully before Bid as to the correctness and sufficiency of its Bids for the contract and price/cost quoted in the Bid to cover all obligations under this Bid Process.
  4. It must be clearly understood that the Terms and Conditions and Specifications are intended to be strictly enforced. No escalation of cost except arising from increase in quantity by the Bidder on the demand and approval of the Purchaser will be permitted throughout the period of completion of the contract.
  5. The Bidder should be fully and completely responsible to the Purchaser for all the deliveries and deliverables.
  6. Bid process will be single stage- two envelops. Each bid shall comprise a single package containing two separate envelopes. Each envelope shall contain separately the technical proposal and the financial proposal.
  7. Qualified bidders are required to sign agreement with the purchaser along with the provision of CDR/Bank draft of 10% of the bid cost valid for one year before issuance of work order.
  8. Sample must be provided at the time of opening of bids. If committee rejects the sample then ultimately bid will be rejected if sample is not provided / approved.

Indemnity Clause

The bidder shall under take to make up any loss to the Govt. due to:

  1. Renege of the Bidder after acceptance of the contract.
  2. Delays in delivery
  3. Defective supplies.

Letterof Authorization:

Aletter ofAuthorization(s) from theBoard ofDirectors orManaging Director ofthe Bidder organization authorizing the Bid submitting authority or a Power of Attorney shouldbesubmittedin theProposal.TheBidsreceivedwithouttheLetterof AuthorizationorPowerofAttorneywillbe summarilyrejected.Theauthoritygivingsuch authorizationshouldensureits legal capacitytogivesuchauthorization.


  1. AprospectiveBidderrequiringanyclarificationinBidDocumentsmaynotifythe Purchaser by letter orby Fax two days before bid closing date.
  2. The Bidders should periodically check for the amendments orcorrigendumorinformation from thePurchaserbeforetheclosingdateoftheBidsubmission. NoclarificationswouldbeofferedbythePurchaserwithin5 dayspriortothedue dateandtimeforopeningof theBids. ThePurchaserwillnotmakeanyindividualcommunication andwillinnowaybe responsibleforany ignorance pleadedby theBidders.
  3. Purchaser will not beresponsibleforanymisinterpretationoftheprovisionsof theseBidDocumentsonaccountoftheBiddersfailuretoupdatetheBidDocuments based on changes/modifications.

Contacting BidInviting Authorityandredressofgrievances:

  1. Biddersshallnotmakeattemptstoestablishunsolicitedandunauthorizedcontact withthe Purchaseroranyindividual/authority/committee/ agency actingon its behalf for the purpose of this procurement prior to the notificationoftheawardandanyattemptbyanyBiddertobringtobearextraneous pressures on the Purchaser or any individual /authority/committee/agencyactingonitsbehalfforthepurposeofthisprocurementshallbe sufficient reasontodisqualifytheBidder.
  2. Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, the Purchaser may seek bonafide clarifications from Bidders relating to the Bid submitted by them during the evaluationof theirBids.
  3. However,incaseofanygenuinegrievance,theBiddermaycontactthePurchaserthroughaformalrequestinwritingforredressofitsgrievanceas providedin the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Procurement of Goods, Works and ServicesRules, 2014.


Incaseof anyissue matter will be resolved in accordance with KPPPRA rules 2014.


All supplies will be made on FOR to school basis within thirty of days of issuance of supply orders.

Purchaser Reserves the right to

  1. Insist on quality/ specification of materials to be supplied
  2. Modify, reduce or increase the quantity as specified in the Bid document.
  3. Change the quantities and / or list of areas of supply locations from time to time based upon the requirement of the purchaser.
  4. In Pursuance of the terms and conditions of contract agreement, the purchaser reserves its rights to withhold any amount for the deficiencies in the implementation.
  5. Qualified bidders are required to provide CDR or Bank Draft amounting to the 10% cost of the bid which should be valid for at least 01 year.


BiddersshouldexamineallInstructions,TermsandConditionsandTechnicalSpecifications asgivenintheBidDocuments.FailuretofurnishinformationrequiredintheBidDocuments orsubmissionofBidsnotsubstantiallyresponsiveorviableineveryrespectwillbeatthe Bidder’sriskandmayresultinrejectionoftheBids.Biddersshouldstrictly submittheBidas specifiedintheBidDocuments,failingwhichthe Bids will be heldas non-responsiveandwill berejected.TheBids(FinancialProposals) shouldbesubmittedin a sealed cover envelope. TheBids shallbeaddressed to“District Education Officer Female Abbottabad”

TheBidDocumentsinfullshouldbeprintedandsignedbytheauthorized personandstamped inall pagesandshouldbesubmitted asatokenofacceptingthe conditions.

The Bidders shall undertake to supply the indicated furniture to all the Government Schools as per the appendices throughout the District Abbottabad.


