Plagiarism is:

  • cutting sentences, words, phrases, paragraphs or more from websites or other online material and pasting them into your paper word for word.
  • copying any work that is not your own and presenting it as your own work in your paper word for word.
  • copying any work that is not in English, translating it into English yourself, and putting it in your paper without identifying the source and/or without getting your instructor’s permission.
  • having anyone else, be it a family member, friend, or someone from a paper mill or online paper-writing service write your paper or parts of your paper for you.
  • putting words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, or materials from any source into your paper almost word for word without identifying the source while changing, adding, or omitting a few words to make it look different from the original.
  • paraphrasing a source incorrectly by changing, adding, or omitting some of the words in the original rather than putting it entirely into your own words.
  • paraphrasing from a source correctly by putting it completely in your own words but failing to identify what the source is.
  • quoting word for word from a source but failing to use quotation marks and/or failing to identify what the source is.
  • submitting for credit in any class, either in part of whole, a paper that you have written for another class.
  • cheating.

If you Plagiarize you will receive a zero on the assignment in question, without opportunity to rewrite the assignment.

If you Plagiarize on a final paper or exam, charges may be filed against you with Judicial affairs and you face the risk of academic probation or expulsion from the college.

CCP’s CODE OF CONDUCT discusses plagiarism on page 152 of the student handbook, please make yourself familiar with the College policy.

Community College of PHiladelphia 1700 Spring Garden St 2nd Floor Mint Bldg