  1. TheBidsshall betyped andshallbesigned bytheauthorizedpersonof theBidder. Allpagesof theBid shallbesigned andstampedby theauthorizedperson.
  1. Any alterations, deletions or overwriting will be treated as valid only if they are attested by the full signature by the authorized person.

Sealing the Bid

TheFinancialProposalshallbeplacedinasealedcoverenvelopeandshallbe super scribed with “FinancialProposal forProvision of FurnituretotheGovernmentSchoolsinKhyberPakhtunkhwa”BidRef.: dueon 07.11.2015. The“FROM” address and“TO”address shall bewritten withoutfailotherwisetheFinancialProposalisliable forrejection.

Mode ofSubmission of Bids

  1. The Bids could be submitted either by hand or via registered post.
  2. In case of submission by hand, it should be handed over to the officer/official deputed by the purchaser on or before the due date and time and acknowledgement thereof should be obtained otherwise no claim of the submission of the Bid shall be entertained. The Bids will not be received personally by any unauthorized person.
  3. In case of submission by post, it should reach the purchaser before the closing date/time and any delay on part of the postal will be on the part of the Bidder bids.
  4. TheBidsreceivedafterDueDateandTimeorUnsealedorincompletewill besummarily rejected.

Modificationand withdrawalof Bids

TheBidsoncesubmittedcannotbemodifiedoramendedorwithdrawnexceptasprovided under Khyber PakhtunkhwaProcurement Public Procurement of Goods, Works and ServicesRules, 2014.

Bid Opening

  1. Technical Proposal Opening

The Bid’s outer cover and technical proposal cover will be opened by the Purchaser on the date and time as specified in the Bid Data Sheet or any other date otherwise intimated. The Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidder’s who choose to be present. The representative of the Bidder who chooses to attend the Bid opening shall bring an authorization letter from the Bidder. A maximum of two representatives for each Bidder would be allowed to attend the bid opening. Financial bids of only Technically qualified bidder will be openeds.

  1. Bid Validity

Bids submitted shall remain valid for a period of 90 days from the date of opening of the Bids. If the bid validity is less than 90 days, the bid will be rejected as non responsive. The successful Bidder’s shall extend the Bid validity till the completion of the order.

In exceptional circumstances, the Purchaser may solicit the Bidder’s to extend the validity. The Bidder shall extend bid validity and bid security validity accordingly.

Format of Financial Proposal

The financial proposal should be submitted for the whole project with a component/unit wise prices breakup. The total price quoted for the project will be considered for comparison of quotes. Price quoted will be firm for the entire contract. All prices to be quoted in Pak-rupee, and must clearly be stated all applicable taxes which must be included in the quoted price.


The following documents must be provided for technical evaluation.


The Bidder(s) should meet the following Eligibility/Qualification Criteria to participate in the Bid Process and must enclose documentary proof to fulfill the Eligibility/Qualification criteria in the Technical Proposal:

S#. / Minimum Eligibility/Qualification Criteria / Proof to be submitted for fulfilling Eligibility/Qualification Criteria
1. / The Bidder should be a Registered / Incorporated Authorized Dealer of sales/supply of furniture of Pakistan and existing for the past three years. / Certificate of Incorporation/Registration Dealership should be submitted.
2. / a) The bidder should have completed at least one or more order of similar nature in previous year. / Attach supply order of relevant goods along with completion certificate.
b) The bidder should have registered with FBR. / Certificate of registration be attached.
c) The Bidder should have latest sales tax return. / Copy of sales tax return be attached.
d) The Bidder should have income tax return. / Income tax return for 2015 be provided.
3. / The Bidder must have registered office/ offices in Pakistan. / List of offices be submitted.
4. / The Bidder should not have been blacklisted by any of the Provincial / Federal Government or organizations of the State in Pakistan in the past three years / Undertaking on stamp papers shouldbe submitted by the Bidder.
5. / The Bidder should not have been defaulter of any of the Provincial/ Federal Government/ Organizations of state or any scheduled commercial bank in Pakistan in the past three years / Undertaking on stamp papers shouldbe submitted by the Bidder.
  1. Technical information required from the bidder. (Envelop A)

All pages of the Technical Proposal should be organized section-wise, annexed with supporting documents, serially numbered and stitched intact and submitted. Additional columns and rows/fields can be added. The certificates/undertakings/ documentary evidence wherever required from the Bidder, Principal Manufacturer, Government must be added otherwise, no explanation shall be accepted.


S# / Particulars / Bidder
1. / Name of the Company
2. / Year of incorporation
3. / Registered office
Office Telephone Number
Fax Number
E-Mail address
4. / Contact Person
Personal Telephone Number
Email Address
5. / Local office if any
Office Telephone Number
Fax Number
6. / Bid Signing Authority / Enclose Authorization or power of attorney to sign & submit the bid.
Personal Telephone Number
Email Address
7. / Registration Details
Permanent Account Number
NTN Registration Number
GST Registration Number


For ADP Furniture Project DEO (F) Abbottabad Rs. ______/-

S# / Particulars / Please furnish details
1. / Name of the Bank
2. / CDR
3. / Date

For ADP Schemes DEO (F) Abbottabad Rs.______/-

S# / Particulars / Please furnish details
1. / Name of the Bank
2. / CDR
3. / Date

Signature of authorized person:

Name of authorized person:


Name and Address:

Stamp of Bidder:

1. List of items/ equipment in the bid.

a)Furniture under ADP scheme: School furniture Project in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

S. No / Item Description / Quantity
Teacher Chair / Item wise quantity will be decided according to the released budget after the approval of rates by the District Purchase Committee.
Tablet chairs

Note: 1. Item wise detailed description is mentioned in the financial proposal.

2. Total budget (Female) for furniture is Rs.4872260 /-__

3. 2% Earnest money, DEO (Female) Abbottabad. Rs.97445/-

Furniture under ADP Project scheme:

S. No / Item Description / Quantity
Teacher Chair / Item wise quantity will be decided according to the released budget after the approval of rates by the District Purchase Committee.
2 Seater Desk Bench

Note: 1. Item wise detailed description is mentioned in the financial proposal.

2. Total budget (Female) for furniture is Rs.225000/-

3. 2% Earnest money, DEO (Female) Abbottabad. Rs.4500/-

All the rates mentioned in the financial proposal will be considered for all ADP schemes.


S# / Minimum Required Specification / Unit Price including GST, Transportation & any other Charges
in figures / In words
Overall size:510 x 470 x 820 mm
Seat size:- 465x465 mm (Netted with natural double cane).
Back size:- 470x230 mm (2 nos bend Grade A1 - sheesham wooden pieces netted with natural double cane).
Seat Height:- 450mm.
Arm Height:- 2 Nos size 419x50x20mm Grade A1 shesham wooden strips. Wood having 7 to 10% moister content.
Chair structures made of 25 x 25 mm mild steel pipe (mild steel /cold rolled IIL Karachi wall thickness 1.2mm thick 18 Gauge, finished with one coat of red oxide and 2 coats of silver spray paint.
Seat, back and Arms Made from Grade A1 Seasoned Sheesham Wood. Finish with NC Lacquer spray polish, seat and back knitted with natural double cane. All corner and edges of top and bench wooden strips are chamfered properly sanded, finished with NC lacquare.
Dimension Desk = height 23” (584mm), length 32” (813mm), depth 14” (356mm)
Dimension Bench = seat height 14” (356mm), length 32” (813mm), Depth 12” (305mm)
Bench back height = 25” (635mm)
Desk Bench metal Structure (Separate)-
Desk & Bench (separate) outer structure made of MS (Mild steel/cold rolled IIL Karachi) 38x20mm wall thickness of the pipe 1.2mm (18guage). Desk top rail, foot rest and bench top rail and bottom rail made of 20 mm square and shelf strips 38x12mm MS (Mild steel /cold rolled IIL Karachi), wall thickness 1.2mm. Structure one coat of red oxide and 2 coats of silver spray paint 40x20mm good quality rubber shoe fixed in structure footing.
Top & Bench strip (Grade A1-Shesham Wood).
Top size. 772x360x20mm thick
Bench strips (back and seat) size 772x50x20mm thick. Top made of 20mm thick Grade A1 Seasoned shesham wood having 7% to 10% moisture content.
Bench Seat and back strips made of Grade A1 seasoned shesham wood 5-Nos strips in seat rest and 3-Nos strips in back rest. Finished with NC Lacqure.
All corners and edges of top and bench wooden strips are chamfered properly sanded, finished with NC lacquare. Top and strips fixed with wooden screws having counter sinked (screw 1-1/2” x8).
Overall size:450X470X780mm (17 ¾” x18 ½”x30 ¾”)
Seat Height:- 450mm, Seat size:- 430x450mm (08 Nos wooden strips)
Tablo size:- 460x220 mm (shaped), Tablo height:- 645mm
Back size:- 430x170mm (03 Nos bend wooden pieces fixed with 10mm # wooden dowels)
Shelf size:- 430x450 mm (6 Nos wooden strips)
Chair structure made of mild steel square pipe
20/20 mm (1.2 mm thick 18 Gauge)(mild steel /cold rolled IIL Karachi) shoe good quality fixed in chair legs.
Seat+back & writing Tablo made of Grade A 1 shesham seasoned wood having 7% to 10% moisture content. Finished with N.C. lacquer. Structure one coat of red oxide and 2 coats of silver spray paint.
Wooden Screw in Seat:- ¾” x8- (properly counter sinked)
Steel Screws in back:- 1-1/2”x8
Steel Screw I Tablo: 1-1/4”x8

All the bidders are advised to bring samples with them on the bid opening day i.e. 30/11/2015; otherwise purchase committee reserves the right to disqualify the bidder due to non-availability of sample.